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Social Psychology

About the Course Coursera's largest class is back by popular demand! Beginning July 14, 2014, Social Psychology will feature a fresh line-up of special events, guest experts, and material intended to delight psychology lovers around the world. Course Description from Professor Plous: Each of us is dealt a different hand in life, but we all face similar questions when it comes to human behavior: What leads us to like one person and dislike another? How do conflicts and prejudices develop, and how can they be reduced? Our focus will be on surprising, entertaining, and intriguing research findings that are easy to apply in daily life. Course Format The class will consist of lecture videos, most of which are 10-20 minutes long. NEW IN 2014: To help students who have a busy schedule or don't speak English as their first language, the course will include a one-week break in the middle (August 4-10) so that anyone who has fallen behind can catch up on missed videos or readings.

[Entretien] Robert-Vincent Joule R.-V. Joule : Professeur de psychologie sociale à l’Université de Provence (Aix-en-Provence, France). Sylvain Delouvée : Merci d’avoir accepté cet entretien. Robert-Vincent Joule : C’est une question difficile… vous placez la barre très haut en ce début d’entretien… mais je ne me défilerai pas. Sylvain Delouvée : Pour celles et ceux qui ne connaissent pas vos travaux, comment, en quelques mots, présenteriez-vous vos thématiques de recherches ? Robert-Vincent Joule : Deux domaines, au cœur de la vie sociale, me passionnent et m’ont toujours passionné : celui du changement d’attitude et celui du changement comportemental. Sylvain Delouvée : Lors d’un entretien accordé à la Radio Nationale Dolmate (1) vous répondiez avec Jean-Léon Beauvois aux critiques qui sont souvent adressées à vos travaux sur les « armes » que vous fournissez aux manipulateurs. Robert-Vincent Joule : Je ne le pense pas. Il y a là de quoi alimenter la réflexion. Robert-Vincent Joule : Merci à vous. 1.

Corpus linguistics: method, analysis, interpretation — Lancaster University 0:12Skip to 0 minutes and 12 secondsLanguage defines what we are. Something linguists argue it's the very essence of being human. It's the key skill that sets us apart from animals. 1:06Skip to 1 minute and 6 secondsThe computer has changed everything. 2:02Skip to 2 minutes and 2 seconds By entering the digital age, analysts are able to search for patterns that would probably defy analysis by hand and eye alone. 2:53Skip to 2 minutes and 53 seconds On this course, you'll learn about the range of applications of corpus data in the study of language both in linguistics and beyond it, in the social sciences for example.

Fundamentals of Music Theory This course, from the University of Edinburgh's Reid School of Music (recently ranked first in the UK), is suitable for those who have never studied music academically. It will introduce you to the theory of Western music, providing you with the skills needed to read and write Western music notation, as well as to understand, analyse, and listen informedly. It will provide the basis for the further study of music both from a theoretical and practical point of view: musicology, pastiche and free composition, analysis, performance, and aural skills. It will also be useful to experienced musicians without music notation skills who wish to extend their practice through a grounding in the tools of Western music theory and notation. Follow us on twitter @musictheorymooc #edmusictheory No background required. As a student enrolled in this course, you will have free access to selected chapters and content for the duration of the course. S. E. The class will consist of lecture videos.

English Composition I: Achieving Expertise About the Course English Composition I provides an introduction to and foundation for the academic reading and writing characteristic of college. Attending explicitly to disciplinary context, you will learn to read critically, write effective arguments, understand the writing process, and craft powerful prose that meets readers’ expectations. You will gain writing expertise by exploring questions about expertise itself: What factors impact expert achievement? What does it take to succeed? Two overarching assumptions about academic writing will shape our work: 1) it is transferable; 2) it is learnable. Share why you want to improve your writing Learn what other says about their motivations **English Composition I has earned a Certificate of Recognition from Quality Matters, a non-profit dedicated to quality in online education Course Syllabus Unit 1 (Weeks 1-3): Critical ReviewHow do we become experts? Recommended Background In-course Textbooks Suggested Readings Course Format Yes. Yes. No.

La théorie de la dissonance cognitive une théorie âgée d’un demi-siècle Selon la théorie de la dissonance cognitive, lorsque les circonstances amènent une personne à agir en désaccord avec ses croyances, cette personne éprouvera un état de tension inconfortable appelé dissonance, qui, par la suite, tendra à être réduit, par exemple par une modifi cation de ses croyances dans le sens de l’acte. Notre article se propose de présenter cette théorie dans ses grandes lignes. Dans les expériences sur la dissonance, on amène par exemple le sujet à donner des arguments en faveur de la peine de mort alors qu’il est contre (il réalise donc un acte dit « problématique »). La réalisation de cet acte l’amène à ressentir un état d’inconfort. Aussi étonnant que cela puisse paraître, lorsque nous sommes amenés à agir contrairement à nos convictions, nous avons ainsi tendance à justifier nos actions et à adapter nos opinions à nos comportements. Genèse de la théorie Léon Festinger. Un séisme en Inde. 1. Au coeur de la théorie L’engagement.

Shaping the Way We Teach English, 1: The Landscape of English Language Teaching About the Course This course is aimed at English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers, both those who are intending to pursue this field as a career and those already working in the field who would like to revise and refresh their methods and approaches. The materials and approaches presented should complement college courses such as Introduction to TEFL/TESOL Methods. This five-week course explores important aspects of teaching English as a second or foreign language. The goal of this course is to help you become a better teacher. By the end of this course, you should be able to explain how the various materials and approaches presented will lead to better language learning; you will be able to choose appropriate materials and apply varied classroom activities to improve your students’ study of English. This is the first of the two-part Shaping the Way We Teach English series. Course Format How could this be adapted to my own classroom?

Ideas of the Twentieth Century The last century ushered in significant progress. Philosophers, scientists, artists, and poets overthrew our understanding of the physical world, of human behavior, of thought and its limits, and of art, creativity, and beauty. Scientific progress improved the way we lived across the world. Yet the last century also brought increased levels of war, tyranny, and genocide. Man pushed boundaries of good and evil, right and wrong, justice and injustice – and people lost faith in values. Join this thought-provoking, broad-sweeping course as it draws intriguing connections between philosophy, art, literature, and history, illuminating our world and our place in it. Before your course starts, try the new edX Demo where you can explore the fun, interactive learning environment and virtual labs.

Pr. Nicolas Michinov, Enseignant-chercheur Introduction to Philosophy This course will introduce you to some of the main areas of research in contemporary philosophy. Each module a different philosopher will talk you through some of the most important questions and issues in their area of expertise. We’ll begin by trying to understand what philosophy is – what are its characteristic aims and methods, and how does it differ from other subjects? Then we’ll spend the rest of the course gaining an introductory overview of several different areas of philosophy.

Logic: Language and Information 1 About the Course Information is everywhere: in our words and our world, our thoughts and our theories, our devices and our databases. Logic is the study of that information: the features it has, how it’s represented, and how we can manipulate it. Learning logic helps you formulate and answer many different questions about information: Does this hypothesis clash with the evidence we have or is it consistent with the evidence? If you take this subject, you will learn how to use the core tools in logic: the idea of a formal language, which gives us a way to talk about logical structure; and we'll introduce and explain the central logical concepts such as consistency and validity; models; and proofs. Course Syllabus Week 1. Week 2. Weeks 3–5. Electronic Engineering — simplifying digital circuitsPhilosophy — vagueness and borderline casesComputer Science — databases, resolution and propositional PrologLinguistics — meaning: implication vs implicature Recommended Background Suggested Readings
