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Introduction to accelerated learning - OpenLearn - The Open Univ

Introduction to accelerated learning - OpenLearn - The Open Univ

Your Brain On 3D Learning Sharebar Help! I’ve been caught in an immersive 3D Learning Environment! According to the authors, Karl Kapp and Tony O’Driscoll, it’s just a matter of time until virtual immersive environments are commonly accepted as the learning mode of choice. If you understand the cognitive advantages underlying this approach, you’ll be way ahead of the game. When Kapp and O’Driscoll refer to a 3D learning experience (3DLE), they’re talking about a rich interactive space in which the learner lives and interacts in real-time within an immersive virtual environment and community. You may be surprised at the ways learning can potentially be transformed when people are engaged in a virtual immersive environment. 3D environment created in Thinking Worlds Generative Learning In a well-designed 3DLE, learning is transformed from a one-dimensional, directed and managed activity to a multi-dimensional collaborative activity. Power of Being There Promotes Informal Learning Individualized Guidance

Khan Academy 5 Tools To Monitor Website Changes Want to know when prices drop at shopping sites? When someone posts a new message in a forum? When your favorite website updates that is not offering an RSS feed? All of these usage scenarios and many more cry for programs that can monitor website changes. The following list contains five tools for monitoring websites. Check 4 Change Check 4 Change is a Firefox add-on. A few options are provided by the add-on. Update Scanner Update Scanner uses a different approach than Check 4 Change. The interval of the checks for website changes is set to once a day by default. Available are sound and popup notifications. Site Delta Site Delta is the third (and last) Firefox add-on for monitoring websites. Users can configure the scan options in two tabs. The when to scan tab can be used to configure the intervals of the scans. Change Detection Change Detection is a free online service that can monitor websites for changes. WebMon The program comes with an easy to use interface. Verdict

7 Things To Avoid in Online Training Video Design Jeremy Vest knows video design. Having been a teacher, marketer, art director, author and instructional designer, his company xTrain are leaders in online video training having won Emmys for incorporating award winning television production with software-based training. The following is a summary of his slightly longer post that he brought to my attention today – thanks! 7 Sins of Online Video Instructional Design Not connected to learners When creating video training, have the SME address the camera, do not just show screen shots. Jeremy Vest is the CLO of Splash Media, author of Exploring Web Design, President and Founder of xTrain. Related Posts:

La cartographie, entre science, art et manipulation « C’est inacceptable ! Monsieur le président, je refuse que nous poursuivions si nous devons garder comme base de travail le document que vous venez de nous soumettre ! » Nous sommes à Prague, en 2002, à la fin d’un forum économique international sur la gestion de l’eau en Eurasie. Le représentant azerbaïdjanais vient de découvrir une carte du Caucase dont les frontières laissent penser que le Haut-Karabakh – objet d’une guerre meurtrière entre Azerbaïdjanais et Arméniens – est rattaché à l’Arménie. Or Bakou le considère comme un territoire occupé faisant partie intégrante de l’Azerbaïdjan et juge illégitime toute autre représentation que celle-ci. On aurait pu en rester là. Lernstile Die Lerntypentheorie, so wie sie heute von vielen vermittelt wird, richtet viel Schaden an, indem sie annimmt, dass sinnliche Wahrnehmung gleich Lernen wäre und vorgibt, eine bewährte Theorie zu sein. Das ist sie keinesfalls! Lernende erzielen bei gleichen Lernbedingungen oft unterschiedliche Erfolge, was unter anderem auf abweichende Vorkenntnisse, Motivation und grundsätzliche intellektuelle Fähigkeiten der individuellen Lerner zurückgeführt wird. cognitive controls, cognitive styles (Kognitionsstile) sowie learning styles (Lernstile im engeren Sinne). Dabei werden cognitive controls und styles als Persönlichkeitsmerkmale aufgefaßt, learning styles dagegen als Präferenzen, die von den Lernenden selbst gesetzt werden. Cognitive controls sind Persönlichkeitsmerkmale, welche die Wahrnehmung von Umweltreizen beeinflussen und steuern. Feldabhängige Lerner sind demnach eher bereit, Sachverhalte so zu akzeptieren, wie sie ihnen präsentiert wurden. Rechte versus linke Gehirnhälfte?

20 Life Lessons I Learned in My 20’s post written by: Marc Chernoff Email With an impending 28th birthday on my mind, I spent some quiet time this evening reflecting on my recent past. And I’ve come to realize that my 20’s taught me a lot about life. If you’re smiling right now, you’re doing something right.It’s not so much what you say that counts, it’ how you make people feel.The biggest mistake you can make is doing nothing because you’re scared to make a mistake.No matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the way it should be. And I leave you with this question: How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? Photo by: Nattu If you enjoyed this article, check out our new best-selling book. And get inspiring life tips and quotes in your inbox (it's free)...

Scrapbooking, Greetings, Slideshows and More at Smilebox 20 Things I Learned About Browsers and the Web How to think positive. You can think posit WHEN A PERSON THINKS a negative thought and tries to get rid of it, that person is thinking positively negatively. Daniel M. Wegner of Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, has conducted a long string of experiments that show the futility and actual danger of trying to get rid of thoughts. In some of the experiments, Wegner told his subjects, “Try not to think about a white bear.” Trying not to think a negative thought will result in thinking it more. Thinking is like breathing: It goes on night and day and you can’t stop it. The same is true about thinking. So when you find yourself disliking the content of your thoughts, instead of trying to stop yourself from thinking a thought, try to direct your thoughts. And the way to direct your thinking is by asking yourself a question. Of course, the kind of question you ask makes a big difference. The idea is to direct your mind by asking questions that put your attention on practical things, on accomplishment, on the future.

5 Questions You Need to Ask (To Avoid Ruining Your Life) Somewhere, right now, some guy is sleeping under a bridge, or laying next to a dead hooker, or sitting in jail, wondering, "How the fuck did it come to this?" The short answer is that when things are bad, you don't know they're bad. Humans are magical creatures who can completely disregard a raging fire, and then act confused at the sight of ashes. Trust me, I know. So, if you are stopping to ask yourself one of the below questions -- all of which people have asked me at one point or another -- that's great. #5. This may be the single biggest "forest for the trees" question you'll ever encounter in life. Photos.comIt's the "how to" murder articles you have to watch out for. Fortunately, as one of America's foremost relationship experts, I've developed a sure-fire way to find out. The Method: It's very simple: Take a close look at the person you're in a relationship with. Opening up isn't a bad thing -- the ability to share yourself is what makes life worth living. #4. #3.

Atlas Obscura | Curious and Wondrous Travel Destinations Great HDR Photography by Ásmundur Þorkelsson Few times people have been asking me to dig around and post some HDR (High dynamic range) photos for inspiration, something that I would think is nice, so I thought to my self who is better talk about than Ásmundur Þorkelsson I’ve been following him for quite some time now and I must say am really impressed with all his work not just the HDR photography, OK enough talking and let’s get down to business by displaying some but not all of his HDR work, if you want to get in touch with Asmundur you can just click on his name and it’ll take you right to his profile, so here it goes … © All rights reserved by asmundur
