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Syria Regional Refugee Response - Regional Overview

Syria Regional Refugee Response - Regional Overview
Related:  TURCHIA 1Population and Migration

Spitfire List | Who and/or What is Behind the Fetullah Gulen Organization? COMMENT: In FTR #739, we took a brief look at the pow­er­ful inter­na­tional orga­ni­za­tion of the Pennsylvania-based Turk­ish Mus­lim cleric and author Fetul­lah Gulen. Being inves­ti­gated by the FBI and exco­ri­ated by numer­ous sources for Machi­avel­lian gam­bits to destroy polit­i­cal oppo­nents, the orga­ni­za­tion has a sig­nif­i­cant pres­ence in 80 coun­tries, includ­ing spon­sor­ship of char­ter schools here in the United States. Sus­pi­cions and reser­va­tions about the Gulen orga­ni­za­tion include: fears in Cen­tral Asian republics that the group is Islamist and/or pan-Turkic in nature; con­vic­tions among jour­nal­ists like the estimable Sibel Edmonds and intel­li­gence and mil­i­tary offi­cers in Turkey and else­where that the Gulenists are fronting for CIA agents; that the Gulenist cadre engage as a mat­ter of course in ille­gal acts to destroy their oppo­nents, includ­ing numer­ous inci­dents of forgery and per­jury, as well as libel and propaganda. . . . . . . . .

peoplemovin - A visualization of migration flows World Population: 6,853,328,460 Migrants in the world: 215,738,321 Almost 216 million people, or 3.15% of the world population, live outside their countries. Click on a country box to know more about migration flow to/from that country. About peoplemovin peoplemovin shows the flows of migrants based on the last data available on International Migrant Stock. International migrant stock is the number of people born in a country other than that in which they live. The data are presented as a slopegraph that shows the connections between countries. Refugees and Asylum Refugees and asylum seekers made up 16.3 million, or 8%, of international migrants in 2010. Data Sources The main source of data for this visualization is the Bilateral Migration Matrix from the Worldbank website. All the presented data are the latest available as of 2010. Migration Data Bilateral Migration and Remittances 2010The World Bank Open Data Ratha, Dilip K., and William Shaw (2006). Refugees and Asylum World Population Data

Syrian refugees in Turkey: Police are forcing us from homes The United Nations refugee agency said that the number of Syrian refugees in neighboring countries has more than tripled since June to over 300,000 Officially, more than 93,000 refugees -- many of them children -- currently live in a network of camps spread along Turkey's long border with Syria. Turkish diplomats estimate there are another 40,000 to 50,000 unofficial Syrian refugees who have chosen to live in Turkey outside of the camps. Syrian refugees living in the Reyhanli Refugee Camp in Hatay Province of Turkey. Cross-border travel between Turkey and Syria has been easy, in part because in 2009, Turkey and Syria agreed to allow "visa-free" travel for citizens across borders. Syrian refugee crisis Turkish police are making Syrian renters leave homes in Turkey, refugees saySyrians say they are being unfairly pushed to refugee campsMore than 93,000 refugees currently live in a network of camps spread along the border "I told one cop, 'What if I don't leave?'" Syria's new normal

Pourquoi le droit international humanitaire est (toujours) mal appliqué Créé il y a 150 ans, reconnu par la quasi totalité des Etats, le droit humanitaire reste une notion malmenée par la difficulté de son application. Le Monde | 22.08.2014 à 11h39 • Mis à jour le 25.09.2014 à 09h58 | Par Elvire Camus De l'Ukraine à la Syrie, en passant par l'Irak et la République centrafricaine, les conflits qui secouent la planète ont un point commun. Hormis leur nature destructrice, ils sont tous régis par le droit international humanitaire (également appelé droit humanitaire ou DIH), dont l'objectif est la protection de toutes les victimes de guerres. Ratifié par la quasi totalité des nations, le DIH fête vendredi 22 août les 150 ans de sa création. Décryptage du rôle du DIH, une notion simple dont la principale faiblesse réside dans la difficulté de son application. Le DIH, qu'est-ce que c'est ? Egalement appelé « droit de la guerre », le droit international humanitaire est un ensemble de règles qui encadrent les conflits armés. Comment est-il appliqué ?

Turkey's Night of the Firebombs Across Turkey, coordinated attacks took place on 8 September against offices of the HDP—the People's Democratic Party. The HDP is not, strictly speaking, a Kurdish party—although that is how it is often described in the media. It was formed in 2012 when a group of left-leaning political organizations—all with firm pro-Kurdish views—decided to form an electoral coalition. The similarity with Greece's Syriza would not be unkind. The HDP holds fairly conventional leftist positions—against nuclear power, for LGBT rights, against discrimination of minorities, for women's equality. So why have its offices from Ankara and elsewhere been rampaged and firebombed? The obvious culprit—obvious, because they arrived with flags—were the Grey Wolves of the far-right Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). It is by now clear that other forces are lined up against the HDP, trying once more to link this capacious formation to the outlawed Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK). Where does the HDP come into all this?

7 signs Japan has become a 'demographic time bomb' | The Independent A Japanese soccer fan wipes her tears as Japan loses their 2014 World Cup soccer match against Colombia, at a public viewing event in Tokyo.Reuters/Issei Kato Japan is dealing with what economists call a "demographic time bomb." Through a vicious cycle of low fertility and low consumer spending, the country's economy has gradually shrunk over the last 25 years. People are living longer, and they're heaping greater social-security costs onto younger generations who aren't having kids to replace them — thereby furthering the cycle. Here are some of the most visible signs in daily life that the time bomb is ticking. Adult diapers outsell baby diapers. REUTERS/Yuya Shino Ever since 2011, sales of adult diapers in Japan have outpaced those of baby diapers. The trend reflects just how big the cohort of senior citizens is: People over 65 make up a larger demographic than any other in Japan. That proportion is up 3.7 percentage points from six years ago. 2016 marked a 117-year low for fertility.

Syrian refugees struggle to survive in Jordan's capital - Report: Syria - Jordan In a bare house in the centre of Amman, a refugee describes her situation to a visiting aid worker. Having crossed the border into Jordan with her husband and children, they were housed in the Garden Camp, a holding centre before refugees are moved to Zaatari. “The situation in the camp is extremely difficult,” she says. “If any food comes in on a truck, you have to fight for it. We started to contact people in Jordan to send someone who could bail us out. Wanting to remain anonymous, she explains that they paid a stranger 100 Jordanian dinars (105 euros) to sign as their guarantor, allowing them to leave the camp. While some of their furniture was donated by Jordanian neighbours, not everyone is sympathetic to the refugees. “This house is the cheapest that we could find,” she says. Her husband now works illegally in a car wash, as she struggles with daily life outside Syria. Her sister, who lives upstairs, is also worried. “One is that they are sick or injured, or their children are.

uk.businessinsider Migrations Map: Where are migrants coming from? Where have migrants left? 昼夜問わずたくさんの人が行き交い、様々なカルチャーが混じり合う渋谷は、とりわけ若者やビジネスマンから厚く支持されている人気のキャバクラエリアです。そうした背景から、高級店というよりは比較的リーズナブルな料金で、気軽に利用できるお店がいくつもあるのが特徴。周辺には多くの店舗が立ち並び、そういった夜のお店の情報量もとても豊富。単純にお店を探すだけであれば、のようなウェブサイトで調べれば簡単に見つけることができますが、当サイトでは、お店だけではなく働くキャストたちにも注目。ここ渋谷で働くキャストたちは、元気で明るい話し上手な女性が多く、自然と会話も弾むのでキャバクラ初心者でも楽しむことができます。渋谷エリア独特の「ノリの良さ」を、ぜひ体験してみませんか。 朝からゆっくりお酒を味わう贅沢ができるお店(XENON/ゼノン) 出典:ナイトバイト JR「渋谷駅」ハチ公口から徒歩3分程。 お店情報 第1部(60分) 第2部(60分) 店内Gallery 卵かけご飯大好き女子! 小顔でキュートな顔立ちが魅力的な『新國かれん』さん。 大きな瞳が魅力的な七夕ガール! 吸い込まれそうな大きなお目目が特徴的な『めろ』さんと楽しい時間を過ごしませんか? アクセスマップ お店の扉を開ければ上質で洗練された空間が目の前に(RYM/リム) 出典:体入ショコラ 渋谷のすぐ隣街、恵比寿に店を構える【CLUB RYM~リム~】。 MEMBER 1セット料金(60分) VISITOR 1セット料金(60分) その他・オプション料金等 落ち着いた店内の雰囲気が魅力! なんと朝6:00からオープン。 居心地の良いこだわりの空間をリーズナブルな価格で(aura/アウラ) シンプルイズベスト! 恵比寿駅から徒歩2分程度と好立地な場所にあるキャバクラ店aura(アウラ)は、あえて派手やかな装飾をしないことで、家庭的な雰囲気を演出。 1セット料金(60分) 利用者の感想 テンション上がって場内入れました。 渋谷の賑やかさを忘れるほどの上質な空間がそこに(Celebrity/セレブリティ) 若者を中心に人で賑わう渋谷センター街。 VIP 1セット料金(60分) 天は二物を与えた! 吸い込まれそうな大きな瞳にもうメロメロ! セレブリティは有名店ですね! 素人の渋谷ガールと合コン気分で盛り上がれる(Bit/ビット) 出典:Bit-ビット- 1セット料金(ALL TIME) 1セット料金(50分)

Migration Policy Centre Turchia: la sinistra kurda e ambientalista blocca la svolta autoritaria di Erdoğan L’HDP supera la soglia di sbarramento, gli islamisti costretti a un’alleanza con i Lupi Grigi? [8 giugno 2015] In Turchia non sono bastati gli attentati e i brogli denunciati in molte circoscrizioni per fermare l’avanzata della sinistra, e il presidente Recep Tayyip Erdoğan oggi non ha più la maggioranza assoluta conquistata dal suo Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AKP – Partito per la Giustizia e lo Sviluppo) 13 anni fa, e mai persa fino ad ora. Il problema per Erdoğan è che nemmeno i Lupi Grigi dell’MHP – arrivati terzi con il 16,5% – vogliono quella Repubblica super-presidenziale che l’uomo forte della Turchia ha cercato di imporre al suo Paese con queste elezioni. Non a caso a festeggiare in piazza a Istanbul e Ankara è soprattutto la sinistra, sotto le bandiere multicolori dell’HDP che ricordano molto quelle della greca Siryza o quelle dei combattenti progressisti kurdi del Rojava in Siria. Probabilmente ha ragione Demirtas quando dice che il successo dell’HDP «è un dono per la Turchia.

World Population Clock: 7.5 Billion People (2017) World Population: Past, Present, and Future (move and expand the bar at the bottom of the chart to navigate through time) The chart above illustrates how world population has changed throughout history. View the full tabulated data. At the dawn of agriculture, about 8000 B.C., the population of the world was approximately 5 million. Over the 8,000-year period up to 1 A.D. it grew to 200 million (some estimate 300 million or even 600, suggesting how imprecise population estimates of early historical periods can be), with a growth rate of under 0.05% per year. A tremendous change occurred with the industrial revolution: whereas it had taken all of human history until around 1800 for world population to reach one billion, the second billion was achieved in only 130 years (1930), the third billion in 30 years (1960), the fourth billion in 15 years (1974), and the fifth billion in only 13 years (1987). Wonder how big was the world's population when you were born? Growth Rate 10 Billion (2055)

Syrian refugees face tough winter in Jordan's overflowing camps - Report: Jordan UN sources state that almost 150,000 people have registered to receive assistance in Jordan, while the pro-Jordanian government Petra news service puts the total at 300,000. An increase in refugees over the spring and summer led the Jordanian government to open the Zaatari camp close to the Syrian border. As of 5 February, the camp held 76,000 people, with numbers expected to rise so much that Jordan has now opened an “overflow” camp close to the town of Zurqa. In the middle of one of the paths between the rows of tents in Zaatari, a young boy covers over the wire he’s just set up to steal electricity from the streetlamps inside the camp. The situation inside Zaatari has visibly improved since it was opened in late July, when the camp was little more than a collection of tents on a dusty plane. Now the tents are slowly being replaced by cabins and there are more facilities. “What else can we do?" Despite the improvements, the refugees may not be able to overcome the weather.
