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John Coltrane - The Official Site

John Coltrane - The Official Site

A Jazz Improvisation Primer This is the online version of my text, A Jazz Improvisation Primer. Here you can find information on almost every topic relating to jazz improvisation, from jazz history to music theory to practical advice on playing in a group. A German translation, by Edgar Lins, is online, at There is also a Hungarian translation at provided by Makrai Balázs. John Coltrane Despite a relatively brief career (he first came to notice as a sideman at age 29 in 1955, formally launched a solo career at 33 in 1960, and was dead at 40 in 1967), saxophonist John Coltrane was among the most important, and most controversial, figures in jazz. It seems amazing that his period of greatest activity was so short, not only because he recorded prolifically, but also because, taking advantage of his fame, the record companies that recorded him as a sideman in the 1950s frequently reissued those recordings under his name and there has been a wealth of posthumously released material as well. Since Coltrane was a protean player who changed his style radically over the course of his career, this has made for much confusion in his discography and in appreciations of his playing. There remains a critical divide between the adherents of his earlier, more conventional (if still highly imaginative) work and his later, more experimental work. Coltrane was the son of John R.

accueil et nouveautés Orphelins de laboratoire (par Liam Scheff) Pendant que des enfants meurent en direct à Besla devant les téléviseurs du monde entier, d’autres agonisent en silence entre les murs blancs d’une clinique, à l’abri des regards indiscrets. Pour ces orphelins séropositifs il n’y aura pas de couverture médiatique ou si peu. Un hebdomadaire, le New York Press, a néanmoins brisé le silence religieusement observé par la grande majorité des media sur la controverse des dissidents du SIDA en publiant un article décapant de Liam Scheff ; un journaliste engagé qui signe ici une enquête sur les études pharmacologiques menées à Washington sur des enfants abandonnés. Si les thèses des dissidents ou « rethinkers » sont maintenant bien connues, les milieux autorisés de la recherche sur le SIDA se gardent pourtant bien de répondre techniquement à leurs arguments qualifiés, au choix, de révisionnistes, conspirationnistes ou bio végétariens.

how to play jazz piano Edit 21 authors | 82 revisions | Last updated: June 18, 2012 June 18, 2012 Jazz is an art form that has grown from its blues origins to draw influences from just about every genre of music there is. For the beginner, though, it's perhaps best to focus on early swing and learning to improvise. Here's a pretty easy way to get going!

ProviArte El joven ensamble de músicos de nacionalidad chilena "Orion Lion y Lautarinos", que en octubre pasado ganaron el Concurso de Composición "Luis Advis 2011", convocado por el Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes, serán los responsables de abrir la undécima versión del Festival Internacional Providencia Jazz que, en el entorno natural dado por el Museo Parque de las Esculturas, se realizará los días 11, 12 y 13 de enero. Integrado por Orión Lion, piano y composiciones; Francisco Villarroel, violín; Orlando Araya, saxo tenor; Cristián Álvarez, tuba; y, Diego Letelier, batería, el grupo "Orion Lion y Lautarinos", ofrecerán el virtuosismo de interpretaciones llenas de identidad cultural, ritmos y texturas inspiradas en valores y tópicos republicanos, donde unen armonías diversas que confluyen en el jazz. Cerrará la sesión el grupo norteamericano-inglés "Tizer", considerado como representativo de la nueva generación del jazz contemporáneo y liderado por el tecladista Lao Tizer.

Science-fiction: qui est Philip K. Dick? Depuis plusieurs années, l’écrivain Philip K. Dick a une côte phénoménale à Hollywood. Il n'en profite pas vraiment: l'Américain, né en 1928, est mort à 53 ans en 1982, très apprécié du cercle des amateurs de S-F mais quasi-inconnu du grand public. Quelques mois après son trépas, sortait en salle un film adapté de ses écrits: le fameux Blade Runner de Ridley Scott. DICKIEN ? Philip K. turntablism: beat juggling & scratching » Invisibl Skratch Piklz FADER FEST 2011 – ISP Re... September 2011 saw the Invisibl Skratch Piklz perform on stage together for the first time in 10 years at Fader ... The Very First DJ Band: 1992... This is from HOME TURF, a tv show from the bay area back in 92'....Features Mixmater Mike, Q-Bert, and Apollo...

Jeff Beck's website : Accueil Lomography STREET ART UTOPIA » We declare the world as our canvasSTREET ART UTOPIA » We declare the world as our canvas Street art, graffiti, urban exploration, expositions ...
