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Games for Health

Games for Health
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Art Thérapie Créé en 1996, le RNT, Reseau Nouvelles Technologies, est un service de l' Association des Paralyses de France, dont la vocation est de faire connaitre les aides techniques faisant appel aux nouvelles technologies suceptibles d' aider les personnes en situation de handicap dans leur vie quotidienne. RNT, publie bi-mestriellement et par abonnement des fiches techniques indexables dans des classeurs ( contacteurs, accès à l' ordinateur, logiciels adaptés, contrôle de l' environnement, aides à la communication, fauteuils roulants electriques, etc... ), met à la disposition de ses abonnés un important parc de matériel ( prêt gratuit 30 jours ), organise des ateliers de formation (gratuits) ou formations (intra ou inter établissement) avec le partenariat d' APF Formation, anime une permanence conseils téléphoniques (les lundis 03 20 20 97 70), etc... Ce site a été créé, pour communiquer des infos flash, en rapport avec l' actualité en complément de l' info qui accompagne nos publications...

The Health Care Blog Widening Access to Music With MIDIgrid Widening Access To Music Disabled and otherwise disadvantaged users, supported by imaginative teachers, therapists and community musicians have found many ways of using the remarkable musical "tool-kit" that goes by the name of "MIDIgrid". Here are just a few scenarios, with links to the support documentation that will help you try out these ideas for yourself: James, the new music teacher, has found that the school can boast few of the instrumental resources and skills necessary to to explore the simple improvisation ideas he was hoping to introduce to his eager young pupils. He makes it possible for more children to 'have a go' by creating instruments in MIDIgrid like those in the "Toast" grid. (See Example folder in the installation directory). Having created several 'instruments' that play a diatonic scale, he finds it easy to quickly adapt them to play the pentatonic, or five-note, gapped scale of Unit 12, UK curriculum. or contact the publisher. See also: GridPlay for Carers/Teachers

What is CrossFit? What Is CrossFit? Videos CrossFit is the principal strength and conditioning program for many police academies and tactical operations teams, military special operations units, champion martial artists, and hundreds of other elite and professional athletes worldwide. Our program delivers a fitness that is, by design, broad, general, and inclusive. Our specialty is not specializing. Combat, survival, many sports, and life reward this kind of fitness and, on average, punish the specialist. The CrossFit program is designed for universal scalability making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience. The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree not kind. Thousands of athletes worldwide have followed our workouts posted daily on this site and distinguished themselves in combat, the streets, the ring, stadiums, gyms and homes.

CARE HERE Home Page Care Here is a European Project funded under Framework V IST Key Action 1 supporting the programme for Applications Relating to Persons with Special Needs Including the Disabled and Elderly. The objective of our project is to empower children and adults with special needs, the elderly in long term care and people undergoing rehabilitation in hospital or at home, following for example stroke or brain injury. By giving them access to affordable, appealing and readily usable state of the art technology for the improvement of their physical and cognitive skills using feedback from acoustic and visual stimuli. We are concerned with the (re-)development of physical and cognitive skills by interaction with a responsive sound and visual environment: the improvement of motor control through direct and immediate feedback through the aural and visual senses. Research team and video links Review Material Post project reflections User Forum (under review) Latest News More images & news 20th March 2003

Health 2.0 | Home Music Technology in Therapeutic and Health Settings: Wendy Magee: Livres anglais et étrangers Fitness Games For The Xbox 360 Kinect: A Review I haven’t mentioned it much here, but I enjoy video gaming. Maybe a bit too much, it may be part of what has gotten me into such bad shape – sitting on the couch vegging out all the time. Well now, you can enjoy still enjoy playing video games, but get a workout while you’re at it! If you’re into video games at all you know that next week the Xbox team will be launching a new peripheral for the Xbox 360 that will allow controller free gaming, motion capture, video chat, voice commands and a host of other functionality. It’s going to be called the Kinect ($149.99). The Kinect hasn’t launched as of this writing, so the jury is still out as to just how well Kinect will work. Initial reports are that the Kinect performs rather well, and I for one am excited at the prospect of controller free gaming, and am interested to see how well these fitness games work. Fitness Games For Xbox Kinect So what fitness games will be available for Kinect at launch? Your Shape Fitness Evolved Zumba Fitness

Develops New Technologies in Music Therapy Berklee College of Music's Music Therapy and Electronic Production and Design departments have collaborated to develop cutting-edge music therapy software and hardware that extend beyond those offered for general clinical use. Over the past semester, a class from Berklee's Music Therapy Department and a class from Berklee's Electronic Production and Design Department have worked to advance the technologies currently available in music therapy. For example, students and faculty have been developing new technologies to perfect video motion-tracking so clinicians can look at how physical therapy patients move and assess whether they're able to regain a wider range of motion because of their music therapy treatment. Student developers will demonstrate their current projects, and experiential demonstrations will take place in order for attendees to gain hands-on experience in technologies being discussed.

The Gamification of Wellness « Healthy Community Networks For a full 80% of the population who don’t exercise – it’s just not fun! Hey, for some of us dutifully heading to our workouts – is that why we call them “work?” As gamification intersects every aspect of life, wellness can get into the “game” as well. Companies are realizing that “gamification” — using the same mechanics that hook gamers — is an effective way to engage people. Since the advent of videogames, skeptics have questioned their inherent value: why do players spend hours accruing virtual points working towards intangible rewards? Chalk it up to basic human behavior, which game makers have been trying to understand and appeal to for decades. Too often a social media or marketing guru armed with “gamification” aspirations will try to employ game-like mechanisms to provide a sense that customers/audience is having fun while working towards a rewards-based goal. Proponents of “gamification” consider conventional incentive-based mechanics to be flawed, broken, or skewed. Like this:

Music and Medicine: Applications of Electronic Music Technologies in Addressing Psychic Pain
