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Max Design - CSS Page Layouts

Max Design - CSS Page Layouts
Here are a range of CSS responsive HTML and CSS layouts – including one, two and three column layouts. All layouts are ready to use – as is – with folders, dummy AppleTouch icon, dummy favicon and CSS files in place. All layouts are FREE to use as needed and can be downloaded directly from Github. One-column fixed-width responsive layout A simple, single-column fixed-width responsive layout with pre-defined styles for all common elements, responsive images and more. One-column full-width responsive layout A simple, single-column full-width responsive layout with pre-defined styles for all common elements, responsive images and more. Two-column full width responsive layout A simple, two-column full-width responsive layout with pre-defined styles for all common elements, responsive images and more. Three-column full-width responsive layout A simple, three-column full-width responsive layout with pre-defined styles for all common elements, responsive images and more.

A Really, Really, Really Good Introduction to XML [XML, XSLT &amp; Web Services] In this chapter, we’ll cover the basics of XML – essentially, most of the information you’ll need to know to get a handle on this exciting technology. After we’re done exploring some terminology and examples, we’ll jump right in and start working with XML documents. Then, we’ll spend some time starting the project we’ll develop through the course of this book: building an XML-powered content management system. This excerpt is taken from No Nonsense XML Web Development with PHP, SitePoint’s new release, by Thomas Myer, which was designed to help you start using XML to build intelligent ‘Future-Proof’ PHP applications today. The title contains over 350 pages of XML and PHP goodies. To find out more about “No Nonsense XML Web Development with PHP”, visit the book’s information page, or review the contents of the entire publication. Chapter 1. Who here has heard of XML? What is XML? So, what is XML? The essence of XML is in its name: Extensible Markup Language. Extensible XML is extensible. <!

CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards Solutions - Part 2 - [next] CSS Mastery: Fixed-Width, Liquid, and Elastic Layouts and Faux Columns Fixed-width, liquid, and elastic layout So far (in the previous article), all the examples have used widths defined in pixels. However, fixed-width designs have their downsides. To work around these issues, you could choose to use liquid or elastic layout instead of fixed-width layout. Liquid layouts With liquid layouts, dimensions are set using percentages instead of pixels. However, liquid layouts are not without their own problems. Conversely, if the design spans the entire width of the browser window, line lengths can become long and difficult to read. Be aware that IE 5x on Windows incorrectly calculates padding in relation to the width of the element rather than the width of the parent element. You can use these techniques to turn the previous fixed-width, three-column layout into a fluid, three-column layout. You then need to set the widths of the columns in the content area. Figure 7-6.

Choosing Fixed Layout Over Fluid Layout | TechTracer I had been using over a couple of months until the big screens came into picture. The fluid designs became so drastically different on those big screens that I found all my imagined design going down the drain. The web site rendered itself in such an ugly manner that it came down to negative remarks of the big flat screen owner. So the ultimate question to me was, why did I choose a fluid layout in the first place? Image Credit – mountaingoat If you are bewildered about the fluid and fixed terminology then their concepts are somewhat self-explanatory: – The dimensions of blocks in your web design structure are defined by pixel length and not by percentages. - The dimensions are on the contrary made in such a manner that they become fluid. After trying my hands on a fixed layout for designing a theme for Techtracer , I felt somewhat relaxed over my earlier efforts of going for a fluid scheme. 10 to 12 lines on a resolution of 800×600 because of of content area

An Overview of Current CSS Layout Techniques Introduction Learning how to use CSS for creating web sites is a pain in the ass. It’s not easy and it will hurt you. Over the last several years I’ve been asked by many web designers and developers about how to best get started with building web sites using CSS and standards. When it comes to understanding the world of standards based design, you have to think medieval. There are few manuscripts to guide the way and the few monasteries dedicated to the craft are mostly filled with men. That said this overview will cover the current strategies used around the web to build the foundation of every CSS-based web site: layouts. They’re Just a Bunch of Boxes There is a fierce and complicated history and dialectic to follow when it comes to the evolution of the XHTML and CSS architectures. In regards to creating layouts, I recommend paying particular attention to W3C’s ideas in Chapters 9 and 10 on the Visual Formatting Model . 1. The layout of these boxes is governed by: 2. Fixed vs.

Howto: 3 Easy Ways To Speed Up CSS Development While Staying Organized | Elliot Swan When developing large sites, stylesheets can get fairly messy and hard to keep track of. If you don’t stay organized, you can end up making them larger than they really need to be and doing more work than you should have to. Here’s just a few ways to can help avoid that. While in most cases semantic class names really don’t help achieve much, there are a few in which they can be quite helpful. Oftentimes, people only use classes when there are multiple elements on a page that are to share the same styles–this isn’t the only way to use them, however. <ul id="tabs"><li><a href="#">tab 1</a></li><li><a href="#">tab 2</a></li><li><a class="selected" href="#">current tab 3</a></li><li><a href="#">tab 4</a></li></ul> We’re going to want to give the .selected link some extra styles. Using selectors, we can give each of these different styles: li .selected { /* styles go here */ } form .selected { /* styles go here */ } This makes our CSS easy to read and our classes easy to keep track of.

9 Timeless 3 Column Layout Techniques Dec 29 2007 Our Target is find a Layout that have Total Layout Flexibility, Equal Height Columns and just works fine. Lets digg deep and see below a list of resources which offer gorgeous and valid 3 Column CSS-based Layouts- usually with full layout structure, such as headers, navigation bars, content containers, sidebars and footers. Two Fixed and one Fluid 1) 3 Columns, The Holy Grail- Nice simple 3-column CSS layout to adapt. 2) 3 Column Fluid CSS Layout- With Faux Columns and 100% height 3) 3-col Layout Via CSS No tables, no absolute positioning (no positioning at all), no hacks(!) 4) 3 Columns – Flanking Menus Three columns, intelligent order of elements. Fixed Fixed Fixed 5) Multi-Column Layouts Climb Out of the Box This is part of the List Apart Article , This three-column layout takes a slightly different approach: the borders are applied directly to the container div. 6) LayoutGala’s 3 Fixed Columns 7) 3 Col Fixed SEO Fluid 8 ) One True Layout 9) Max Design- Liquid insanity Homepage

Designline - A Design Timeline I have often wondered what it would be like to see a web site design progress from start to finish, with each tweak and change being shown as it progresses—a design timeline, if you will. I don't mean from conceptual start to finish—from blank piece of paper to finished Photoshop image of the design. I mean from a blank browser and text file to a completed HTML file with associated CSS and images. Not having any of the above fellows on hand to fulfill my whims, I decided to forge ahead and create a designline myself. To create this designline, I took a screenshot basically every time I saved my HTML file. Designline for the Open Air blog template - 879k Animated GIF I really like the results. There are several ways I would improve this designline concept: A corresponding "codeline", so to speak. Update: For more information about the reasoning behind the design process used, see Content-Driven Design.

Ten more CSS tricks you may not know Our article, Ten CSS tricks you may not know has proven to be such a success that we decided it was time to offer you ten more CSS tricks that you may not know. 1. Block vs. inline level elements Nearly all HTML elements are either block or inline elements. Always begin on a new line Height, line-height and top and bottom margins can be manipulated Width defaults to 100% of their containing element, unless a width is specified Examples of block elements include <div>, <p>, <h1>, <form>, <ul> and <li>. Begin on the same line Height, line-height and top and bottom margins can't be changed Width is as long as the text/image and can't be manipulated Examples of inline elements include <span>, <a>, <label>, <input>, <img>, <strong> and <em>. To change an element's status you can use display: inline or display: block. 2. padding: 2em; border: 1em solid green; width: 20em; width/**/:/**/ 14em; The first width command is read by all browsers; the second by all browsers except IE5.x on PC. 3. 4. 5.

25 Examples of Web 2.0 and Traditional Design Rules Coming Together In the large scope of the design world, the term “Web 2.0″ is relatively a new one. With it, comes its own set of standards, some strong, others not so strong, since Web 2.0 in itself is a very fickle, ever-evolving definition of design standards. Countless examples of Web 2.0 sites have broken the rules of what was once considered strong design. On the other hand, in many cases Web 2.0 has strengthened common design misnomers; it places a focus on usability, interface, and readability. At its best, Web 2.0 stands as an equal to the traditional design rules practiced for centuries, though it is no doubt a reflection of our society in its current state of hustle and bustle. Here’s a collection of 25 sites showcasing how Web 2.0 and traditional design practices can come together to form truly stunning websites. 1. Josh Pyles is a nice guy, and he’s also a fantastic, disciplined designer. Traditional Aspects: Great grid system. Web 2.0 Enhancements: Beautiful gradients. 2. Great use of texture.
