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This data type randomly generates human names (mostly Western) according to the format you specify. You can specify multiple formats by separating them with the pipe (|) character. The following strings will be converted to their random name equivalent: This data type randomly generates names. Whatever text you enter into the options text field will be used to generate telephone numbers. Select one of the values in the example dropdown for some ideas. As with many of the other data types, to generate phone numbers in multiple format separate them with a pipe | character. This Data Type tries to generate a phone number in an appropriate format for the row of data. This data type randomly generates a date between the dates specified, and allows for unique formatting of the result. Day Week Month Year This data type generates a random company name, comprised of a lorem ipsum word and an appropriate suffix, like Dolor Inc., or Convallis Limited. Generates a random zip or postal code.

Wiki CMS Groupware The Tiki Community is proud to announce the release of , the latest version of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. This release, with more than 1,000 code contributions by dozens of Tiki Community members, includes many new features, some architectural enhancements, and many bug fixes. Some of these new features include: Improved batch actions based on a URL with a token access. Extensive improvements to the Maps, Slideshow, Calendar, File Gallery and Drawings New plugins and modules Introduction of Timesheet functionality The Smarty template engine was updated to 3.1.x and much more! Refer to and the Tiki 9.0 Release Notes for details. As is the tradition in the Tiki community, most of the * sites have been upgraded to 9.x it was officially released. The release of Tiki 9.0 marks the close of the Tiki 8.x branch. The Tiki community has also decided to extend long term support (LTS) for Tiki 6.x support until May 2014. Please see: Version Lifecycle

Pure Test - Software Testing Tutorial Copyright-Free Photo Archive: Public Domain Photos and Images The photo archive at has more than 27,000 free photos and images saved on our own dedicated server, consisting of over 2.5 Gbytes of data. The goal is to make this archive a resource for collage and photo-montage using digital image editing techniques such as those described in Chapter 7 of Grokking the GIMP. To improve the archive's usefulness, full indexing of the images is planned. However, this job would be taxing for a single person, and would probably produce only mediocre results. Consequently, the solution is to provide an interactive environment allowing the community to participate in the labelling of archived photos. In looking through the archive you will be able to browse pages of photo thumbnails, which are linked to the full-size images. The images and photos found in this archive come from three main sources: the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the U.S.

Software Testing Geek Wordpress Snippets Les tests : la pratique pour le Web et le PHP - Web, php, intern Devant la réalité des contraintes d'une technologie donnée, le bon sens oblige à mettre en place une stratégie de test adaptée. Dans la genèse de création d'une application web, on fait appel à des types de tests spécifiques, absent de la théorie et à l'inverse des types de tests que l'on penserait incontournables (parce qu'on nous les enseigne en cour ?) sont pourtant écartés. Les tests unitaires Dans le billet précédent sur les tests en théorie, on a détaillé les différents types de tests dont les tests unitaires. Dans ce domaine PHP-Unit est une référence, il permet des jeux de tests pour une fonction et d'en vérifier les résultats. Comme indiqué précédemment, l'utilité des outils de tests unitaires dans un développement php me semble limité. Quelles fonctions sont testables unitairement dans une application web MVC ? Tests automatisés : non-regression Il semble plus judicieux d'exploiter php-unit pour écrire des tests automatisés. Enregistrement d'une session firefox en cours... <?

Lorem Ipsum - All the facts - Lipsum generator
