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How I Stopped Eating Food : Mostly Harmless

How I Stopped Eating Food : Mostly Harmless
Food is the fossil fuel of human energy. It is an enormous market full of waste, regulation, and biased allocation with serious geo-political implications. And we’re deeply dependent on it. In some countries people are dying of obesity, others starvation. In my own life I resented the time, money, and effort the purchase, preparation, consumption, and clean-up of food was consuming. I am pretty young, generally in good health, and remain physically and mentally active. I hypothesized that the body doesn’t need food itself, merely the chemicals and elements it contains. I haven’t eaten a bite of food in 30 days, and it’s changed my life. The Experiment There are no meats, fruits, vegetables, or breads here. It was delicious! On day 4 I noticed how much healthier my skin was. My cravings and tastes closely matched with my needs. Week 2 was rough since I started experimenting with the proportions, trying to find the optimum amount of everything. The rest of the month went smoothly. Results

Rebel Starter Kit Pssst. Over here. You weren’t followed, right? No? My name is Steve Kamb, Rebel Leader of Nerd Fitness. They’ll be there in a few minutes, so let me officially welcome you to the Nerd Fitness community, your new home for leveling up your life. I started this site and community back in 2009 because I wanted to help people just like you lose weight, get healthier, and feel better about themselves. People like Joe and Staci, two Nerd Fitness success stories that have inspired thousands upon thousands of people to change their lives too. Scroll down this page and check out their stories: Joe, a full-time programmer, who dropped 130 pounds in 10 months: And women like Staci (a full time Nerd Fitness team member) who transformed into Wonder Woman by following the Nerd Fitness philosophy: If you’re interested in how Joe and Staci did it (and how you can too, even if you’ve never set foot into a gym)… Thanks again for being a part of this community, I’m glad you’re here! -Steve

Why the World Needs More Brilliant 'Stupid' Ideas Skip Advertisement This ad will close in 15 seconds... Young Entrepreneurs Today's Most Read 9 Proven Ways to Get People to Take You Seriously 4 Intangibles That Drive CEOs What It Takes to Go From Dead Broke to 6 Figures in 6 Months The Mentality of a Successful Career 4 Big Challenges That Startups Face These Siblings Are Cooking Up America's First Meatless Butcher Shop Kim Lachance Shandrow 3 min read News and Articles About Young Entrepreneurs Failure 6 Stories of Super Successes Who Overcame Failure They're perfect examples of why failure should never stop you from following your vision. Jayson DeMers Podcasts Top 25 Business Podcasts for Entrepreneurs Podcasts are as easy to use as old-school radio but as specialized as blogs. Murray Newlands Entrepreneurship Programs Saxbys and Drexel Team Up to Promote Entrepreneurship Saxby's founder Nick Bayer talks about the one-of-a-kind program and why he wishes there was one for himself years ago. Carly Okyle Presented by Young Entrepreneurs Laura Entis Fear

A Nutritionist’s Top 10 Sources of Plant-Based Calcium Top 10 Sources of Plant Based Calcium As a holistic nutritionist who also happens to enjoy a plant-based lifestyle, I’m always more than happy to point a person who is frantic because of their newly diagnosed dairy allergy toward other sources of calcium. There are so many places to get calcium, and – surprise – some plant sources of calcium can be even better absorbed and utilized by the body! Got Alkalinity? Once upon a time, raw milk was widely available and was an alkaline-forming food. Too many acidic foods in the diet can contribute to a state of metabolic acidosis, which means that the body’s tissues have become slightly more acidic than normal. My Top Ten Favorite Plant-based Sources of Calcium: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. So there you have it.

Nerd Fitness: Helping You Lose Weight, Get Stronger, Live Better. I received an email a few months back from a NF reader that made me smile: “I am going back to square one. I noticed the only habit that I changed and stuck with was drinking tons of water. Have you ever started playing a game and get a few hours in and go “man I wish I knew these controls/tips from the beginning”? So you restart and the game just feels easier from that point on. You start finding items that you missed before. I’m restarting my journey now that I have a better idea of the controls.” This resonated with me, because when I first played EverQuest (similar to World of Warcraft), the first character I created was terrible. When I started again playing as a new character, I FLEW through the first 30 levels: I understood the controls, how the game worked, and what needed to get done; it was much easier the second time through! The same is true for any boss battle you first encounter in any game. Getting in shape is no different.

The strange death of ‘Red Warwick’ — Comment **As the Warwick SU Elections 2013 are brought to an end, it is curious to stand back and survey the victors and the carnage, and evaluate the impact this latest election has had and the political environment of campus it has resulted in. Looking back across the academic year 2012/13, there is a tale of a muted swan-song resulting in the final death of that much obsessed movement, ‘Red Warwick’.** My interpretation of the definition of ‘Red Warwick’ is that of collective radicalism of staff and students, closely associated with left wing and progressive ideology. A must read for all students is E.P. The recent officer election have resulted in the first sabbatical team over the last few years in which no officer has a close relationship with the left. It is fair to say that 2012/13 has seen the absence or failure of activism from those students who’s first experience of Warwick clashed with the largest example of dynamism on the left, the 2010 fee rise protests.

Breaking the Cheese Addiction: Step 1 The Reality Check Cheese is one the most difficult products to give up when adopting a vegan diet. And it’s no wonder—with loads of salt and fat, your palate, like your health, hardly stands a chance. For the next several months, we will provide a step-by-step program to get the cheese out of your diet and your health on track. Step 1: The Reality Check Cheese is the No. 1 source of saturated fat (“bad” fat) in the American diet. Consider that immediately after eating fatty foods… Your triglyceride levels rise Your cholesterol levels rise, contributing to plaque formation Clotting factors in your blood are activated Two hours later… Your triglycerides have increased by 60 percent Your blood flow has decreased by half Three hours later… The lining of your arteries has lost elasticity impeding blood flow Blood vessel function has become abnormal Four and five hours later… Your blood has gotten thicker, flowing even slower than it was two hours ago Your triglyceride levels have now increased by 150 percent

6 Lies About the Human Body You Learned in Kindergarten When we reach the age of 2, we start to have a few questions about our bodies. At first they're simple. "Will that toy fit into the wet hole in the middle of my face?" But as we mature, the questions become more complex and too numerous for any reasonable human being to answer. Unfortunately, many of the answers you get there are lies that seem specifically designed to make the world around you seem boring. Note: The human body is like a used car -- from the moment we first get inside one, we're constantly told lies that make it sound like a magical machine, when really it's just a wad of flesh and bone held that's just barely keeping itself together (especially if you drive a Kia). Getty Sight, smell, touch, taste, hearing. And wannabe intellectuals have rocked the comb forward/beard combo ever since. The Truth: Scientists still aren't quite sure of exactly how many senses you have, or what even constitutes a sense, but you'd be hard-pressed to find one who believes you have five.

Joseph Reagle on the gender gap in geek culture Is geek culture sexist? Joseph Reagle, Assistant Professor of Communications Studies at Northeastern University and author of a new paper entitled, “Free as in Sexist? Free culture and the gender gap,” returns to Surprisingly Free to address geek feminism and the technology gender gap. According to Reagle, only 1% of the free software community and 9% of Wikipedia editors are female, which he sees as emblematic of structural problems in the geek community. Reagle prescribes a 3-step solution to sexism in geek culture: talking about gender; challenging and expanding what it means to be a geek; and not allowing the rhetoric of freedom to be used as an excuse for bad behavior. Reagle further supports efforts to form female-only subcultures within the geek community, which opponents argue goes against the free software value of openness. Download Related Links Related Episodes
