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Online Social Media Principles

Online Social Media Principles
Countless conversations take place online about every day, and we want our Company’s more than 100,000 associates in more than 200 countries to join those conversations, represent our Company, and share the optimistic and positive spirits of our brands. These Social Media Principles should guide your participation in social media, both personally as well as when you are acting in an official capacity on behalf of the Company. It is critical we always remember who we are –the world’s largest beverage company, refreshing consumers with more than 500 sparkling and still brands – and what our Company’s role is in the social media community – to inspire moments of optimism and happiness and build our brands. The same considerations that apply to our messaging and communications in traditional media still apply in the online social media space, including on what you might consider “internal” platforms. Have fun, but be smart. When acting as an official Company spokesperson, we expect you to:

Social Media Policies: Keep ‘Em Short and Sweet By Mark Evans - Tuesday, July 12th, 2011 at 7:30 am ShareThis Every company needs a social media policy or guidelines. Period. End of Story. A social media policy lays out the ground rules so the people involved in operating social programs and employees are clear about what goes and what doesn’t. That said, social media policies do not have to be lengthy and comprehensive documents that address every potential scenario and situation. This may strike you as irresponsible or flippant but you’re looking to create a document that is user-friendly and accessible; you’re not trying to write a thesis or essay that is so long that no one will ever give it a second thought. An excellent example of the short and sweet approach is Cola-Cola, which has a two-page online social media principles document that aims to provide employees with guidance on how to embrace the company’s values online when they are acting personally or on behalf of the company. ShareThis

Gary Vaynerchuk Talks Geolocation and Answers Your Questions Last week we asked you to send us your questions for our interview with wine connoisseur and social-media expert Gary Vaynerchuk. Gary and his consulting company VaynerMedia recently ran an experiment with the NBA's New Jersey Nets and geolocation app Gowalla (in which Gary is an investor) to see if location services could draw fans to games with free tickets. For all parties involved, the experiment was deemed a success, and the findings from it have provided a unique insight into the future possibilities for geolocationtional advertising. As you may recall, last Friday during the ReadWriteWeb Mobile Summit, we discussed the potential road-blocks for startups looking to innovate in the localized mobile ad space. VaynerMedia Case Study from Gowalla/Nets Experiment One of the major conclusions Gary says was drawn from this experiment is that for the next few years, mobile advertisements are going to play a large role in how expiring inventory is sold. But why only for the next few years?

Top 5 Tips for Reputation Management with Social Media - Green Hosting that's 100% Green by GreenHostIt Corporate leaders in nearly every industry, regardless of size or geography, acknowledge that the dark clouds of impending social media crises are gathering. They also believe they know with some certainty how soon a crisis will occur—within the next year. An overwhelming majority of them—79%—said they believe their company is less than 12 months away from as potential crisis moment. Most of them believe that that crisis will arise from within social media networks. The Reputation Assault Despite the overwhelming notion that at any time, a company's reputation can come under assault through social media, most executives are totally unprepared to manage and emerge successfully from crises fueled by social media. Top 5 Tips for Reputation Management through Social Media 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why bother with Reputation Management? We are now all in the business of crisis management. Social media is positive for businesses, but think twice before launching a social media campaign.

Cork'd Content Le pouvoir extraordinaire du Storytelling | La communication tient depuis quelques années son super-héros. Bon, aujourd’hui encore, un paquet d’entreprises n’en a pas pris conscience, mais ça va venir. J’espère ! Pour elles… Bref, ce super-héros, c’est un grand artisan de l’inbound marketing, cette stratégie qui vise à attirer le client vers soi plutôt que de lui courir après. (Dit comme ça, on pourrait penser que c’est quand même moins fatigant. L’inbound marketing repose donc sur la notion d’attractivité. Image – MyCommunityManager Dans cette démarche, les entreprises (qu’une partie en fait !) Il veille à la protection de l’image de marque, supervise la bonne cohabitation des membres de sa communauté… Mais qui ça « il » ? De ses initiales CM, il a la responsabilité de relayer le discours et les valeurs de l’entreprise. Mais comment fait-il, CM le Community Manager pour mener à bien sa mission ? Le Storytelling, c’est quoi ? Le Storytelling n’est pas un concept nouveau. Père Castor, expert du Storytelling A chacun son histoire

Gink: The Next Great Social Network? [PARODY] Sketch troupe Derrick Comedy has tackled social networking as the topic of their latest video by creating the next next-generation social network: Gink. What is Gink? Well, it's simple, really: "Gink is a fun made-up word, combining the words gibble and spink, both of which are also made up." Simultaneously parodying the proliferation of social networks and the dizzying array of specialized terminology that often comes with them, Gink goes off the deep end with an assortment of seriously delivered gibberish that would make Dr. Seuss proud. Check out the video below — warning: some NSFW language included — and let us know what you think. [via Maximum Fun]

Le premier forum dédié aux Community Managers | Le JCM Bonjour à tous, Je suis content de vous annoncer l’ouverture du forum du journal du community manager… ou devrais-je dire la communauté. Il ne sera pas question de dupliquer un Facebook ou un google Plus mais bien de rejoindre un vrai forum avec ses catégories, ses créations de posts et ses interactions entre membres. Il y a même un chat (messenger) intégré. Le service est encore en bêta et il est possible que quelques fonctionnalités ne soient pas encore présentes, mais elles arriveront ces jours-ci pour les principales. N’hésitez pas à vous inscrire et à inviter vos amis pour échanger. Bonjour à tous et bienvenue sur la communauté du Journal du Community Manager. Vous êtes ici sur une communauté moderne en version bêta, mais qui s’améliorera au fil des semaines, mois et années. Il s’agit d’une véritable communauté qui fonctionne comme un forum avec des posts, des sujets à lancer, un chat (messenger), des catégories… avec la possibilité de partager des images, des vidéos, des posts etc…

5 Unique Ways to Use Twitter for Business **This series is supported by the Social Influence System and WE twendz™ pro, presented by Waggener Edstrom Worldwide. To learn more visit Customer service, recruiting, contests, giveaways and promotions — these are all standbys for businesses using Twitter as a medium to connect with customers and fans. Given that Twitter as a platform supports nearly limitless applications for business use, we thought it time to highlight some of the newer Twitter-for-business opportunities that aren't so obvious. From pitching your followers and rewarding Twitter loyalty, to keeping a trained eye on the Twitterverse, targeting smaller communities, and adding metadata to tweets, here are some unique ways to use Twitter in your social business strategy. 1. As part of Mountain Dew's DEWmocracy campaign, the soda company empowered Flavor Nations — fan communities for new Dew flavors — to own a flavor of soda that the company is now testing on the market. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Les outils gratuits du Community Manager Le Community Manager lors de l’animation de communauté, de veille ou d’analyse de campagne utilise différents outils. Ces outils, présents en grand nombre, permettent au Community Manager de gagner en efficacité lorsqu’il est bien accompagné. Pour vous aider à vous lancer dans le community management ou tout simplement pour découvrir de nouveaux outils, nous allons faire un tour du propriétaire de la « Social Media Toolbox » idéale. Avant de commencer, sachez que tous ces outils sont totalement utilisables dans leur version gratuite et qu’elles ne sont pas soumises (à l’heure où nous écrivons cet article) à une période d’essai. Vous pouvez donc commencer à utiliser pleinement ces outils dès leur installation et sans sortir votre carte bleue. Les outils de veille La veille est une activité extrêmement chronophage (voir l’étude sur les community managers en 2014) et demande beaucoup d’outils pour être efficace. La référence Google Analytics Google Alertes et Alerti pour ne rien manquer

10 Fresh Tips for Community Managers **This series is supported by the Social Influence System, presented by Waggener Edstrom Worldwide. To learn more visit Most community managers are well-versed in the basics of social media engagement. We all know how to deal with trolls and how to create conversations. Here are some interesting and unorthodox bits of advice for the expert community manager — that tireless social media junkie with oodles of personality who's trying to balance marketing-driven execs with ego-tripping power users while still trying to maintain some semblance of a personal life. Community managers, feel free to chime in with your own best practices, oddball stories and lessons learned and words of wisdom for the newer folks in your ranks. 1. Community managers have to have the unflappable calm so often seen in the mothers of multiple young children. 2. 3. You're here to serve and support, not sell. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Community isn't a game of numbers. 10.

Interview : lancement officiel de l'annuaire des community managers Nous vous annoncions il y a quelques jours la sortie imminente d’un annuaire des community managers francophones. C’est aujourd’hui qu’a lieu le lancement officiel ! Les derniers bugs ont (presque tous) été corrigés, les fonctionnalités principales sont en place, il ne vous reste plus qu’à vous inscrire et à l’utiliser. D’autres nouveautés devraient faire régulièrement leur apparition. Pour en savoir plus sur le projet, nous avons interrogé Mathieu Sitaud, qui en est à l’origine. Peux-tu commencer par te présenter ? Je suis Mathieu SITAUD, ex-Fondateur d’ANOV Agency et fraîchement Co-Fondateur de Banlieue Ouest – l’Agence, laboratoire de communication (ouverture de l’agence prévue en Septembre). Peux-tu nous expliquer le projet Annuaire des CM ? L’ est un outil complémentaire apportant au Community Manager une véritable solution dédiée répondant à leurs besoins d’échange, de partage, de recherche et de découverte professionnelle.
