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Sociocultural evolution

Sociocultural evolution, sociocultural evolutionism or cultural evolution are umbrella terms for theories of cultural and social evolution that describe how cultures and societies change over time. Whereas sociocultural development traces processes that tend to increase the complexity of a society or culture, sociocultural evolution also considers process that can lead to decreases in complexity (degeneration) or that can produce variation or proliferation without any seemingly significant changes in complexity (cladogenesis).[1] Sociocultural evolution can be defined as "the process by which structural reorganization is affected through time, eventually producing a form or structure which is qualitatively different from the ancestral form." Most 19th-century and some 20th-century approaches to socioculture aimed to provide models for the evolution of humankind as a whole, arguing that different societies are at different stages of social development. Introduction[edit]

Transformation of culture - Wikipedia Transformation of culture, or cultural change, is the dynamic process whereby the living cultures of the world are changing and adapting to external or internal forces. This process is occurring within Western culture as well as non-Western and indigenous cultures and cultures of the world. Forces which contribute to the cultural change described in this article include: colonization, globalization, advances in communication, transport and infrastructure improvements, and military expansion. Theories of cultural change[edit] Various scholars have proposed different theories of cultural change. Thomas R. Transformation of Western culture[edit] "Western" or European culture began to undergo rapid change starting with the arrival of Columbus in the New World, and continuing with the Industrial Revolution. Transformation of indigenous cultures[edit] Around the world many indigenous groups have over centuries or millennia successfully sustained economies in one particular place and ecosystem.

Raven paradox The raven paradox suggests that both of these images contribute evidence to the supposition that all ravens are black. The raven paradox, also known as Hempel's paradox or Hempel's ravens, is a paradox arising from the question of what constitutes evidence for a statement. Observing objects that are neither black nor ravens may formally increase the likelihood that all ravens are black – even though, intuitively, these observations are unrelated. The paradox[edit] Hempel describes the paradox in terms of the hypothesis:[2][3] (1) All ravens are black. In strict logical terms, via contraposition, this statement is equivalent to: (2) Everything that is not black is not a raven. It should be clear that in all circumstances where (2) is true, (1) is also true; and likewise, in all circumstances where (2) is false (i.e. if a world is imagined in which something that was not black, yet was a raven, existed), (1) is also false. (3) Nevermore, my pet raven, is black. Proposed resolutions[edit] is if . If

10 Daily Habits That are Killing the Environment Image Source Fotopedia They say it takes 21 days to form a habit, and many of us have daily habits that are slowly destroying the environment. Here is a list of 10 things we can easily change to reduce our impact on the planet, with suggestions for ways to develop new, environmentally-friendly habits instead. 1. Leaving The Lights On You’ve probably heard this a million times before but turning the light off when you leave the room, even if you’re only going for a few minutes, really does make a difference to the environment, since it saves a finite source of energy that can’t be replaced. 2. Many people guess the amount of water they need when they boil the kettle, and they end up boiling too much. 3. Maybe you’re not ready to take a step in the veggie or vegan direction, but if you’re eating farmed meat, you’re supporting an incredibly environmentally damaging industry. 4. 5. 6. 7. It’s remarkably easy to compost at home, and you don’t need a garden to do it. 8. 9. 10.

Epistemology Branch of philosophy concerning knowledge In these debates and others, epistemology aims to answer questions such as "What do people know?", "What does it mean to say that people know something?" Etymology[edit] The etymology of the word epistemology is derived from the ancient Greek epistēmē, meaning "knowledge, understanding, skill, scientific knowledge",[7][note 1] and the English suffix -ology, meaning "the science or discipline of (what is indicated by the first element)".[9] The word "epistemology" first appeared in 1847, in a review in New York's Eclectic Magazine : The title of one of the principal works of Fichte is 'Wissenschaftslehre,' which, after the analogy of technology ... we render epistemology.[10] The word was first used to present a philosophy in English by Scottish philosopher James Frederick Ferrier in 1854. This section of the science is properly termed the Epistemology—the doctrine or theory of knowing, just as ontology is the science of being... Knowledge[edit]

Global Environmental Politics: From Person to Planet - Simon Nicholson, Paul Wapner Scientific realism Scientific realism is, at the most general level, the view that the world described by science is the real world, as it is, independent of what we might take it to be. Within philosophy of science, it is often framed as an answer to the question "how is the success of science to be explained?" The debate over what the success of science involves centers primarily on the status of unobservable entities apparently talked about by scientific theories. Generally, those who are scientific realists assert that one can make valid claims about unobservables (viz., that they have the same ontological status) as observables, as opposed to instrumentalism. Main features of scientific realism[edit] Scientific realism involves two basic positions. According to scientific realism, an ideal scientific theory has the following features: The claims the theory makes are either true or false, depending on whether the entities talked about by the theory exist and are correctly described by the theory. [edit]

The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Political Theory Matching Person & Technology Model The Matching Person & Technology Model organizes influences on the successful use of a variety of technologies: assistive technology, educational technology, and those used in the workplace, school, home; for healthcare, for mobility and performing daily activities. Specialized devices for hearing loss, speech, eyesight and cognition as well as general or everyday technologies are also included. Research shows that although a technology may appear perfect for a given need, it may be used inappropriately or even go unused when critical personality preferences, psychosocial characteristics or needed environmental support are not considered. MPT process with accompanying assessment measures[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] General Cook, A.M. and Hussey, S. (2001). Specific Jump up ^ Kormann & Petronko: (2003) Crisis and Revolution in Developmental Disabilities: The Dilemma of Community Based Services. External links[edit]

Emancipatory catastrophism: What does it mean to climate change and risk society? Ulrich Beck Ulrich Beck, Ludwig Maximilian University, Konradstr. 6, Munich, 80801, Germany. Email: Abstract The metamorphosis of the world is about the hidden emancipatory side effect of global risk. This article argues that the talk about bads produces ‘common goods’. As such, the argument goes beyond what has been at the heart of the world risk society theory so far: it is not about the negative side effects of goods but the positive side effects of bads. Article Notes Funding Funded by the European Research Council (ERC) project: ‘Methodological Cosmopolitanism - In the Laboratory of Climate Change’, ERC-2012-AdG - 323719_Cosmo-Climate - © The Author(s) 2014

RETHINKING GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY: FROM GLOBAL GOVERNANCE TO TRANSNATIONAL NEOPLURALISM - KÜTTING - 2015 - Public Administration Originally focused on seeking policy solutions through international cooperation, transnational administration, and global governance, the study of global environmental policy has become increasingly diverse and fragmented. Complex, crosscutting variables ranging from a wider constellation of non-state actors to diverse critical perspectives, along with a focus on narrower sub-fields and the changing nature of environmental challenges themselves, have left the field in a state of flux. A broader, more process-oriented explanatory framework is needed. Institutionalist, global governance and civil society approaches, as well as middle-range concepts such as policy networks, are insufficient, while critical analyses, although a step in the right direction, are overly deterministic.

untitled Anna M. Agathangelou⇑ Anna M. Agathangelou, Department of Political Science, York University, 4700 Keele Street, S Ross 653, Toronto, Ontario, M3J 1P3, Canada. Email: Abstract Failure and denial are seductive concepts, and they were explicitly theorised at the Millennium conference in October, 2015. Article Notes Funding This research was part-funded by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (Grant on migration, security, and democracy and peripheries in Europe). © The Author(s) 2016 New Earth Politics: Essays from the Anthropocene - Simon Nicholson, Sikina Jinnah
