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Virus kills breast cancer cells in laboratory

Virus kills breast cancer cells in laboratory
HERSHEY, Pa. -- A nondisease-causing virus kills human breast cancer cells in the laboratory, creating opportunities for potential new cancer therapies, according to Penn State College of Medicine researchers who tested the virus on three different breast cancer types that represent the multiple stages of breast cancer development. Adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV2) is a virus that regularly infects humans but causes no disease. Past studies by the same researchers show that it promotes tumor cell death in cervical cancer cells infected with human papillomavirus. Researchers used an unaltered, naturally occurring version of AAV2 on human breast cancer cells. "Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in the world and is the leading cause of cancer-related death in women," said Samina Alam, research associate in microbiology and immunology. "It is also complex to treat." Cells have multiple ways of dying. "We can see the virus is killing the cancer cells, but how is it doing it?"

100 Ways to Kickstart Your Brain On a Lazy Day By Olivia Coleman Everyone has those days at school or work when your brain is moving just a little slower than usual. If you find yourself up against a lazy day, give one of these tricks a try to get your brain going. Brain-Boosting Drinks Sometimes all your brain needs is a drink to get it going. Chai. Brain-Boosting Foods From the instant benefit of cinnamon and peppermint to the longer-lasting benefits of blueberries, these foods are great ways to get the blood flowing in your brain on a lazy day. Cinnamon and peppermint. Simple Tricks If your brain is stuck in a rut, try any of these fun and simple tricks to get it going again. Doodle. Video Games Video games can get your brain working–research shows some games can even help fight Alzheimer's. MUO Games. Brain Games The following games are all especially for you brain and will help you get your brain moving on a lazy day and strengthen it, too. BrainCurls. Other Games Word puzzles. Trivia Exercises

La formación humanista y médica del doctor Ernesto "Che" Guevara: sus aportes al desarrollo médico social de Cuba* Índice Anterior Siguiente Introducción Es un honor extraordinario participar en nombre de Cuba, mi país, en este Foro "Pensamiento Humanista y Médico de Eugenio Espejo y Ernesto 'Che' Guevara" que la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la prestigiosa Universidad de Cuenca ha organizado como homenaje en reconocimiento a los aportes prestados a la humanidad, por estas dos grandes figuras de la historia de Nuestra América, en el desarrollo científico y humanista, en la formación de los médicos, así como en la promoción de los más altos valores humanos en las nuevas generaciones de profesionales de la medicina. Tuve la suerte desde el comienzo de mis estudios médicos de ser alumno en la cátedra de Histología Normal y Embriología de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de La Habana y después su amigo, del notable científico ecuatoriano-cubano profesor Manuel I. Formación médica y humanista del doctor Guevara Los cubanos también sentimos sus vientos de renovación. Fig. 1. Sartre JP.

7 Super Snacks That Heal If some doctors had their way today, Americans would be more medicated than industrial feedlot cattle. But what most people don’t realize is that the first line of defense against stress, fatigue, depression, and so many other maladies is found in supermarket aisles, not in the drug store. Research shows that the vitamins, minerals, and active compounds specific to certain fruits, vegetables, and even chocolate and red wine have an immediate and lasting impact on your mood, your health, your fitness — even your sex life. Whether you have a big presentation at work, or the need to burn a few hundred extra calories a day (and who doesn’t want to do that?), why not put food to work for you? 1. Eat This: 1 Cup of Low-Fat Yogurt or 2 Tbsp of Mixed Nuts Scientists in Slovakia gave people 3 grams each of two amino acids — lysine and arginine — or a placebo and asked them to deliver a speech. Not That! 2. Drink This:Green Tea Not That! 3. Eat This: A Handful of Trail Mix Not That! 4. Not That! 5.

Is Our Society Manufacturing Depressed People? Our society is in the throes of a virtual epidemic of depression. The numbers are quite staggering. More than twenty percent of the American population will experience at least one episode of what we refer to as clinical depression. We need to look deeper into this phenomenon to understand it and overcome it. My contention is, firstly, that our cultural values and memes induce us to live in ways that are, indeed, depressing. Have We Lost Our Way? Many of us live dulled lives, somewhat robotic in nature and devoid of deeper meaning and purpose. People that thrive in loving relationships don't typically feel depressed. Our therapeutic community attaches labels such as dysfunctional to people and families. Part of the problem is that we become corralled into a consensus of belief that does not serve our higher purpose. People who feel passion for their work and friends and love their families and partners don't become depressed as often as the population at large.

The Biopsy Report: A Patient's Guide Many medical conditions, including all cases of cancer, must be diagnosed by removing a sample of tissue from the patient and sending it to a pathologist for examination. This procedure is called a biopsy, a Greek-derived word that may be loosely translated as "view of the living." Any organ in the body can be biopsied using a variety of techniques, some of which require major surgery (e.g., staging splenectomy for Hodgkin's disease), while others do not even require local anesthesia (e.g., fine needle aspiration biopsy of thyroid, breast, lung, liver, etc). After the biopsy specimen is obtained by the doctor, it is sent for examination to another doctor, the anatomical pathologist, who prepares a written report with information designed to help the primary doctor manage the patient's condition properly. The pathologist is a physician specializing in rendering medical diagnoses by examination of tissues and fluids removed from the body. "Polyp of sigmoid colon." "Spleen".

Noticias médicas - Medicina narrativa, un recurso para humanizar la profesión Alejandra Rey Esta nota es sobre la palabra. Sobre el valor que tiene la palabra escrita, narrada o pronunciada cuando la vida está al borde de la vida. Esta nota habla de muchas historias que contaron varios médicos en la Primera Jornada Internacional de Medicina Narrativa, organizada por el Hospital Italiano, que apunta a humanizar la profesión y a los que trabajan con niños, invitando a los pacientitos a que escriban sus padeceres. Porque no es lo mismo la mezquindad de una historia clínica mal garabateada que la fértil narración de ese mismo material saliendo de la boca del profesional o la interpretación que el paciente hace de su dolencia. "Recuerdo un día en que estábamos en clase de gimnasia -escribió una nena, cuyo nombre nos reservamos-.De repente la pelota pasó por sobre mi cabeza, traté de pegarle y se me cayó la peluca. La princesa Jazmín Más allá de las lágrimas, cuando le tocó al público hacer preguntas, una joven pediatra dijo: "Y qué podemos hacer con los chicos sanos".

Cancer Breath Test Enters Clinical Trials Someday soon a breath test could do more than just tell if you’ve been drinking. Metabolomx, a startup in Mountain View, California, recently completed a clinical trial that shows that its breath test can spot lung cancer with 83 percent accuracy and can also distinguish between several different types of the disease, something that usually requires a biopsy. The accuracy of the test matches what’s possible with low-dose computerized tomography imaging of the lungs. Existing tests for lung cancer—the leading cause of cancer death worldwide—cause too many false positives, which means patients face unnecessary biopsies or exposure to radiation from imaging, and none are currently approved by Medicare. Chemical results of a tumor’s metabolism are dissolved in the blood, and can end up in the breath.

Noticias médicas - Sobre el triunfo de la ideología-MBE en la práctica clínica 30° Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria, Valencia 2010 Por F. Miguel García «Desaparecidos los rasgos en que se había grabado, si no su juventud, al menos su belleza, habían intentado saber si, con la cara que les quedaba, se podía hacer otra.» Los ensayos clínicos y otros tipos de estudio, las medidas del efecto, la técnica estadística, la refexión sobre validez interna y externa, el juicio racional, la práctica clínica profesional y competente, etc. son anteriores al nacimiento, en 1992, de la medicina basada en la evidencia (MBE) La MBE es un enfoque o modo específco de lidiar con las citadas cuestiones, no el único, ni necesariamente el más acertado. La MBE no puede considerarse, salvo para ganar adeptos, una actitud o conducta clínica que se apoya en lo empírico y en las evidencias en lugar de en opiniones, dogmatismos o especulaciones (ésta es su prédica), sino un modo específco de manejar las evidencias. Consecuencia 1. Consecuencia 2.
