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Get Started with Git

Get Started with Git
If you’re a designer or developer, you’ve probably heard about Git, and you might know that it has become immensely popular, especially among the open source community. Though it may seem cryptic at first, this version control system could change the way you work with text, whether you’re writing code, or a novel. Article Continues Below This article covers why version control is important, how to install the Git version control system, and how to get started with your first repository. Why do I need version control? While it may be obvious that large development teams should have sophisticated code-management systems to track releases and bugs, and to avoid stepping on each others’ toes, it might not be immediately clear why individuals would need version control—especially designers or writers. But take a look at a site like Wikipedia, which is built around collaborative user content editing. With Git, though, you can do much more. No more circus file naming#section2 It’s working!

Installing a Private Git Repository on your Shared Hosting Account, BlueHost | I On Rails The reason I added this blog entry is because I tried to set up a private Git repository on BlueHost (shared hosting account) and didn’t find all of the information I needed in one place. I called BlueHost and they told me they allow it but won’t support it. Initially, I wasn’t sure if it was possible to do it. However, one person at BlueHost indicated to me that it’s possible to do set this up on BlueHost so I continued my efforts and became successful in setting this up. Install Git on your BlueHost shared hosting account (build from source code): You should only do the following on smaller projects with up to a few people on the project or else BlueHost may kick you off! If you’d like to support and encourage me in writing more articles, please sign up with BlueHost through this link BlueHost, so I can get something out of it. You must first have access to a ssh account on BlueHost. Setting up your Remote Private Git Server To create a clone of the remote repository and its files

PHP for Beginners: Building Your First Simple CMS The Magic of PHP + MySQL It’s safe to say that nearly every website that’s up-to-date these days is using some form of content management system (CMS). While there are a ton of great free options that provide us with a CMS to power a website (WordPress, Drupal, etc.), it doesn’t hurt to peek under the hood and get a feel for how these systems work. To get our feet wet as back-end developers, we’ll be creating a simple PHP class that will: Create a databaseConnect to a databaseDisplay a form with two fieldsSave the form data in the databaseDisplay the saved data from the database Download Files This class is intended to give you a feel for how PHP and MySQL interact together, and to show the basics of a CMS. Building the Class Our first step is to simply lay out the class in a file named ‘simpleCMS.php’ so we have a road map to work with. As you can see, we’re creating one class with four variables and five methods. The Variables Build the Database Connect to the Database Build the Form <! <?

GitTips See also: GitFaq (Frequently Asked Questions) page. GitWorkflows which attempts to describe actual, useful, real-world things that people do with git, step by step. ExampleScripts - You can do a lot by writing a simple script. Aliases are very powerful ways to avoid writing a script. git ready - daily tips for the noob to the guru Table of contents: How to fix the most recent commit Git allows you to easily fix up the most recent commit you've made on a branch with the --amend option: For example the following command will allow you to alter the commit message at the top of current head: $ git commit --amend while $ git commit -s --amend will let you alter the commit message and will also automatically add a sign-off message for you. How to change commits deeper in history Since history in Git is immutable, fixing anything but the most recent commit (commit which is not branch head) requires that the history is rewritten from the changed commit and forward. Or you can use rebase to do that. #!

Apache Subversion Impact - HTML5 Canvas & JavaScript Game Engine Introductory Guide to Git Version Control System Git is a version control system used by development and programming teams, popular open source projects, and other team collaboration projects. In this Git guide, we will discuss the value of version control systems, an overview of Git, advantages and disadvantages of using Git, how to install Git, basic commands, tools and essential Git resources. (For designers, also check out The Ultimate Guide to Version Control for Designers.) What Is Version Control? Essentially a version control system (or a revision control system) is software that has the ability to manage and track changes that occur to any document that is in a given project. Do not think of these snapshots as backups because with a backup you have a separate copy of a file. The other advantage of a version control system is that you don’t have multiple backup files to manage. A key benefit of version control is being able to have several people working on the same document at once. Who Should Use a Version Control System? Gitk

Collaborate and Connect with Subversion Consider this: You own a small web design and development shop. Maybe it’s just you and a couple of other people. Because of your size, you rely heavily on outside subcontractors. Subversion connects and promotes collaboration#section1 Subversion (SVN) is a version control system that allows you to track and store code changes, collaborate, and share project files. Visibility is a good thing#section2 Subversion also keeps everyone on your team involved in the project: commits and project changes become visible as they are made (see The Tools You Need, below). Make it mandatory#section3 If a subcontractor wants to do business with your shop, make your workflow and toolset mandatory. Some subcontractors may want to email .zip files of their work or may post it to a remote server for you to download and view. As the subcontractor’s employer, you have every right to stipulate deliverables, the tools used, and how and when the work gets done. Are there exceptions to this rule?

Top 8 JavaScript Projects You May Not Know Last year's article 10 Experimental PHP Projects Pushing the Envelope and its followup 9 More Experimental PHP Projects You Should Check Out struck such a chord with developers that I thought it would be fun to continue the theme, this time applying the idea to the JavaScript programming language. Perhaps more than any other programming language in history, JavaScript is experiencing a major renaissance thanks to its unique ability to serve as the glue between the client- and server-sides of a web application, a trait which is quickly becoming indispensable as developers seek to create highly responsive features which closely mimic their desktop-bound brethren. Given so much attention, we're seeing incredible innovation in the JavaScript space, and with it a fair amount of experimentation. In this article I'll highlight ten crazy JavaScript experiments, some of which are already changing the language in profound ways. JavaScript Project #1: The Real-time Web Implemented with Node.JS W.J.

libgit2: a Git Linkable Library - GitHub How to Create an Organic Web Design (and Showcase) Organic design is commonly applied to products such as chairs, electronic equipment, books and home décor. Following the same principles, organic web design has recently emerged as a trend. Professional designers and companies have taken a more natural approach to creating their websites, logos and packaging, leaving behind the overtly technological sheen of the early 2000s. Yes, fellow designers, it is safe to say that the new age of organic design for websites and corporate logos has taken effect. Whether overt or subtle, whether scanned elements or graphics that mimic nature, organic web design has taken on many forms. But what constitutes organic design? What Makes an Organic Web Design? Though the name suggests that some kind of ecological statement is being made, organic web design is more about bringing natural elements into a technological environment. Using materials, textures and fabrics that hint at organic elements Objects such as muslin, burlap, papyrus, paper, tape and wood.

How to script git with perl and Git::Wrapper | dagolden If you work with git, eventually you will want to script something that git doesn't do already and can't be accomplished with an alias. If you use Perl, the Git::Wrapper module makes scripting git easy. The big advantage of Git::Wrapper is that it wraps the binary version of git, which keeps your perl and git independent. Upgrade perl and not git? Add Git::Wrapper and you're done. Git::Wrapper just makes it really easy to pass git commands and get back useful data. Here is a short example that I whipped up recently to automate the process of adding a github repository remote for someone when they send me a pull request. That's it. If the command fails (if there's already $who as a remote name), an exception will be thrown. This entry was posted in git, perl programming and tagged ironman, perl programming.

CSS Positioning 101 If you’re a front end developer or a designer who likes to code, CSS-based layouts are at the very core of your work. In what might be a refresher for some, or even an “a-ha!” for others, let’s look at the CSS position property to see how we can use it to create standards-compliant, table-free CSS layouts. Article Continues Below CSS positioning is often misunderstood. The CSS specification offers us five position properties: static, relative, absolute, fixed, and inherit. Get with the flow#section1 First, let’s take a step back to recognize the world we’re working in. Boxes in the normal flow belong to a formatting context, which may be block or inline, but not both simultaneously. Think of a “box,” as described by the spec as a wooden block—not unlike the ones you played with as a young whippersnapper. Static and relative—nothing new here#section2 The static and relative position properties behave like your childhood blocks—they stack as you would expect. Example D shows our new markup.

A Visual Git Reference If the images do not work, you can try the Non-SVG version of this page. SVG images have been disabled. (Re-enable SVG) This page gives brief, visual reference for the most common commands in git. Once you know a bit about how git works, this site may solidify your understanding. If you're interested in how this site was created, see my GitHub repository. Contents Basic Usage The four commands above copy files between the working directory, the stage (also called the index), and the history (in the form of commits). git add files copies files (at their current state) to the stage. git commit saves a snapshot of the stage as a commit. git reset -- files unstages files; that is, it copies files from the latest commit to the stage. You can use git reset -p, git checkout -p, or git add -p instead of (or in addition to) specifying particular files to interactively choose which hunks copy. Conventions In the rest of this document, we will use graphs of the following form. Commands in Detail Diff Commit
