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jQuery Datepicker

jQuery Datepicker

CJuiDatePicker Look up a class, method, property or event CJuiDatePicker displays a datepicker. CJuiDatePicker encapsulates the JUI datepicker plugin. To use this widget, you may insert the following code in a view: $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDatePicker',array( 'name'=>'publishDate', // additional javascript options for the date picker plugin 'options'=>array( 'showAnim'=>'fold', ), 'htmlOptions'=>array( 'style'=>'height:20px;' ), )); By configuring the options property, you may specify the options that need to be passed to the JUI datepicker plugin. Property Details public array $defaultOptions; The default options called just one time per request. public boolean $flat; If true, shows the widget as an inline calendar and the input as a hidden field. public string $i18nScriptFile; The i18n Jquery UI script file. public string $language; the locale ID (eg 'fr', 'de') for the language to be used by the date picker. Method Details Source Code:framework/zii/widgets/jui/CJuiDatePicker.php#70 (show)

jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin v1.47 (2010-03-26) What this is This jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin ($.MultiFile) is a non-obstrusive plugin for jQuery that helps users easily select multiple files for upload quickly and easily on your server whilst also providing some basic validation functionality to help developers idenfity simple errors, without having to submit the form (ie.: upload files). What this isn't This plugin will not create a dialog that allows the user to select multiple files at once. That simply cannot be done via javascript. If that's what you need, you should consider using HTML5's multiple="multiple" attribute or one of the many other flash based file upload solutions (eg.: SWFupload, uploadify and others) How it works The plugin creates a new file input element every time the user select a file, which allows the user to select a file, then another, then another, then another and so on... selecting as many files is required, one at a time. How do I use it? This implementation does not require any jQuery experience.

CSS3 Menu. Free CSS Menu Maker jQuery UI DatePicker (Calendar) Example in ASP.Net In this article I will explain how to use the jQuery UI DatePicker plugin with the ASP.Net TextBox Control. Applying the jQuery DatePicker to ASP.Net TextBox Below is the HTML Markup used for this article. $(function () { $("[id$=txtDate]").datepicker({ showOn: 'button', buttonImageOnly: true, buttonImage: ' <asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" runat="server" Text="Submit" onclick="btnSubmit_Click" /> Above you will notice that I have added an ASP.Net TextBox control and an ASP.Net Button control. In the document ready event of jQuery I am applying the DatePicker plugin to the ASP.Net TextBox using the [id$=txtDate] jQuery Selector so that even if the ClientID of the Control changes it will not affect the jQuery code. Fetching the values server side In order to show how to fetch the value of the TextBox server side I have added a button btnSubmit with a click event handler. protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) VB.Net End Sub Demo

Restaurant Script (PizzaInn_Project) | Free software downloads CJuiWidget Look up a class, method, property or event This is the base class for all JUI widget classes. Public Properties Hide inherited properties Property Details public mixed $cssFile; the theme CSS file name. public array $htmlOptions; the HTML attributes that should be rendered in the HTML tag representing the JUI widget. public array $options; the initial JavaScript options that should be passed to the JUI plugin. public mixed $scriptFile; the main JUI JavaScript file. public string $scriptUrl; the root URL that contains all JUI JavaScript files. public string $theme; the JUI theme name. public string $themeUrl; the root URL that contains all JUI theme folders. Method Details Initializes the widget. Source Code:framework/zii/widgets/jui/CJuiWidget.php#108 (show) $cs->registerCoreScript('jquery'); if(is_string($this->scriptFile)) $this->registerScriptFile($this->scriptFile); elseif(is_array($this->scriptFile)) { foreach($this->scriptFile as $scriptFile) $this->registerScriptFile($scriptFile); }}

jQuery ComboGrid Plugin Make textbox clickable but not editable
