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Social TV

Social TV
Relying on relationships to rebuild TV audiences. Marie-José Montpetit (MIT) Social TV could improve the viewing experience and provide new business opportunities for carriers OTHERS WORKING ON SOCIAL TV BT, London, England ClipSync, San Francisco, CA Intel, Santa Clara, CA Motorola, Schaumburg, IL This article is part of an annual list of what we believe are the 10 most important emerging technologies. See the full list here. The viewership for live television broadcasts has generally been declining for years. Marie-José Montpetit, an invited scientist at MIT's Research Lab for Electronics, has been working for several years on social TV--a way to seamlessly combine the social networks that are boosting TV ratings with the more passive experience of traditional TV viewing. Though BT won't comment on what form its social-TV system might take, Montpetit and her students at the MIT Media Lab demonstrated an intriguing prototype last year.

LocalResponse Buys Social TV Advertising And Check-In Platform Philo Local Response, a recently launched social advertising platform that allows local businesses to respond to the “check-in” with marketing campaigns, is making its first acquisition today. The startup (formerly Buzzd) is acquiring Philo, a social TV check-in and advertising platform backed by North Bridge Venture Partners, DFJ Gotham, Eniac Ventures, and others. Exact terms of the deal were not disclosed but we are told the transaction is all stock. Similar to Miso and GetGlue, Philo operated a social check-in service for television shows. Using Philo, users could have a second screen experience with TV content by being able to see who else is watching show, access rewards for watching shows and checking in, and more. But LocalResponse founder Nihal Mehta says that Philo has pivoted over the past year to an advertising model, called Reach.TV. Of course, LocalResponse has a similar model. Since its launch a few months ago, the company has been growing.

Social TV: 就是要和朋友一起看電視! @ 思創生活團隊 的部落格 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 快向你最愛的節目報到:Miso 什麼是Miso? 只要登入網頁、瀏覽內容和發表評論,就可以和朋友分享你正在收看的節目,無論在網路和手機上都可以使用。電視版的miso也即將登場! Miso有哪些功能呢? Miso不但可以讓使用者與其他觀賞者聯繫,還能紀錄用戶的使用習慣,和LBS很相似,收看特定節目或是節目組合的觀眾,可以獲得紀念章。 Miso經營成功之道 Miso最主要的任務就是要讓新產品在社群中有強大的聯繫功能。 到目前為止,Miso也提供觀眾獨家專享優惠,像是線上購物網站QVC的促銷優惠,還有和環球影業家庭娛樂公司合作,推出3D電腦動畫喜劇影片「神偷奶爸」(Despicable Me)DVD。 MISO將朝向更大型的企業擴展嗎? 沒錯! 黏住你的電視:GetGlue 什麼是GetGlue? Getglue是一種可以和朋友一起看電視的行動娛樂服務,使用者可以登入、留言,“讚”,還可以推薦自己的喜歡的節目、音樂、電影和書籍等等。 GetGlue為何如此不同? 從2011年2月開始,Getglue合作的夥伴超過30家聯播公司以及8家電影工作室、娛樂公司,包括:the Grammy Awards, 微軟Xbox, HBO, Fox, Showtime, PBS以及環球娛樂。 因為他的成長速度,Time Warner Investments 馬上看出了GetGlue的潛力,也立即投資了600萬美金。 GetGlue的特色 • 立即上線登入,就可以瞧瞧你的朋友們正在看些什麼! • 使用者登入次數越多,獲得點數與享有的折價優惠越多! • Getglue根據使用者個人偏好推薦節目 • 可以在Twitter和臉書上與他人分享 • 每週新片推薦與接收 • 數量超過兩千萬的電影、音樂、書籍和相簿可以瀏覽觀賞

Google Could Be Planning to Completely Disrupt the TV Business [REPORT] Google, enormously successful in online advertising, might be casting an envious eye toward the $150 billion-per-year pay television market. Such a venture has the potential to turn today's business of television advertising and distribution upside down. The company's already announced plans to build a fiber-optic high-speed Internet service in Kansas City, Mo. and Kansas City, Kan., and according to The Wall Street Journal [subscription required], now Google might be thinking about ways to expand that into pay video and telephone services. That would put Google in direct competition with cable companies and phone companies that have expanded into what's called the "triple play" of communications: cable television, telephone and high-speed Internet. The Wall Street Journal said "no final decisions have been made," but added Google has talked about including content owned by Disney, Time Warner and Discovery Communications.

打造Social TV生態系 Smart TV三大陣營成形 | 趨勢索引 | 資訊社會 【文/拓墣產業研究所提供】 Smart TV雖仍處於起步階段,但2011至2012年的出貨量成長數字預計將十分驚人,而2011年由智慧行動終端所掀起的科技產業典範轉移,終究有一天亦將蔓延到TV。根據拓墣產業研究所預測顯示,全球Smart TV出貨量將有機會從2010年的704萬台成長到2011年的2,518萬台,佔整體TV比重的10.4%;隨著更多TV品牌業者推出新款Smart TV,2012年全球Smart TV出貨量可望增加至5,285萬台,年成長逾100%,佔整體TV比重20%。 2010-2014全球TV、Smart TV、3DTV出貨量 TV+Social Smart TV搶攻新世代 拓墣表示,社交網路既然可以進入行動裝置市場,當然也可進入電視市場。 拓墣指出,Smart TV的殺手級應用,應當屬社交功能的出現,讓Smart TV的概念從過去建立在TV導向提供OTT/VoD服務、串流影視、實境秀、Flash影視、TV Apps、3D影視等內容,逐漸趨向社交網路導向的型式發展,吸納更多使用者、影片、社交媒體桌面工具匯集,並融合各種裝置和應用程式集大成。 三大陣營成形 比拼內容質量 社交網路導向的Smart TV產品誕生之後,作業系統平台將驅動Smart TV陣營成形,陣營內各自共享平台上的應用程式內容。 Smart TV三大陣營日漸成型 在Smart Everything時代下,每個智慧裝置都找到他們最關鍵的內容與服務。 ※相關連結》 ‧拓墣產業研究所官方網站 【數位資訊】

Study Shows Correlation Between Social Buzz and TV Ratings A major undercurrent of the 2011 Fall TV season is the increasing role that social and digital media have on how consumers consume, discover and discuss TV shows. A longstanding question in the social TV space, however, is what impact social media buzz has on traditional television ratings. NM Incite, a Nielsen/McKinsey Company, worked with Nielsen to try to better answer that question. In the study, NM Incite and Nielsen were able to find a statistically significant relationship that shows a correlation between online buzz and TV ratings. This correlation takes place throughout the TV show season, though the impact online buzz can have on ratings can vary based on a season's timeline. Unsurprisingly, the strongest correlation takes place with younger demographics, viewers ages 12-17 and 18-34. In the 18-34 demographic, Nielsen found that social media buzz most closely aligned with TV ratings around the time that a show premieres. This relationship weakens as the show's season wears on.

Social TV:全新的电视观看方式-互联网电视-流媒体网 作者:佚名 来源:互联网周刊 发布时间:2011/3/22 9:51:38 【流媒体网】 大约十年前,Web2.0的出现使互联网用户从被动的阅读者变为主动的内容创造者。而十年之后的今天,电视用户大多还停留在被动接收电视节目的阶段。美国麻省理工学院电子研究实验室的特邀科学家蒙特佩蒂正在积极开发Social TV(社会化电视),意图将这种全新的电视观看方式推广给所有的电视用户。 虽然电视节目不同于互联网上的内容,用户无法方便地完成内容的制作和播发,但是用户权力的彰显肯定是大势所趋。Social TV是电视2.0的初始形态,其出现正在引发一场收视革命。 大约十年前,Web2.0的出现使互联网用户从被动的阅读者变为主动的内容创造者。 不过互联网点燃的革命正在渗透进这个顽固的领域。 这实际上增加了用户的主动权,用户与电视节目之间开始发生交互作用,类似于Web1.0向Web2.0的过渡。 社会化电视是一个新生事物,目前并没有确切的定义。 蒙特佩蒂的研究项目就是社会化电视的典型代表。 蒙特佩蒂曾经在2009年年底展示了一套非常具有创造性的系统模型:建立一个中央数据库,将众多视频网站上的视频集中在一起,包括用户观看这些节目之后的一些感想和评论,其他的用户通过互联网可以访问这个数据库,看到这些评论,并根据这些信息找到自己最感兴趣的电视节目。 这样,用户的收视行为就不再是孤立的,而是嵌入在其整个社交网络之中。 所以,社会化电视本质上是一种观看电视的方式,并不特指某项发明,或者某家厂商生产的产品。 社会化电视的网络应用具备成为大平台的潜力。 其盈利方式也有很多种,例如可以通过为电视节目内容提供商提供营销服务来收费。 社会化电视被MIT Technology Review杂志认定为2010年十项最重要的新兴科技之一,更是被美国着名的《连线》杂志编辑David Rowan评定为2011年六大技术趋势之一,发展前景看好。 [1] [2] 下一页 责任编辑:xudongqi 版权声明:凡来源标注有“流媒体网”字样的文章,版权均属流媒体网站,未经书面授权,任何人不得复制、摘编等用于商业用途。 传英特尔欲高价购买电视内容 较行业均价高75%国外运营商布局电视业:精耕内容挖掘流量价值乐视TV推放心服务 2万台超级电视19日预约爱奇艺副总裁段有桥:OTT TV的未来深度解读乐视售后服务:还是有那么一点儿不放心

Where the NBA lives on TV when there’s no NBA season Now that November has arrived, there’s a big void on TV as a result of the unfortunate NBA lockout. Games are cancelled at least through the end of the month. The most action the NBA is currently getting on TV, besides SportsCenter updates on the lockout, is Kris Humphries sudden divorce from uber-celeb Kim Kardashian, which is already being memeified on the social web. In an attempt to understand how the NBA lives on TV and through conversations about TV online, we took a look at some of the reality TV shows NBA players have popped up in. Bluefin Labs, one of the main social TV data companies, pulled data for us around a few shows that have been on-air in October. We looked at Bluefin data for the following shows: La La’s Full Court Life (VH1) The New York Knicks’ Carmelo Anthony is married to host La La Vasquez. Here are some trends that summarized findings about the audiences for these shows: The male/female ratio for three of the shows are identical.

Facebook Pitches Television Program Guides Based on Friends' Favorites Facebook has a message for the television world: social TV is coming. Andy Mitchell, SVP of Strategic Partner Development at Facebook, pitched a crowd of media and branding honchos at the PromaxBDA conference on Wednesday on the various ways in which he thinks his company can help the broadcast media embrace the social world. An obvious starting point was program filtering. “If you look at the program guide [as it stands now], you’re trying to figure out what to watch among five hundred channels. It’s really hard,” Mitchell said.

Social TV highlights and takeaways from SXSW Both Natan and I enjoyed a few days in Austin for SXSW Interactive this week, navigating even longer lines than last year, dodging the occasional rainstorm and searching for 3G service that actually worked. As we previewed, there were over a dozen social TV events and sessions, and we saw many more TV folks compared to last year. Here are some SXSW highlights, and we asked several social TV execs who attended for their biggest takeway from the annual event: - Of all the TV-related sessions, the most entertaining featured Travel Channel’s Anthony Bourdain and the No Reservations team. In true Bourdain style, the session was packed with F-bombs and snazzy one-liners, with lots of very interesting social media nuggets. - Another popular TV sessions was Bravo’s “Top Chef: How Transmedia is Changing TV,” featuring execs Lisa Hsia, Aimee Viles and Dave Serwatka along with Tom Colicchio (“Top Chef” judge) and Andy Cohen (“Watch What Happens Live.”)

Can Yahoo win at social TV with IntoNow? It looks like Yahoo is the latest competitor in the social TV market, with today’s announcement that it has acquired startup IntoNow. I was pretty impressed with IntoNow when it launched in January. On top of the basic ability to “check in” to a TV show, IntoNow’s mobile app added cool features like Netflix integration and the ability to see what’s on now that your friends have watched in the past. Most significantly, its technology offered the Shazam-like ability to automatically recognize a show by listening to a few seconds of sound. IntoNow spun out of another startup called Auditude. As a standalone product, IntoNow has potential, but it’s competing with a flood of other apps like Miso (which is backed by Google Ventures), GetGlue, and Comcast’s Tunerfish. The acquisition, of course, comes at a time when Yahoo claims to be turning itself around, while also announcing substantial layoffs and the elimination of popular products like Delicious.

Relying on relationships to rebuild TV audience by hanalife Oct 16
