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Justin Sweet Gallery

Justin Sweet Gallery

Eric Freitas I’ve just discovered some wax materials that I’m very excited about! Yes, that’s right, I just said I’m excited about wax….what of it? I’ve been diving more seriously into the world of casting, and I like some of the creative doors that the process opens up. I wanted to start creating my originals from something other than the expensive brass that I’m used to using, but I needed the tolerances and machinability that I’ve grown accustomed to. I’ve found a couple of professional grade materials that will work great! The blue stuff is really rigid, and is referred to as “Machinable wax”. The red wax is called Protowax. Casting metal can be a long tedious process, but I think it’s safe to say I’m used to that. MELANIE DELON ? ILLUSTRATOR

the art of iain mccaig O dear and patient people... I am sure, by now, that I have set the world record for the longest 'Coming Soon' website in web history. Should you pop on over to, you will find that it is still almost ready, a phenomenon that must be driving visitors almost as crazy as it is driving me (but not nearly as much as it is tormenting my saintly webmistress). I know this is where I should reveal the amazing secret behind the delay, but honestly, it's just because I keep choosing to do other things, like write a book, or design a movie, or play with my family (but not because of watching the TV--I got rid of that timesucker years ago). So, yes, Virginia, there will be a website. So there--it's not a website, but it's something, and when I hit the post button, it will actually go live, tonight, now. And if I ever vanish, and you wonder where I've gone, well, that's why I wrote 'Shadowline'. Cheers!

Linda Ravenscroft Enchanted fairy art CGS Artist Profile - Linda Tso While the world outside has a rich collection of reference, there is nothing like the web as the source of searchable visual reference, and Linda Tso takes advantage of that resource for mood. “I've saved a lot of beautiful images and paintings from the web,” she explains, “and I like to browse through the folders when I have nothing to do. As much as things like music and writing inspires me as well, it's the visual queues that make the greatest impact, and that includes movies, dreams and magazines of any kind. Dreams do inspire me, and if I don't dream I'd somehow feel the time I spent sleeping was wasted. Mirror reference and some quick photos of myself are a help sometimes Also. Linda Tso creates all her work, from sketch to finish, on the computer. Future For the moment, Linda Tso wants to just keep working on her skills, hopefully broadening the areas she is proficient in. Related links:Linda Tso's Website

Today's Inspiration Erlé Ferronnière - Artiste Peintre et Illustrateur Sons of the Storm Fantasy Ink Ruth Sanderson's Golden Wood Studio - Welcome I am happy to share the process for creating the cover illustration of my upcoming book A CASTLE FULL OF CATS, due to be released in early 2015. Yes, it takes almost a year for a publisher to produce a book after the artwork is delivered. I’ll be doing lots of sneak previews during the year. As you can see from my initial storyboard sketch, I envisioned the cover as a view looking out a window with cats watching the outdoor activities from the inside of the castle. At the next stage, I created a more detailed cover sketch to focus on the queen’s “favorite” cat. In the final cover sketch, I brought the queen’s cat closer to the center and looking directly at the reader while still allowing the queen and king to be seen through the window. and suggested I make the wall pink…On the left is the revised cover, with the pink wall painted in acrylic on top of the maroon color. A note—The marketing folks asked that the title be changed. Above is the final image with the blue wall. Golden dreams,

The Illustration of David Palumbo Frank Cho apesandbabes Liberty Meadows daily webcomic art blog forum Welcome to The Computer Graphics Society Selina Fenech – Fairy Art and Fantasy Art Gallery
