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Favorite Quotes Here you can browse the collection of best quotes I’ve been gathering for more than a decade (current total of over 500). There’s also a downloadable CSV file (58 KB) available. For a selection of the best famous quotes, check ’60 Selected Best Famous Quotes’, Part I and Part II.If you’re interested in starting your own quote collection, check ‘5 Reasons to Collect Favorite Quotes‘. The third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. A. History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives. Abba Eban How many legs does a dog have, if you call the tail a leg? Abraham Lincoln Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power. When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. To the man who only has a hammer, everything he encounters begins to look like a nail. Adlai E.

How to Get a Copy of Your FBI The Freedom of Information Act is a powerful thing. If you've ever wanted to know just what those guvmint bastards have on you, anyway, here's your chance. Just fill in the italics in this form letter with the appropriate information, get your signature notarized, send it off, and you're in business! This should be free, though if your search returns reams of information, you may be charged 5 cents per page in duplication fees. The law says that your request must be responded to within 10 days, but you can expect something closer to 2 or 3 months for a definitive answer with the current backlog of paperwork. Your Name Today's Date Your Address Line 2 of Your Address Federal Bureau of Investigation Records Resources Division - Attn.: FOIA/PA Office J. This is a request for records under both the Privacy Act and the Freedom of Information Act. My full name is: Your Name. I hereby agree to pay reasonable costs associated with this request up to a maximum of $30. Sincerely,Your Signature Fotor | Photo Editing Made Simple - Free Online Photo Editor 10 Useful Features Hidden in VLC, The Swiss Army Knife of Media Players There’s a good chance you already use the VLC media player. But VLC isn’t just a media player — it’s a complete Swiss Army Knife for digital videos and music, filled with useful and fun features you haven’t found yet. If you’re just using VLC to play back local media files, you’re only using a tiny fraction of VLC’s capabilities. There’s so much more you can do with VLC, whether you’re using it on Windows, Mac, or Linux. Convert Media Files VLC can convert media files between the formats it supports. To do this, click the Media menu and select Convert / Save. Stream Media Over the Network or Internet VLC can stream media across the Internet or on your local network. Of course, if you want to stream over the Internet, you’ll probably need to forward ports on your router. Record Your Desktop VLC can load your desktop as an input device. Remotely Control Playback From a Browser VLC has an integrated HTTP server you can enable. Watch YouTube Videos Play Internet Radio

Fun With Words: Glossary of Linguistics and Rhetoric ablaut a vowel change that accompanies a change in grammatical function. Same as "gradation." Sing, sang, and sung. accidence the part of morphology that deals with the inflections of words. accismus pretended refusal of something desired. acrolect a variety of language that is closest to a standard main language, especially in an area where a creole is also spoken. adianoeta an expression that carries both an obvious meaning and a second, subtler meaning. adnominal characteristic of an adnoun. adnominatio assigning to a proper name its literal or homophonic meaning; also, paronomasia or polyptoton. adnoun the use of an adjective as a noun. adynaton a declaration of impossibility, usually expressed as an exaggerated comparison with a more obvious impossibility. alexia inability to read, usually caused by brain lesions; word blindness. alliteration repetition of the same sound beginning several words placed close together, usually adjacent. alphabetism the expression of spoken sounds by an alphabet.

How to Be a Bad Girl: 7 Steps Edit Article Edited by Juelle Bembry, FlaminPunkMonkey, Laptop123, Jamjam and 54 others Boys love them, and girls want to be them, deep down. Ad Steps 1Be fun! 7Learn to party. Tips A bad girl loves fashionable necklines, high heels, skirts hemmed at mid-thigh, strapless anything, and sexy lingerie. Warnings Do not be slutty.Don't wear skanky clothes. wout/svg.js
