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Simple Desktops

Simple Desktops

Spacewalk - the blue sky below us Blue BathSTS-116 Mission Specialists Robert L. Curbeam, Jr. (left) and Christer Fuglesang participate in the first of the mission’s three planned sessions of extravehicular activity as construction resumes on the International Space Station. 150 Simple Desktop Wallpapers for Minimalist Lovers Minimalism is a popular style of design because it keeps things simple and user-friendly, minimalism can also be applied to other aspects of business and life. The purpose of Minimalism is basically to allow the viewers or the audience to experience the artwork more intensely without all the distractions of the composition, the theme, the organization and so on. Below are 150 minimalistic desktop wallpapers to download and perhaps even get a little inspiration to create your own! Use them and let the simplicity take over your computer desktop.

Wallpaper sorted by Date Sorted by Date There are 3886 free desktop wallpapers available below. You are on page 1 of 389. Your screen's resolution is 1600x1200 pixels. 46 Fabulous Photos of Endeavour’s Last Ever Spacewalk May 27th, 2011: the last spacewalk for NASA’s Endeavour astronauts. Here, a fish-eye lens attached to an electronic still camera was used to capture this image of NASA astronaut Michael Fincke (top center) during the mission’s fourth session of extravehicular activity (EVA) as construction and maintenance continued on the International Space Station. Photo #1 by NASA A bright sun, a portion of the International Space Station and Earth’s horizon are featured in this image photographed by a spacewalker during the STS-134 mission. Photo #2 by NASA May 27, last day for Endeavour spacewalkers, NASA astronaut Greg Chamitoff continued to work on the International Space Station.

Peter Lane: Ferret Ferret is a copy-detection tool, created at the University of Hertfordshire by members of the Plagiarism Detection Group. Ferret locates duplicate text or code in multiple text documents or source files. The program is designed to detect copying (collusion) within a given set of files. Olympic National Park: One of the wildest places left in the USA [36 PICS] Maple Glade Trail. It’s supposed to be a humbling experience to stand amidst such giants in the ancient forests of Olympic National Park. Photo #1 by rachel_thecat

Useful Photoshop Tips And Tricks For Photo Retouching Advertisement When it comes to designing in Photoshop, there is a myriad of ways one could use to achieve a certain result, especially when it comes to photo retouching. Designers use technique they are most confident as well as comfortable with, which is great because it’s always useful to peek into the workflow of our colleagues and learn new design approaches. We have had articles on cloning1, compositing2, masks3 and obscure Photoshop time-savers4 in the past. This article is different. I’ll be covering some of the useful techniques and tricks which I’ve learned from my experience.

Isle Royale National Park - Large format photography - US National Parks Large Format stock photos [CLICK on any picture to see a larger image and details, to add to selection, to order, and to download wallpaper.] 64 essential guides, tips and tutorials to definitely master Photoshop like a pro I’ve been compiling Photoshop resources for about nine years for this site, always focusing on specific subjects. Some of these compilations became very popular, such as The best 80 text effects on the web, 100 wonderful Photoshop photo effects tutorials, or 40 Extravagant Surreal and Fantasy Scenes Photoshop Tutorials, to mention just a few of them. But all of them turned out to be constrained to a single subject, be it a very general one or to something more specific such as 30 Fascinating Video Game Inspired Photoshop Tutorials and Brushes, or Spectacular Superheroes Themed Photoshop Tutorials. What about learn how to actually use Photoshop? There are hundreds of resources that teach you how to master the different Photoshop tools or commands. You probably never noticed many of those just because they look boring and have no flashy images to capture your attention.

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