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The Psychedelic Library Alas! the forbidden fruits were eaten, And thereby the warm life of reason congealed. A grain of wheat eclipsed the sun of Adam, Like as the Dragon's tail dulls the brightness of the moon. — Rumi: Masnavi I Ma'naviNew Additions to the Library - March 2008 The files in this library are transmitted under the "Fair Use" rulingsregarding the 1976 Copyright Act for NON-profit academic, research, and general information purposes.

[Techno+] Psilocybe cubensis - Encyclopedie Bestel paddo kweeksets in de online smartshop. Wat is Psilocybe cubensis? Psilocybe cubensis is momenteel een van de meest populaire en verkrijgbare natuurlijke psychedelica. Meer dan 180 paddenstoelsoorten bevatten de tryptamine alkaloïden psilocine en/of psilocybine. De naam van de soortnaam 'Psilocybe' komt van het Griekse woord psilos (kaal) en kube (hoofd), wat in het Nieuw Latijn tot psilocybe is verbasterd. Geschiedenis Op een archeologische vindplaats in de Non Nak Tha regio in Noord-Thailand zijn botten gevonden van vee (zeboes) waaraan men kon zie hoe ze voor menselijk handelen gebruikt zijn. De introductie van de paddenstoel in de 'moderne wereld' begon toen Gordon Wasson naar het Mazateekse dorpje Huatla de Jimenez kwam, en daar een 'velada' sessie van curandera Maria Sabina meemaakte. P. cubensis (Earle) Singer, een van mest levende soort die algemeen voorkomt in subtropische regionen, maar in de tropen niet gevonden wordt, werd als eerste gevonden in Cuba gevonden in 1904.

Spiritual effects of hallucinogens persist, researchers report In a follow-up to research showing that psilocybin, a substance contained in "sacred mushrooms," produces substantial spiritual effects, a Johns Hopkins team reports that those beneficial effects appear to last more than a year. Writing in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, the Johns Hopkins researchers note that most of the 36 volunteer subjects given psilocybin, under controlled conditions in a Hopkins study published in 2006, continued to say 14 months later that the experience increased their sense of well-being or life satisfaction. "Most of the volunteers looked back on their experience up to 14 months later and rated it as the most, or one of the five most, personally meaningful and spiritually significant of their lives," says lead investigator Roland Griffiths, Ph.D., a professor in the Johns Hopkins departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Neuroscience. "This is a truly remarkable finding," Griffiths says. Source: Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions

adrenaline Psilocybin Psilocybin[nb 1] (/ˌsɪləˈsaɪbɪn/ SIL-ə-SY-bin) is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound produced by more than 200 species of mushrooms, collectively known as psilocybin mushrooms. The most potent are members of the genus Psilocybe, such as P. azurescens, P. semilanceata, and P. cyanescens, but psilocybin has also been isolated from about a dozen other genera. As a prodrug, psilocybin is quickly converted by the body to psilocin, which has mind-altering effects similar (in some aspects) to those of LSD, mescaline, and DMT. In general, the effects include euphoria, visual and mental hallucinations, changes in perception, a distorted sense of time, and spiritual experiences, and can include possible adverse reactions such as nausea and panic attacks. History[edit] Early[edit] Modern[edit] Albert Hofmann (shown here in 1993) purified psilocybin and psilocin from Psilocybe mexicana in the late 1950s. Occurrence[edit]

About Science and Consciousness Review (SCR) Center for Consciousness Studies . Tucson . Arizona How to heal cavities naturally - Obscure Vision The world is slowly waking up to the fact that, when you give the body what it needs, it can heal things we previously thought were impossible. A fine example of what is often deemed as an incurable health problem is dental cavities, but extensive research is now becoming more public about the true nature of tooth decay and the fact that there are proven remedies that can remedy it. According to the American Dental Association, the reason we have tooth decay is as follows: “[Tooth decay] occurs when foods containing carbohydrates (sugars and starches) such as milk, pop, raisins, cakes or candy are frequently left on the teeth. Bacteria that live in the mouth thrive on these foods, producing acids as a result. Over a period of time, these acids destroy tooth enamel, resulting in tooth decay.” There are a few problems with this theory, including: So if the modern explanation of tooth decay is not accurate, what is actually the cause of tooth decay? Tooth decay, as researched by Dr.
