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An Official Rift: Planes of Telara Fansite

An Official Rift: Planes of Telara Fansite

Macro - Rift Wiki A macro in the context of video games refers to a set of instructions that can be issued together with one input or "hotkey." Rift supports macroing via an in-game menu. Opening that menu brings up a panel with a list of macro slots on the left, and the macro fields on the right. It is also possible to open the macro menu by entering /macro in the chat. #show ability e.g. [edit] Commands An important component of macros is the ability to issue game commands via text input. [edit] Syntax for saving macros When listing commands in the macro interface, you do not need the leading slash, so rather than /cast, you would just use cast. #show Commander's Order cast @mouseover Commander's Order Currently because there is no /wait command and to prevent bot creation. Although you can have multiple wait commands in a macro, you may only have a maximum of one ability and can only say one thing (between all channels of speech) per macro. An example of a macro utilizing wait: [edit] Macro Language

Arena Junkies - World of Warcraft PvP Strategy and Discussion This is not a Rift Player vs Rift Rift
