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Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: flipped classroom

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: flipped classroom
Related:  Inspiring blogs for ELThelenakonttinen

Cuisenaire Rods A few weeks ago, I was reading a post on Ceri’s blog and stumbled across a picture of some Cuisenaire rods. I made a quick comment on the post, and Ceri asked me if I would like to write a joint post on how we use them. Ceri is a respected ELT writer and inspirational teacher and it’s an honour to be able to blog with her for a newbie like me. It’s the first attempt at cross-posting and blogging together for either of us: hope you like the results! Ceri’s story I bought my box of cuisenaire rods in 1989 when I was doing my induction to the Dip TEFLA (as it was known then) at IH Hastings. Recently I dusted them off and used them in class. Inspired by her enthusiastic response , I took them into my adult class the next day. In the second lesson I introduced them to the rods for language practice using an activity I’d seen modelled back in that lesson in Hastings. After this, everyone of us made a figure and we explained how to make it and the other classmates tried to find out .” Hi Ceri!

Ilman kirjautumista somettelua (päivitetty taas!) EDIT 21.3.12 koottu dia-esitykseen alla olevat, esitystä voi vapaasti muokata. Linkeistä luotu Pearltree-jäsennys. Aina ei tarvitse luoda käyttäjätunnuksia vaan somepalvelun saa käyttöön noin vain. Kidblog tarjoaa 1- ja 2-aseteen opetukseen maksutta Wordpress-pohjalla toimivan luokkablogin, jossa vain opettaja kirjautuu ja luo luokkablogin (maksuton versio sallii kaksi opettajaa samalle luokalle). Socrative mahdollistaa luokkatilanteessa yhteistyön niin, että opettaja luo yhteistyötilan (kysymyksiä, äänestyksiä, monivalintoja) ja jakaa linkin ja avaimen, jolla oppijat pääsevät yhteistyötilaan joko tietokoneilla tai mobiililaitteilla (katso esittelyvideo). Jussi Linkola oli löytänyt kätevän, jota heti kokeiltiin. Kalastelin tähän listaukseen apua Google+:ssa (ja sitä kautta Twitterissä). EDIT 2.9.2013: Matleena Laakson diasarja samasta aiheesta eli Somettelua ilman kirjautumista.

Useful links for CELTA Anyone following my blog will know that CELTA took over my life in August last year (2014), and will continue to dominate until the same time this year (2015). I’ve been building this list in my head for a while, and it’s finally time to get it onto the blog. It’s arranged into categories, with subtitles and topics in bold to help you navigate. There’s a lot here, so just use the bits you need as you need them rather than trying to look at all of them – if not, you’ll end up being overwhelmed! A quick way to find what you need it to press CTRL + F (CMD + F on a Mac) and type a key word connected to what you’re struggling with, like ‘TTT’, ‘instructions’ or ‘writing’ – this will take you straight to the relevant section. Please let me know if any of the links are broken so I can update them, and feel free to add suggestions to the comments. Before the course CELTA is a very intensive experience, and it’s important to know what you’re getting yourself into. Is the CELTA worth it? Top Reading

Free Technology for Teachers Classroom Activities for 1:1 & BYOT | Talk Tech With Me In February, our district will begin state testing. Once testing begins, there will be at least one grade level in at least one school in our district testing every single school day until May. This big span of time marks the third round of testing this year. We are not alone. Toss that around in your head for a minute or two. I’ll spare you my soap box about too much testing and where the focus has gone in education; you likely feel the same way (if you’ve got some time, or you’re just as passionate as I am about these issues, I do suggest you head on over to Nancy Chewning’s blog response to TIME Magazine’s Rotten Apples article that was featured in the Washington Post). Teachers are working so hard not to teach to the test, while at the same time making sure students are as prepared as possible for the tests- the scores of which will directly impact their own livelihoods. Take the following example. We learn through experience. So what do you think? Tech To You Later! Like this:

Tips, Tricks and Useful Information | The iTeach Hub This page features a range of tutorials on tips, tricks and useful information for iDevice users. The main content of each is outlined below. Select the picture links below the text to view a tutorial page. How to Set Up Guided Access in the Classroom – explains how to set up guided access and lock users into an app.Help! Myths in Education, or How Bad Teaching Is Encouraged | Moments, Snippets, Spirals “Opinions don’t affect facts. But facts should affect opinions, and do, if you are rational.” (Ricky Gervais) I thought I would not have to blog about these fads again but it seems they have the strange ability to be reborn every single year and surface in professional development courses as well as in tweets, blog posts, and conversations within the education community. The reasons are different, ranging from ignorance to vested interests, but the effect is the same: poorer teaching. And no, you are not a bad teacher because you used them but you are a less effective one. Let’s see these monsters in their entire splendor: The Cone of Learning / The Learning PyramidLearning StylesRight-Left BrainBrain GymBrain-Based LearningMultiple Intelligences The Learning Pyramid – a complete bogus Where does it originate? Where did the percentages come from? References: The Learning Pyramid Deception, Institute for Learning Professionals Will Talheimer, PhD – People Remember 10%, 20%…Oh, Really? I know.

Khan Academy Difficult students It means that in every class of 25, we have 3-4 problem students. Children are their parents’ mirrors, as well as our own; students often copy their teachers’ behaviour. J.K. Rowling brilliantly showed it with Harry Potter and Dumbledore on the one hand, and Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape on the other hand. What can be done if we encounter an adult student who is clearly disruptive, or maybe even psychotic?

Matematiikan yotehtävät Sivun ylläpitäjä: Simo K. Kivelä (s-posti: Vanhempia matematiikan ylioppilastehtäviä on löydettävissä Suomen matemaattisen yhdistyksen sivuilta ja Digitaaliarkiston ylioppilastehtäväarkistosta. Pitkä matematiikka Tehtävät Vastaukset Keväästä 2013 lähtien viitteenä on Ylioppilastutkintolautakunnan dokumentti Hyvän vastauksen piirteitä. Eräistä tehtäväsarjoista on myös ratkaisut Mathematica-ohjelmistolla. Lyhyt matematiikka Control Alt Achieve: What Netflix Taught me about Professional Development Professional Development is my thing. As a Technology Integrationist, I provide training to about 30 school districts in northeast Ohio. As a Google for Education Certified Trainer, I conduct Google professional development sessions all around Ohio and across the country. So it is safe to say I think quite a lot about training and what makes it good, what makes it bad, and what can make it better. In addition to being a Google trainer, I am also a “Cord Cutter”. Recently I was considering this and began to see a connection between my changing viewing habits and professional development. Netflix has a unique way of releasing television shows. When Netflix is ready to release a new season of a show they simply release the entire season all at one time. This has lead to what many people call “binge watching”. (search frequency for “binge” in the United States “Arts and Entertainment” category) And I love the binge option. However, sometimes I feel like something is missing. Conclusion
