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The Future of Public Relations and Social Media

The Future of Public Relations and Social Media
This series is supported by Gist. Gist provides a full view of the contacts in your professional network by creating a rich business profile for each one that includes the most news, status updates, and work details. See how it works here. Public relations specialists were some of the first people to embrace the power of social media, and as a result they are often the ones leading the way in the social space, whether they are consulting with clients from an agency point of view or strategizing on an in-house PR team. In the past decade, the Internet has had a huge impact on how PR professionals function. The Future of the Press Release The first press release was created during the fall of 1906 by Ivy Lee, known by some as the founder of modern public relations. During the past few years, we've witnessed a shift towards what some are calling the "social media release." "While I don't believe the press release is dead, it has been transformed, to become this living, breathing thing.

Public Relations Resources & Tools for Communications Professionals Médias sociaux et marques : mettre en place une stratégie de présence sur le web - Veille concurrentielle La visibilité d’une organisation ou d’une marque sur le web social devient un enjeu presque incontournable. Les marques sont de plus en nombreuses à investir les médias sociaux pour promouvoir leurs produits et services. En effet, 78% des sociétés utilisent au moins un média social (88% en Europe, 86% aux USA et 50% en Asie Pacifique). Source Burston-Marsteller. Voici 4 grandes étapes pour établir une stratégie de présence sur le web 2.0 pour une marque : 1. Une entreprise souhaite communiquer sur son nom, sa ou ses marques, ses produits, générer du trafic sur son site corporate. 2. Donner de la visibilité à l’entreprise, à la marque commence, tout d’abord, par produire des contenus qui parlent d’elle. Ils peuvent également faire l’objet d’un blog d’entreprise. La production de contenus peut également être associée à un espace dédié. Le blog et la plateforme peuvent être également considérés comme des outils de médiatisation. 3. 4. Related posts:

8 Key Organizational Benefits of Having Social Employees|PR News We still hear it often from attendees at PR News' live events and webinars—senior leaders at many organizations dread, fear and dismiss the positive value of social media in general and the social media engagement of their employees specifically. Never mind the intense pressure on communicators to prove the business value of company-sanctioned social media efforts. If you need case study examples to prove the competitive value of a "social" culture, check with Mark Burgess, co-author (with Cheryl Burgess) of “The Social Employee: How Great Companies Make Social Media Work," co-founder and president of Blue Focus Marketing and keynote speaker at PR News' Sept. 16 Platinum PR Awards luncheon in New York City. Here's a preview of Burgess' Platinum PR Awards keynote presentation: PR News: How does what you call a "social employee" differ from an employee who may use social media but it isn’t part of their job officially? Burgess: We have heard the saying: culture eats strategy for breakfast.

7 Steps to Measuring Your Brand's Social Media Health Maria Ogneva is the Director of Social Media at Attensity, a social media engagement and voice-of-customer platform that helps the social enterprise serve and collaborate with the social customer. You can follow her on Twitter at @themaria or @attensity360, or find her musings on her personal blog and her company's blog. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should measure everything. Social media is very easily measured with various indicators like share of voice, reach, retweets, and comments. Having already written about the differences between "monitoring" and "measuring" and how to properly conduct the former. Read on for the seven steps to getting the most out of your social media measurements. 1. In order to properly measure your social media efforts, you need to know why you are engaging in social media in the first place. All or none of the above could apply to your particular objective. 2. Social media is not a silo. 3. Metrics without context are meaningless. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Michael Bloomberg Will Endorse Adrian Fenty - Loose Lips New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is coming to D.C. tomorrow to help support Mayor Adrian Fenty's re-election bid, according to a Fenty campaign source. Bloomberg is Fenty's "political godfather" as Colby King puts it, and Fenty has tried to style himself as D.C.'s version of MB, famously copying Bloomberg's idea of tearing down walls in the mayor's office to create a "bullpen." Fenty also brought D.C. schools under the mayor's authority, much like Bloomberg did in New York. Details are still in flux, but the source says Bloomberg will be at the newly opened Carmine's Family Style Italian Restaurant on 7th Street NW tomorrow afternoon. Will they talk about triathlons or making billions? Photo by Ralph Alswang via Flickr/Creative Commons 2.o

Speak Media Blog: A Very Bad PR Pitch - What Not To Do When Pitching Media Publicité dans les réseaux sociaux = 5% de l'Internet et 50% pour Facebook aux USA La publicité dans les réseaux sociaux (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) continue son inexorable progression en volume: normal, elle ne fait que se placer là où sont portés les yeux de ses prospects (proies ?...). En effet, pour l'année 2008, le montant total des investissements publicitaires dans les réseaux sociaux était aux alentours de 1.1 milliard de dollars dont 20% pour Facebook. Pour 2010, tous les indicateurs sont au vert: la projection annuelle se situe à 3.3 milliards de dollars selon Emarketer.. Dans cette croissance, Facebook a plus que doublé sa part de marché aux USA pour représenter maintenant 50% du gâteau total On comprend pourquoi sa (future) valeur boursière est repartie à la hausse.... Et pour se clarifier les idées, les récents chiffres ZenithOptimedia permettent de mettre tout cela en perspective: 3.3 milliards de dollars, c'est environ 5% du marché mondial de la publicité online prévu pour cette année à 61 milliards de dollars.

8 Vital Social Media Ingredients To Boost Your Content Marketing “Help me, help you.” A classic line from Jerry Maguire, and a concept that we’re going to look at today. Content Marketing and Social Media can be the perfect recipe for lead generation; blog posts, infographics, e-books, podcasts and videos can all get major traction on social media if shared wisely. 78% of CMOs believe custom content is the future of marketing, and this year marketing teams are looking to spend $135 Billion on digital collateral marketing. With good reason too, 60% of consumers feel more positive about a brand after consuming content from it. But all that belief and funding isn’t worth a pile of beans if nobody is reading, hearing, or seeing it. Know How To Post Flexibly Across Social Networks Social Media is already pretty precise at getting directly to who you want, resulting in highly effective leads if marketed to correctly. We spoke to Lee Odden, CEO of TopRank Online Marketing, about getting the right message onto the right channel: Use An Image Track And Learn

5 Small Biz Web Design Trends to Watch This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. The importance of having an attractive website that converts visitors into buyers and helps cleverly promote your small business is essential in these fiercely competitive times. Your website has to capture a visitor's attention, entice him or her to stay and browse around, create an interest in your product or service, and result in sales. For small businesses with limited time and budgets, design is an essential factor in both attracting and converting potential customers. With this in mind, here are five current design trends that most small businesses can utilize to great effect. Let us know in the comments below about any additional design trends that you have spotted in the small business world. 1. Minimalist design effectively strips away the excess and helps the user concentrate squarely on the content. 2. 3.

Bing “takes second place in search from Yahoo” Figures from ad network Chitika indicate that Bing overtook Yahoo to grab second place in the US search engine market as long ago as January this year. Search Engine Land’s Danny Sullivan spotted the development which shows that the gap between the Bing and Yahoo has widened ever since Bing first overtook eight months ago. If true this would be a major achievement for Microsoft, who only launched Bing in fourteen months ago. However, it’s worth noting that these figures only measure search engine-sourced traffic to sites that run Chitika ads. He notes “One key differences is that the ratings services named generally measure activity at the search engines themselves, the number of searches happening at each of them. On their own, Chikita’s figures don’t show an authoritative swing in Bing’s favor. No one analysis of the search engine market is perfect.

PR 2.0 Checklist I’ve mentioned before that I’m a huge fan of National Public Radio (NPR). I listen to “The Takeaway” and “Morning Edition” every day driving to work. NPR keeps me company as I sit in traffic for over an hour driving up the Garden State Parkway. I heard a great segment the other morning. A surgeon being interviewed discussed how a simple checklist in the ER and in the Operating Room could save a life. The radio interview continued with the discussion of how the checklist of questions, or things that you need to do, can prevent emergency situations. This PR 2.0 checklist is a working document and will grow over time. Hopefully, this checklist will help you prior to the start of your PR 2.0 initiative. Du ROI (Return On Investment) au RONI (Risk Of Non-Investment) « internet et opinion(s) – françois guillot et emmanuel bruant – web, médias, communication, influence, etc. La question du ROI, qui embarrasse tant dans les métiers de la communication, est légitime. Un individu qui dépense de l’argent est en droit de savoir ce qu’il a en échange de son argent. Cela s’appelle une transaction. Le ROI est le produit de cette transaction, ce que j’achète. Même si la transaction (l’investissement) comporte une part de risque. Il n’y a pas de raison que les médias sociaux fassent exception. Bien sûr, on peut définir les indicateurs de mesure d’une stratégie web social. Qui dit indicateurs ne dit pas mesure du ROI, mais c’est un début. Le problème du ROI n’est pas là. Si je mesure un retour sur un investissement (humain, publicitaire, R&D, croissance externe, etc.), c’est que je souhaite en être en situation de décider d’investir, OU PAS. Or le monde n’est pas identique, il change, il change de manière particulièrement fondamentale en ce moment même avec le développement des technologies en général et du web social en particulier. - process internes obsolètes

Event Coordinators Have the 5th Most Stressful Job in America Event coordinators are getting the nod as the fifth most stressful job in America in 2014, coming in just above “public relations executive.” Event coordinators are among some interesting company in the newly published list alongside enlisted military soldiers, firefighters, airline pilots, military generals and police officers. According to the CareerCast study, though event coordinators are responsible for planning all logistics and activities for events he or she is responsible for throughout the year, an individual event may be a once-in-a-lifetime special occasion for the client which contributes to the high stress environment that planners often work in. CareerCast used an 11 stress factor methodology and ranked each factor on a point scale to determine the amount of stress a worker can predict to experience in a given job. Personalities of Planners To be a great event planner you truly have to be obsessive with the details--if you weren’t you wouldn’t be doing your job well.

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