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Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objects kuler [Carte] Le Grand Emprunt booste les fab labs À la traîne en France, les fab labs, ces mini-usines collaboratives permettant de créer ou fabriquer des objets à la demande, vont se multiplier, entre autres grâce au projet interrégional de médiation scientifique Inmediats. 5 millions d'euros y seront consacrés. Hop ! nous sommes en 2020, les hackerspaces, fablabs et autres usinettes (le nom importe peu) se comptent par milliers en France et pas seulement dans les grandes villes. Des gens de bonne volonté se sont regroupés dans certains villages désertiques, dans d’anciennes MJC-Algeco de banlieues “chaudes”, dans des usines désaffectés. Le passionné de mécanique auto prête ses outils et donne des cours à des types qui font en échange un peu d’ingénierie inverse sur la puce qui contrôle l’allumage de sa fourgonette TDCI. En 2009, Alexandre Korber, créateur d’Usinette, anticipait une France où les fab labs pulluleraient autant que les Leroy-Merlin. « On ne veut pas institutionnaliser » Retrouvez les autres articles du dossier FabLab

MaKey MaKey | Buy Direct (Official Site) Carte de France des fabs labs Site Ouvert en août 2010, ouverture en préfiguration objectif 2013 pour le projet d’envergure. Format : ouvert (cotisation 30 euros pour les salariés, 20 euros pour les étudiants) Evaluation : label d... SiteOuvert en août 2010, ouverture en préfiguration objectif 2013 pour le projet d’envergure.Format : ouvert (cotisation 30 euros pour les salariés, 20 euros pour les étudiants)Evaluation : label du MIT - autoévaluation ABAB Statut : association Subventions : mairie de Toulouse (8000 euros), fonds sociaux européens (19000 euros) et fonds du Grand Emprunt (à venir, via Inmediats), budget annuel de 60 000 euros.

netfabb Basic netfabb Basic is available to anybody, it is free just like in free beer, and runs on Windows, Linux or Mac. netfabb Basic is not just a viewer, it provides mesh edit, repair and analysis capabilities to everyone already being or aspiring to become part of this fantastic, growing, creative, high-tech industry called Additive Manufacturing, Rapid Prototyping or 3D Printing. netfabb Basic is available and is just one click away. netfabb Basic features the same user interface as netfabb Professional and the *.fabbproject file standard of netfabb Studio is identical in both Basic and Professional. netfabb Professional is the ideal software for home and educational users interested in 3D Printing. Please note that netfabb Basic is NOT a trial version of netfabb Professional. netfabb Professional offers a number of powerful additional features to access large files, combine parts, modify original files, optimize & configure mesh quality and to repair files. Slice export Save triangles as part

3D Design Software 101 3D Design Software 101 While MakerBot operators are more than happy to print the tens of thousands of incredible objects posted to Thingiverse, eventually many want to get started designing models of their own. Your mission: to create a solid, manifold (watertight) STL-formatted file for importing into MakerWare or ReplicatorG. STL is the most widely used format for stereolithographic CAD files, so the design application options are vast. ReplicatorG also offers experimental file import capability for OBJ and Collada, two other widely used formats, although the files are then converted to STL, and MakerWare supports OBJ as well as STL. Choosing your Hammer To get started building a model, you'll need some good tools. POV-ray (excellent tutorials here), FreeCAD, HeeksCAD, and Art of Illusion also have serious fans in the 3D printing world, too, but we haven't done much experimenting with them yet. But there's no need to spend upwards of $1k on design software. On your mark, get set... Go!

The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Arduino Over the Christmas break from work I wanted to learn something new. I’ve been eyeing up Arduino for some time now, and for Christmas I got an Arduino UNO R3 board. What is Arduino? Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. Source: Microcontroller Arduino is a microcontroller on a circuit board which makes it easy to receive inputs and drive outputs. A microcontroller is a integrated computer on a chip. Inputs Some examples of inputs would be a temperature sensor, a motion sensor, a distance sensor, a switch and so forth. Outputs Some examples of outputs would be a light, a screen, a motor and so forth. Arduino is a small computer that you can program to read and control electrical components connected to it. Obtaining an Arduino Board Often boards are bundled up with starter kits.
