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7 Foods for Healthy Skin

7 Foods for Healthy Skin
You keep your skin looking good with nourishing moisturizer and protective sunscreen. You can also build healthy skin from the inside out by packing your diet with lots of skin-saving nutrients. Sweet and delicious, mangoes are an excellent source of beta carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body, says Keri Gans, R.D., a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. Best bet: To buy ripe mangoes, focus on feel rather than color. Try this: Enhance the flavor of fresh mango by adding a touch of salt, lime juice, or ground chili pepper. Other sources of beta carotene: Carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, apricots

Comparison of Apixaban and Aspirin in Preventing Stroke Aspirin is a time-tested drug used as a painkiller and for fever. Besides, low-dose aspirin is used to prevent clotting of blood within the blood vessels. It brings about this action by preventing clumping of platelets. Apixaban is a new drug currently undergoing clinical trials. The heart normally beats at a regular rate and rhythm. A study compared the benefits of apixaban with aspirin in patients with or without previous stroke or transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) but unable to take anti-clotting medications like warfarin. In patients with a previous stroke or TIA, 10 events of stroke or embolism occurred in the total 390 patients receiving apixaban. The incidence of bleeding between the aspirin and the apixaban groups was not significantly different. Thus, the benefit of apixaban was much higher compared to aspirin in patients with atrial fibrillation regardless of whether the patient suffered from prior stroke or TIA. Reference: 1.

The World's Healthiest Foods 100 foods that can serve as the basis of your Healthiest Way of Eating Links to the articles about these foods can be found below. In addition to questions about our foods, we often get asked about beverages and sweeteners. Of course, there are many nutritious foods other than those included on our list that we feel are wonderful, health-promoting foods; if there are other whole foods - such as fruits, vegetables, nuts/seeds, whole grains, etc - that you like, by all means enjoy them. To find out why some of your favorite nutritious foods are not included in our list, read The Criteria Used to Select the World's Healthiest Foods. FAQs about the World's Healthiest Foods Criteria for The World's Healthiest Foods Among the thousands of different foods our world provides, the majority contain at least several of the nutrients our bodies need but to be included as one of the World's Healthiest Foods they had to meet the criteria listed below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Ten Worst and Best Foods Do you want to know the best super foods to eat, for your better health? How to eat right by knowing — with candid and reliable information — what foods to eat regularly, so you are empowered to improve your overall health? Do you ever ask yourself “What should I eat?” Or “How can I choose a healthier diet?” Dear health-conscious consumer, Scientific research has proven the relationship between diet and disease. That’s exactly why you should learn what is best to eat. This special free health advice has been compiled especially for you by our expert staff of scientists and nutritionists, so eating the best foods is as easy as buying what’s best in the supermarket. Sweet potatoes top the list of best foods, but why? Download this free health advice right now, so you can add these best foods to your regular grocery shopping list, because this advice will help you stay focused — day in and day out — on the best foods for your health. Act now to get your free health advice about what to eat.

askgeorgie There are plenty of reasons to make your own protein bars. First, it’s economical ! You’ll save a lot of money, particularly if you have a habit of buying single bars one a time. Even better, you can customize your bars to your taste preferences, avoid any allergens, and leave out ingredients you don’t want. You can make a bar with high quality protein, whole grains, real nuts or fruit, flaxseeds, whichever sweetener you prefer, and skip all the long-named chemical ingredients (preservatives and fortifications) that you may not need or want in your snack. Plus, they taste awesome if you have a good recipe! These bars provide healthy fats from natural peanut butter and flaxseed. Preheat oven to 350°F. Makes 6 servings Per serving: 195 calories, 11 g total fat, 2 g saturated fat, 5 mg cholesterol, 14 g total carbohydrate, 4 g dietary fiber, 12 g protein, 218 mg sodium. Can you think of another protein bar flavor you’d like to see? Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Double Rich Chocolate

Mediterranean diet may protect brain This popular eating plan focuses on produce, whole grains, nuts, olive oil, and other healthful foods rather than red meat, sugar, and saturated fat. It's tasty fare, and there's good evidence that it can reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. But while some research links the Mediterranean diet to a lower risk of being overweight, "the jury's still out," U.S. News says. Chalk up another possible benefit to following a Mediterranean diet. A new study suggests that people who follow a Mediterranean-style diet have less small blood vessel damage in the brain. The Mediterranean diet is based on the diets of the populations bordering the Mediterranean Sea, such as Italy and Greece. The diet emphasizes fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, whole grains, legumes, monounsaturated fats like olive oil, and moderate amounts of alcohol. Mediterranean Diet May Protect Blood Vessels In the study, researchers compared the brain scans and diets of 966 adults with an average age of 72.

Cancer Breath Test Enters Clinical Trials Someday soon a breath test could do more than just tell if you’ve been drinking. Metabolomx, a startup in Mountain View, California, recently completed a clinical trial that shows that its breath test can spot lung cancer with 83 percent accuracy and can also distinguish between several different types of the disease, something that usually requires a biopsy. The accuracy of the test matches what’s possible with low-dose computerized tomography imaging of the lungs. Existing tests for lung cancer—the leading cause of cancer death worldwide—cause too many false positives, which means patients face unnecessary biopsies or exposure to radiation from imaging, and none are currently approved by Medicare. A breath test promises much simpler, safer screening. Chemical results of a tumor’s metabolism are dissolved in the blood, and can end up in the breath.

The Biopsy Report: A Patient's Guide Many medical conditions, including all cases of cancer, must be diagnosed by removing a sample of tissue from the patient and sending it to a pathologist for examination. This procedure is called a biopsy, a Greek-derived word that may be loosely translated as "view of the living." Any organ in the body can be biopsied using a variety of techniques, some of which require major surgery (e.g., staging splenectomy for Hodgkin's disease), while others do not even require local anesthesia (e.g., fine needle aspiration biopsy of thyroid, breast, lung, liver, etc). After the biopsy specimen is obtained by the doctor, it is sent for examination to another doctor, the anatomical pathologist, who prepares a written report with information designed to help the primary doctor manage the patient's condition properly. The pathologist is a physician specializing in rendering medical diagnoses by examination of tissues and fluids removed from the body. "Polyp of sigmoid colon." "Spleen".

7 Super Snacks That Heal If some doctors had their way today, Americans would be more medicated than industrial feedlot cattle. But what most people don’t realize is that the first line of defense against stress, fatigue, depression, and so many other maladies is found in supermarket aisles, not in the drug store. Research shows that the vitamins, minerals, and active compounds specific to certain fruits, vegetables, and even chocolate and red wine have an immediate and lasting impact on your mood, your health, your fitness — even your sex life. Whether you have a big presentation at work, or the need to burn a few hundred extra calories a day (and who doesn’t want to do that?) 1. Eat This: 1 Cup of Low-Fat Yogurt or 2 Tbsp of Mixed Nuts Scientists in Slovakia gave people 3 grams each of two amino acids — lysine and arginine — or a placebo and asked them to deliver a speech. Not That! 2. Drink This:Green Tea Not That! Skipping meals lets your body's calorie-burning furnace go cold. 3. Not That! 4. Not That! 5. 6.

100 Ways to Kickstart Your Brain On a Lazy Day By Olivia Coleman Everyone has those days at school or work when your brain is moving just a little slower than usual. If you find yourself up against a lazy day, give one of these tricks a try to get your brain going. With suggestions on brain-boosting foods and drinks, games, trivia, exercise and fun strategies, you are sure to find a way to wake up your brain from the list below. Brain-Boosting Drinks Sometimes all your brain needs is a drink to get it going. Chai. Brain-Boosting Foods From the instant benefit of cinnamon and peppermint to the longer-lasting benefits of blueberries, these foods are great ways to get the blood flowing in your brain on a lazy day. Cinnamon and peppermint. Simple Tricks If your brain is stuck in a rut, try any of these fun and simple tricks to get it going again. Doodle. Video Games Video games can get your brain working–research shows some games can even help fight Alzheimer's. MUO Games. Brain Games BrainCurls. Other Games Word puzzles. Trivia Exercises

Sleeping pills linked to higher risk of cancer, death, study says A new study suggests that the 6% to 10% of Americans who use prescription sleep medications such as zolpidem (Ambien), temazepam (Restoril), eszopiclone (Lunesta) and zaleplon (Sonata) are more likely to develop cancer, and far more likely to die prematurely, than those who take no sleep aids. The increased rates kick in at really low levels too, the study says. For those prescribed as few as one to 18 sleeping pills in a year, deaths during the period of the new study were more than three and a half times greater than for those who got no such prescriptions, the study says. And for patients who took home the largest number of prescriptions for sleep aids--for more than 132 pills per year--the risk of death was five times greater than among those who appeared to take no sleep aids, according to the study. Zolpidem--sold as Ambien--was the most widely used prescription sleep medication used by study participants, followed by Restoril, the research says.

Virus kills breast cancer cells in laboratory HERSHEY, Pa. -- A nondisease-causing virus kills human breast cancer cells in the laboratory, creating opportunities for potential new cancer therapies, according to Penn State College of Medicine researchers who tested the virus on three different breast cancer types that represent the multiple stages of breast cancer development. Adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV2) is a virus that regularly infects humans but causes no disease. Past studies by the same researchers show that it promotes tumor cell death in cervical cancer cells infected with human papillomavirus. Researchers used an unaltered, naturally occurring version of AAV2 on human breast cancer cells. "Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in the world and is the leading cause of cancer-related death in women," said Samina Alam, research associate in microbiology and immunology. Craig Meyers, professor of microbiology and immunology, said breast cancer is problematic to treat because of its multiple stages.

Eight Fatty Snacks To Lose Weight Craving a snack? Put down that bag of chips and step away from that chocolate chip cookie. Instead, try these eats, which are loaded with healthy fats that help control hunger and promote weight loss. QUIZ: How Much Fat Did You Eat Today? Hard-Boiled Omega-3-Enriched Egg These eggs come from hens fed an omega-3 enriched diet, typically from flaxseeds. GALLERY: Breakfasts of Slim Celebrities Trail Mix Make your own healthy-fats trail mix by combining walnuts with dried fruit like raisins, cranberries and apricots. MORE: Cranberries, Walnuts, and Crumbled Cheese Over Greens Flaxseeds Sprinkled On Salad Just 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds contain nearly 200 percent of your recommended daily value of omega-3 fatty acids. MORE: Order a Stunning Salad Macadamia Nuts, On Non-fat or Greek Yogurt A whopping 83 percent of fats found in macadamia nuts are the “good fats,” making this one of Dr. MORE: Skin-Soothing Yogurt Mask Mini bruschetta MORE: Iron-Deficiency and Inflammation Handful of Almonds

Snake oil? Scientific evidence for health supplements Updated September 2015 with a revitalising boost of fresh data. New entries include melatonin, proving travellers were right about its effect on sleep; and good evidence for Vitamin D for flu, bones and long life. Evidence for valerian as a cure for anxiety has dropped, as has any likelihood that cranberry juice has impact on urinary infections. Thanks to visitor suggestions we’ve added entries for supplements that may in some cases be harmful, including Vitamin A, which has been linked to birth defects. Note: You might see multiple bubbles for certain supplements. This visualisation generates itself from this Google Doc. As ever, we welcome your thoughts, crits, comments, corrections, compliments, tweaks, new evidence, missing supps, and general feedback.
