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Formation en informatique, e-learning, cours et tuto - bureautique - professionnelle - particulier par Vodeclic

Formation en informatique, e-learning, cours et tuto - bureautique - professionnelle - particulier par Vodeclic
Related:  e learning elearning e-learning formation

vous Xavier Sillon from Paris ? La formation informatique à la sauce 2.0 Vodeclic 1 from Jean Michel Billaut on Vimeo. Vodeclic est une plateforme de formation à l'informatique en mode Saas... Tout est dit... Xavier nous présente néanmoins en détail son marché, et le fonctionnement de la plateforme... Plus de 5.000 formations à ce jour sont disponibles dans tous lees usages de l'informatique... Qui sont les clients ? Quel est le business model de Vodeclic ? Concurrence ? La révolution du Saas va-t-elle toucher Vodeclic ? Visées internationales ? Au fait vous pouvez vous former gratuitement pendant 7 jours sur Vodeclic... Poour contacter Xavier Sillon : commercial(arobase) © Une production du Billautshow - the video for the rest of us - the e-billautshow : the french worldwide hub

Deliberate Practice For Musicians | how to make constant and consistent improvement in your playing vous Grégoire Van Steenbrugghe from Paris ? Des cours particuliers en visioconférence Untitled from Jean Michel Billaut on Vimeo. Grégoire a ouvert en décembre dernier une plateforme, dénomée Wismi, qui met en relation des parents qui voudraient faire donner des cours particuliers à leurs chères têtes blondes, et des professeurs. Le tout sur un mode affinitaire... Grégoire nous explique la mécanique... Côté parents comment se passe la chose ? Quel est le business model de Wismi ? Nouvelles fonctionnalités qui seront intégrées à Wismi ? Visées européennes ? Commentaires au débotté... Si nos chères têtes blondes commencent à suivre des cours particuliers en visiophonie, on peut se demander s'ils ne voudront pas continuer à utiliser cet usage plus tard... Pour contacter Grégoire Van Steenbrugghe : gregoire(arobase) Le blog de wismi : © Une production du Billautshow - the video for the rest of us - the e-billautshow : the french worldwide hub

Khan Academy vous Guillaume Reys from Sélestat ? Les chirurgiens dentistes se mettent en monde virtuel sur Dental Life DentalLife 1 from Jean Michel Billaut on Vimeo. (pour ceux qui le ne savent pas Sélestat se trouve en Alsace un peu au Sud de Strasbourg). Figurez-vous que Guillaume est chirurgien-dentiste... A priori on se rend chez lui contraint et forcé et même en reculant... Bref... Un monde, ou plutôt une île réservée aux professionnels de la dent. Pourquoi donc avoir réalisé Dental Life ? Pourquoi avoir choisi Second Life ? Quel est le business model de Dental Life ? Les professionnels de santé français (environ 800.000 personnes) se mettront-ils en monde virtuel ? Quid des imprimantes 3D pour fabriquer des prothèses de dents dans les cabinets des chirurgiens dentistes ? Question insidieuse : qui gérera notre santé à terme ? Commentaires au débotté ... Bon ce que j'en dis... Pour contacter Guillaume Reys : guillaume.reys(arobase) © Une production du Billautshow - the video for the rest of us - the e-billautshow : the french worldwide hub

Linking feedback to the learning process — Faculty Development It is very important to ensure that the feedback given to the learner is aligned with the overall learning outcomes of the programme, teaching session or clinical activity in which the learner is engaged. Giving feedback can be seen as part of experiential learning. Kolb (1984) proposed that learning happens in a circular fashion, that learning is experiential (learning by doing), and that ideas are formed and modified through experiences. These ideas underpin the idea of the ‘reflective practitioner’ and the shift from ‘novice to expert’ which occurs as part of professional development. The learning cycle requires four kinds of abilities or learning contexts: This cycle is similar to the ‘plan – do – reflect – act’ cycle which is often used in appraisals. If we consider that one of the tasks of those giving feedback is to help the learner achieve their learning goals, then Hill (2007) suggests that we need to start with an understanding of: Print module to PDF Further information

Bienvenue sur DentalLife How Do You Communicate with Your E-Learners? Years ago, I was enrolled in a course on video production. Each week we were given assignments to do. At the end of the week, the whole class would sit down and we’d review our projects. One of the objectives was to have the other students share what they got out of the video before they knew what I intended to communicate. Through that process, I learned that it’s not enough to just put information together and assume that somehow the viewer would understand what I meant. It All Starts with Understanding the Communication Process Clear communication is critical when you design your elearning course because what you present isn’t always received by the learner the way you intend it. Here’s a simple illustration of what happens as learners go through an elearning course. The first image below represents a screen from an elearning course on auto maintenance. The second image shows how three different learners process the information. The image below represents a basic communication process.

vous Jérôme Serre et Daniel Jasmin ? Comment les enseignants vont réformer notre "Mammouth" ? Untitled from Jean Michel Billaut on Vimeo. Qu'on se le dise : l'iPad (et autres tablets qui vont arriver...) est fait pour apprendre.... C'est ce que nous expliquent Jérôme Serre et Daniel Jasmin... Ils nous expliquent comment fonctionne leur mécanique. Mais Edupad édite aussi ses propres exercices pour amorcer le marché. Pourquoi avoir aussi créer une communauté de contributeurs ? Quel est le business model d'Edupad ? Concurrence ? Visées internationales : lancement en France et en même temps aux USA...Puis, en Asie pour l'apprentissage de l'anglais par exemple. Edupad cherche des sous pour leur développement international.. Commentaires... Pour contacter nos amis : contact(arobase) © Une production du Billautshow - the video for the rest of us - the e-billautshow : the french worldwide hub

Drive Smarter :: e-Learning products offering web based online fleet driver training that is compliant and offers audit and reporting capabilities. The Drive Smarter system provides your organisation with SCORM compliant e-Learning solutions that offer video-based training via our web interface, along with audit and reporting capabilities via our administrator back-office application. Option 1: e-Learn Complete Drive Smarter e-Learn Complete offers you the ability to provide a long-term ‘drip-feed’ of information to your drivers. When selecting this option, you have the opportunity to choose 12 modules from our line-up and dictate the order in which the modules are taken. Typically, an organisation opts for an individual to take one module per month over a 12-month period. Option 2: e-Learn Essentials We understand that not all organisations have the ability to commit to monthly or long-term training for their drivers. Option 3: Drive Smarter Small Fleet Drive Smarter Small Fleet offers provides you with an easy and cost effective online training programme for your small fleet. Journey planning; Vehicle safety; Fitness to drive You Want E-Learning Success, But Are You Prepared to Go All the Way? Many of us take a Field of Dreams approach to elearning. If we build it, they will learn. But the reality is that elearning is just an event in the timeline of learning and not the entire learning process. And in some ways, the elearning course is an intrusion on the person’s natural learning process. Because of this, we want to make sure that the investment we make in elearning produces the results we desire. Sure enough, the elearning course is important because it can compress time and save resources. In today’s post I want to look at some things to consider before and after you build your elearning course. Motivated to Learn: How do you get people interested in what you have to offer? 1. The elearning course is going to stick if the learners are motivated to learn. Is this course relevant to the learners? 2. Elearning course design has three core parts. What content needs to be in the course? 3. One of the biggest downfalls to elearning is the lack of support after the fact.
