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Lift your mood with a little help from your friends

Lift your mood with a little help from your friends : Your electronic portfolio RunKeeper Life Coaching Boston - Boston Life Coaching Joe's Logbook - Free Online Journal Tool Technology Tools for Reflection - Reflection for Learning Here are a series of tools that can be used to support reflection, with a brief discussion of the process, the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. The following technologies can support reflection: web logs (‘blogs’) as reflective journals, wikis as collaborative websites, digital storytelling/podcasting, Twitter and social networks. Blogs (Reflective Journal) The most obvious technology for reflection is the web log or "blog" as known by those who read and write them. A weblog is defined as any web page with content organized according to date. In the context of an ePortfolio, course tutors, lecturers, clubs and societies could all have their own weblogs which users could view on their “friends” page. Since one of the main goals of a portfolio is reflection on learning, perhaps a blog is a good option, since it can be used as an online reflective journal and an environment that invites collaboration. - Seventh Grade Blogging Rules - The Art and Aspirations of a Commenter

Tools for metacognition Metacognition is an important part of intentional learning, since it involves actively thinking about what you know, what you don’t know, and how you can get better at knowing and applying what you know. A mantra for metacognition State the learning problem with some specificity: identify what you want to know and what you want to do with that knowledgeChoose strategies to solve the learning problem—draw upon your own prior knowledge and the knowledge of othersObserve how you used the strategies—keep a learning journal or blogEvaluate the results: What worked? What didn’t work?Rinse and repeat: Apply successful strategies to new learning problems By definition, metacognition involves individual commitment and reflection. How you as an instructor can help Be a role model Think aloud to show your approach to solving problems. Baby steps Help learners appreciate that they’ll grow to be better learners. A “So what? Metacognition and motivation Of course learners still need to be motivated.
