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9 Business Books That Will Change Your Life

9 Business Books That Will Change Your Life

How To Make A Vision Board And Why They Will Make You Rich | Over the years, a lot of people have asked me if there was one key factor that they could implement that would help propel them to millionaire status, what would it be? I mean, can anyone go from nothing to a millionaire? Can this be taught to the average person and have them generate results virtually overnight? And the answer is YES! In fact, if you talk to a few of my students you will find that within 4 to 6 weeks of implementing the strategies I teach, their lives begin to totally transform in all areas. So how do they do it? What you will find interesting is that when people hear the steps, each step seems so simple. But if you are one of the few that do….this blog post will put you well on your way to a MILLIONAIRE LIFESTYLE. How To Make A Vision Board And Why They Will Make You Rich VISION: “The art of seeing what others cannot yet see”. This has always been a topic that has intrigued me and one that I have explored extensively. Why is a VISION BOARD So Important?

Google AdWords masaüstü ile mobil reklamları birleştiriyor Ümit Öncel | 07 Şubat 2013 | Google gelirlerinin çok büyük bir kısmını AdWords reklam ağından elde ediyor. Kendi arama ağı üzerindeki reklamların dışında, görüntülü reklam ağını da her geçen gün zenginleştiren Google için reklam çok önemli bir iş alanı. 2014 yılına gelindiğinde Google’ın milyarlarca dolarlık gelirlerinin yarısının mobilden gelmesi bekleniyor. AdWords reklam ağında son yıllardaki en büyük yenilik olan “Enhanced Campaigns” yani geliştirilmiş kampanyalar da reklamverenler için büyük önem taşıyor. Google’ın özel bir blog yazısı (Türkçesi) ile duyurduğu geliştirilmiş kampanyalar (Türkçe sayfası), daha önce ayrı ayrı yönetilmesi gereken PC ve mobil reklamlarını aynı kampanya altında birleştirmeyi ve yönetmeyi sağlıyor. Enhanced Campaigns ile birlikte PC ile mobil arasındaki bu ayrım ortadan kalkıyor ve aynı reklam kampanyasının yayınlanacağı cihazdan bağımsız olarak oluşturmak, yayınlamak ve optimize etmek mümkün hale geliyor.

4 Things You Must Do to Hire the Perfect Candidate Hiring the right talent is vital to the success of your business. But busy entrepreneurs don't have time to waste sifting through dozens of resumes to evaluate candidates. "But at the same time you can't--or shouldn't--outsource the entire process," says J.T. O'Donnell, founder and CEO of, a job search advice site, and CareerHMO, a career coaching membership site. "I stopped asking for resumes a long time ago," she says. Here's the approach she takes to streamline the process and still ensure she finds and hires great employees: Step 1: Don't post a job; post the problem the employee will solve. Write out what problem this new hire is going to solve. Next, explain why your company exists. Finally, tie in how the right candidate will support those efforts. Step 2: Ask candidates to answer three key behavioral questions. Ask candidates to share as much as they can about the following: What do you know about our business and industry? Why does this approach work? Give it a try.

Mixx Awards Türkiye Dijital pazarlama iletişimi sektörünün en iyilerinin belirlendiği "Mixx Awards Türkiye 2012"nin sonuçları açıklandı. Altın Mixx alanlar, yarışmanın uluslararası ayağı olan Mixx Europe'a katılmaya hak kazandı. Dijital pazarlama iletişimi endüstrisinin en iyilerini, sektöre ve hizmet ettikleri markalara kattıkları artı değeri tescilleyen “Mixx Awards Türkiye 2012”nin kazananları 13 Şubat gecesi, Rahmi Koç Müzesi’nde düzenlenen törenle sahiplerini buldu. Sesli Harfler ve Procter & Gamble çalışması “Bebeğimle Büyüyorum”, Yılın Kampanyası seçildi. Mixx Awards yarışmasında, stratejiden yaratıcı çalışma ve uygulamaya, medya planlamasından entegrasyona, verimlilikten yatırımın geri dönüşüne (ROI) kadar tüm iletişim katmanları ele alındı. Bu yıl yarışmaya yoğun ilgi gösterildi, 70 ajanstan toplam 433 başvuru yapıldı. Mixx Awards 2012 Kazananlar Listesi İşte 27 farklı kategoride altın, gümüş ve bronz Mixx ile ödüllendirilen çalışmalar… Marka Destinasyon Siteleri Altın Mixx TEB - C-Section TEB Jr.

All Hail the Generalist - Vikram Mansharamani We have become a society of specialists. Business thinkers point to “domain expertise” as an enduring source of advantage in today’s competitive environment. The logic is straightforward: learn more about your function, acquire “expert” status, and you’ll go further in your career. But what if this approach is no longer valid? Approximately 2,700 years ago, the Greek poet Archilochus wrote that “The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.” In the six decades since Berlin’s essay was published, hedgehogs have come to dominate academia, medicine, finance, law, and many other professional domains. For various reasons, though, the specialist era is waning. Secondly, specialists toil within a singular tradition and apply formulaic solutions to situations that are rarely well-defined. Finally, there appears to be reasonable and robust data suggesting that generalists are better at navigating uncertainty. The time has come to acknowledge expertise as overvalued.

Can Storify Publish Your Private Facebook Status Updates? Since its public launch in mid-2011, Storify has become a favorite tool for digital journalists to compile photos, videos and status updates from across the web into an easy-to-read format. But what about the information that's meant to remain private? AGBeat reported that Julie Pippert, founder of Artful Media Group, discovered what she's calling a loophole in the process: private Facebook status updates that can still be collected and displayed on Storify. Pippert came across the apparent glitch while using the Storify app. She said she was able to share a friend's private update, by clicking the "Storify" icon next to the "Like" and "Comment" links, and display it directly into her Storify feed — showcasing her friend's name and picture. Pippert told AGBeat: "I felt so terrible about what happened that I started digging and checking ...

dülleri 2012'de kazananlar belli oldu Webrazzi Belki de Sensin: Kemik iliği donörlüğü konusunda bilinci artırmayı hedefliyor Haftanın Özeti: Turkcell yönetiminde değişiklik, Apple ve Facebook’tan performans rakamları, Game Boy’un 25. yılı Gerçeklikle Oculus Rift’in sanal gerçekliği karışınca [Video] Webrazzi Ödülleri 2012′de kazananlar belli oldu Ali Altuğ Koca | 14 Ocak 2013 | 122 Yorum Evet sonunda beklenen an geldi. Toplam 31 kategoride internet dünyasının en iyilerinin seçildiği oylamamızda toplam 871 bin 815 oy kullanıldı. 68984 kişinin oy kullandığı Webrazzi Ödülleri 2012′de, 56525 kişi Facebook, 10532 kişi Twitter, 1927 kullanıcı ise Linkedin ile bağlandı. Sözü fazla uzatmadan şu önemli noktayı da paylaşmakta fayda var. Webrazzi Ödülleri 2012′nin sonuçlarının tam listesini aşağıda bulabilirsiniz. En İyi ‘Yeni’ Web Girişimi – (33288 oy) En İyi Web Girişimi – (33734 oy) En İyi Yabancı Web Girişimi – (32193 oy) En Yenilikçi Web Girişimi – (25122 oy) En İyi Oyun Girişimi – (53122 oy) En İyi Ödeme Sistemleri Girişimi – (29523 oy)

Business Insider 11 talks that freaked us out in 2012 Vicki Arroyo’s hometown is New Orleans, and after Hurricane Katrina struck, she knew firsthand the looming threat of climate change. In this eye-opening talk from TEDGlobal 2012, “Let’s prepare for our new climate,” Arroyo reveals the startling truths about droughts, rising water levels and natural disasters — that they may only get worse. In 2012, we have seen the devastation of Hurricane Sandy and the ravaging floods and monsoons of the Philippines, as well as the Sahel Drought that spanned across eight African nations and affected 18 million people. But we may find, in the coming years, that these disasters become more common than ever before – and Arroyo tells us just how we can prepare. While many TED Talks are hopeful for the future, some take hard looks at sobering realities. “Marc Goodman’s vision on crimes for the future. “I’ve been so excited this year thinking about the potential for personalized medicine. “Frank Warren’s ‘Half a million secrets.’ .

Worthwhile Reading | The 25 Best Bloggers, 2013 Edition For years now, pundits have been knowingly declaring that blogging is dead, rendered irrelevant by alternative means of personal publishing such as Facebook and Twitter. The best way to quash that silly notion is to read scads of blogs, as we did to compile this story. Gifted bloggers are busy everywhere from their own hand-crafted sites to sites operated by major corporations, and their best work is at least as good as anything from the era when blogging was trendy rather than tried-and-true. Our honorees this year include everyone from one of the people who invented blogging back in the 1990s to a clever creator of animated GIFs who launched his Tumblr blog in May. Read all about ‘em — then let us know about your favorites in the comments. Next Jenny Lawson, The Bloggess
