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The Difference between Aliens, Demons and Fallen Angels The Difference Between Fallen Angels, Demons, Aliens, Jedi, and the Watchers By Sherry Shriner In these last days, the Bible says it will be a time of mass hybridization and the mixture and corruption of human DNA by fallen angels, also known as "Aliens." The government is and has been, conditioning the existence of aliens through Hollywood, science fiction, cartoons, and other sources. However, they are not telling you the whole truth. These Aliens are not ascended masters, or enlightened ones, or beings from galaxies millions of miles away, nor are they our forefathers or original creators. The Lord has told me that in the coming days, these Aliens will make their presence more visibly and physically known on earth. As the end times approach, the lies of extra terrestrial lineage, heritage, and creation will come out in full force. Two Separate Rebellions in the Early Days Most people are familiar with the rebellion of Satan wanting to be like God and wanting to be worshipped as God.

Lindsey Williams Simon Peter versus Simon the Sorcerer This is a great expose by the late Dr. E.L. Martin. "But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one: To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of God. Right from the very beginning, Satan had his counterfeit "messiah" operating right in the true Messiah's backyard. Simon believed and was baptized. From Simon Magus we get the word simony which means to buy a religious office with money. After his encounter with St. As in the case of Patrick and Palladius, the arch-fiend Satan took advantage of the similarities of the names to supplant one with the other. "To hell with you and your money . . . for trying to buy the gift of God......." SIMON MAGUS by Ernest L. What were the origins of Catholic-Babylonian Christianity? THE FALSE religious system began very early -- almost with Pentecost in 31 A.D. And why not?
