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Outils - Webdoc

un logiciel gratuit pour transformer votre PC en un point d'accès WiFi A l'instar de Connectify et MHotSpot, MyPublicWiFi est un logiciel qui permet de transformer votre ordinateur en un point d'accès Wi-Fi sans fil. Ainsi, n'importe qui à proximité peut surfer sur Internet via votre partage. MyPublicWiFi peut être une solution idéale pour mettre en place un point d'accès temporaire dans une chambre d'hôtel, une salle de réunion, à la maison ou ailleurs. MyPublicWiFi peut aussi restreindre l'accès à des serveurs spécifiques ou empêcher l'utilisation de certains services Internet (programmes de P2P, par exemple). MyPublicWiFi fonctionne sous Windows 7 et Windows Server 2008 R2. Téléchargement :Homepage Tuto : Guide en français

Tagxedo - Word Cloud with Styles Paul OakenFold Tell Web Stories with Farfromhomepage 22 December '11, 01:51pm Follow At first, it’s tempting to look at Farfromhomepage and think, “Why would I need this?” However, dig into it and it’s actually a very interesting way of presenting and sharing online content in a way that tells a story. The idea behind Farfromhomepage is ‘Creative Browsing’, the term that the German team behind it uses to describe the idea of taking websites, YouTube videos and audio clips from SoundCloud and turning them into a multimedia presentation called a ‘Tour’ that others can play back in their browsers. Tours are created by using a tool that allows you to make clippings from web pages and import YouTube and SoundCloud content just by pasting in a URL. While the tools available can take a little getting used to, they are being used to great effect by some early users. Farfromhomepage is still in an experimental phase, but a paid-for version is planned for next year, enabling users to embed tours on their own websites. ➤ Farfromhomepage

Gephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation software 10 Ideas for Class Blog Posts Class blogging is becoming ever more popular as a fantastic way of encouraging young people to write with a purpose, for a real audience and receive genuine feedback. At its best it’s assessment for learning in action. So what’s not to love? Well, although it’s really simple to set up your class blog, sometimes it can be a bit hard to think what to get your class to blog about. Diary Style Blogging Asking students to write about what they did at the weekend or a favourite memory from the last school holidays can be a great stimulus for individual writing. Fictional Diary Style Blogging Once pupils are comfortable with writing diary entries about their own experiences, why not mix things up a little bit by asking them to write a diary entry from the point of view of e.g a famous historical character you’ve been learning about, or a character from a book? Collaborative Story Telling Work Showcase Heroes Something Kind Dream Journal What I want to be when I grow up Reviews

Paul OakenFold Five Presentation Mistakes Everyone Makes - Nancy Duarte by Nancy Duarte | 2:00 PM December 12, 2012 We all know what it’s like to sit through a bad presentation. We can easily spot the flaws — too long, too boring, indecipherable, what have you — when we watch others speak. The thing is, when we take the stage ourselves, many of us fall into the same traps. Here are five of the most common, along with some tips on how to avoid them. 1. To unearth the emotional appeal of your ideas, ask yourself a series of “why” questions. 2. 3. 4. 5. This is the seventh and final post in Nancy Duarte’s blog series on creating and delivering presentations, based on tips from her new book, the HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations. Read the other posts here: Post #1: How to Present to Senior Executives Post #2: Create a Presentation Your Audience Will Care About Post #3: Do Your Slides Pass the Glance Test Post #4: Structure Your Presentation Like a Story Post #5: Disarm Your Audience When You Present Post #6: Authentic Presentations Take Practice
