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Emilia Reggio

Emilia Reggio
Bonjour à toutes (et tous) Au cours de mes pérégrinations sur le Net je suis tombée sur cet étrange nom : Emilia Reggio... Habituée des Maria Montessori, Charlotte Mason, Augustin Freinet et autres géniaux pédagogues, j'ai pensé trouver une nouvelle personnalité... Surprise ! Emila Reggio est un village italien, mais un village vraiment... particulier ! Une belle découverte pour moi... et peut-être pour vous :) Les informations sont tirées de ce site : Loris Malaguzzi était le fondateur de l'école municipale pour les jeunes enfants de Reggio Emilia, en Italie.Quelques jours seulement après la seconde guerre mondiale Malaguzzi a commencé le processus d'aide à la reconstruction des écoles de Reggio Emilia, brique par brique. Reggio Emilia, est devenu un centre international dédié à la mémoire de Loris Malaguzzi, accueillant les éducateurs du monde entier pour se renseigner sur les écoles et la philosophie de Reggio Emilia. Les clés du concept : * L'enfant en tant que protagoniste. The child Related:  marina1011

beautiful learning spaces in reggio emilia inspired preschools We place enormous value on the role of the environment as a motivating and animating force in creating spaces for relations, options, and emotional and cognitive situations that produce a sense of well-being and security. Loris Malaguzzi, Reggio Emilia Italy. Do you like sticky-beaking at other preschool learning spaces as much as I do? I've been peeking into some Reggio-Emilia inspired preschools and I have some images of beautiful learning spaces to share with you. Attention to creating a beautiful environment begins at the entrance. Take a look at the children's artwork adorns the entrance to the The Overfield Early Childhood Program : Who wouldn't want to go inside? Once inside you are likely to find photographs of each child and children's work which say, right from the entry, "this is your space, you belong here": Pictures in glass jars replace frames: The preschools are generally filled with indoor plants and vines, and awash with natural light. Or browse through some of my Reggio posts:

Comparaison entre les méthodes Froebel, Montessori, Reggio Emilia, et Steiner-Waldorf – traduction de l'article du site We don't need no education. We don't need no thought control. No dark sarcasm in the classroom. Teacher leave them kids alone ! Hey teacher, leave the kids alone ! Une fois de plus, je vous propose un article qui n'est pas de ma plume personnelle (je deviens fainéante, que voulez-vous). Comme il est rédigé en anglais, j'ai pris sur moi de le traduire (avec l'aide infiniment précieuse d' Elsa, que je remercie) et le site (que je remercie également) m'a très gentillement autorisé à le publier. Si vous êtes à l'aise avec la langue anglaise, je vous invite bien sûr à lire l'article à la source ici : Spielgaben c'est d'abord un site qui vend un set de matériel inspirant et libre, qui s'adapte à quasiment toutes les pédagogies précitées (mais pour lequel il vous faudrait casser votre tirelire) et qui possède un blog qui s'avère être une excellente source d'information ! Indispensable, tout simplement. Les points clés de la méthode Froebel La philosophie Froebel souligne que :

the architecture of early childhood: Reggio Emilia's: The Loris Malaguzzi International Centre The Loris Malaguzzi Centre is the 'centre' of the Reggio Emilia Approach to early childhood education. It houses the offices of 'Reggio Children', the Documentation and Educational Research centre of Preschools of the Muncipality of Reggio Emilia, ateliers, the Marco Gerra exhibition hall, the Annamaria and Marco Gerra auditorium, the facilities for professional development and research for teachers, researchers, and families, and for meetings and conferences, a preschool and primary school, and soon, a bookshop and restaurant. The building, which used to be a cheese storage facility was designed by Tullio Zini and ZPZ Partners. Marco Gerra Exhibition Hall - here showing the exhibition 'One City, Many children: Memory of a Present History', depicting a journey of the educational experience of Reggio Emilia, 'a story of rights conquered and constructed for and by the children'. AnnaMaria and Marco Gerra Auditorium The Document and Educational Research Centre, and finally;

Preschool Classroom Design Effects on Child Competency | Overseas Education Consultants November 26, 2008 by IAEC Consultants Design Issue This study introduced a scale to rate preschool classrooms on their physical characteristics related to children’s development of competency and assessed if children in higher-rated classrooms were more competent. Children learn from their interactions with the physical environment as well as their interactions with people. Design Criteria Key Concepts From an environment-behavior perspective, competency is the ability to interact effectively with one’s surroundings and at a developmentally appropriate level (Bronfenbrenner, 1979; Trancik & Evans, 1995; White, 1959). Research Method The physical characteristics of classrooms in suburban and small- to medium-sized urban communities (98, in 48 different child care centers) were rated on a 37-item scale. Limitations Commentary Like this: Like Loading...

Reggio Emilia : Un atelier "Nature" "Les enfants n'attendent pas notre permission pour penser. Les enfants ont la tête pleine d'idées qui ne demandent qu'à communiquer - via, disons-nous, une multitude de langages -, à se connecter et à communier avec les choses du monde". Loris Malaguzzi, 1920-1994. Voici aujourd'hui l'un des plus beaux espaces du centre Reggio Children, un atelier nommé "Organismes", et entièrement dédié au plus grand secret biologique de la Nature : tout change, tout devient. Le lieu se situe à l'étage, au-dessus de l'atelier "Lumière" dont il occupe l'équivalent de la moitié de la superficie. Leur histoire ? Tout de suite à l'entrée, un premier espace, que vous pouvez apercevoir au fond de la première photo de cet article : une table basse s'entoure de poufs vert pomme et soutient un magnifique plateau d'ornements végétaux - je me souviens d'une giganstesque fleur de tournesol séchée, dont les graines formaient un dessin fractal... Suit un espace artistique, dédié au dessin d'observation. Oui !

Reggio Emilia By Andrew Loh, Dec 2006 Hailed as the best pre-schools in the world by Newsweek magazine in 1991, the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education has attracted the worldwide attention of educators, researchers and just about anyone interested in early childhood education best practices. Even the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)'s revised version of developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) guidelines also included examples from Reggio approach. Today, Reggio approach has been adopted in USA, UK, New Zealand, Australia and many other countries. Loris Malaguzzi (1920-1994) founded the 'Reggio Emilia' approach at a city in northern Italy called Reggio Emilia. The 'Reggio' vision of the child as a competent learner has produced a strong child-directed curriculum model. Here are some key features of Reggio Emilia's early childhood program: The role of the environment-as-teacher Children's multiple symbolic languages Long-term projects

Layout of a Preschool Classroom | Overseas Education Consultants December 22, 2008 by IAEC Consultants The classroom of a preschool can be a chaotic but organized and fun environment. Anyone who has worked with preschoolers knows they are a busy bunch of people. The area of a preschool classroom is divided into smaller sections sometimes called centers. Some areas will need lots of space for play like dramatic play and blocks. Even though most preschoolers can’t read any words when first starting preschool, it is important to label everything. When sectioning your room to centers, make sure you take time out to sit in the spaces and have a look around. Group quiet centers with quiet centers and busy, noisier centers with the same. Signs hanging above a center or on the back of a centers shelf will help the children know what activities are done where. Source : Like this: Like Loading...

L'écoline A look at the Reggio Approach Education based on Interrelationships A network of communication exists between the children, parents and teachers of Reggio. These three protagonists work together to create the spirit of cooperation, collaboration, and co-construction of knowledge. They work together, interacting toward a common purpose: the building of a culture which respects childhood as a time to explore, create and be joyful. Each of these three protagonists has rights within the school; those of the children were highlighted earlier. Lori Malaguzzi defines the rights of parents: It is the right of parents to participate actively and with voluntary adherence to the basic principles in the growth, care, and development of their children who were entrusted to the public institution. The Reggio Teacher The Reggio teacher is unique because she offers herself to the process of co-construction of knowledge, releasing the traditional roles of a teacher and opening doors to new possibilities. children to:

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