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For Students: The Ultimate Research Tool – Education Series

For Students: The Ultimate Research Tool – Education Series
Whether you’re writing a paper or studying for a test, odds are you spend more time gathering the pieces than actually working. Getting all of your notes together, hunting for quotes, and tracking down bibliographical information takes at least as long, if not longer, as writing the paper itself. In a group situation, sharing research and collaborating on the production of one document is even more difficult without the proper tools. Enter Evernote. Organizing in Evernote The first step in any research project is, well, the research. Here’s an example of a way to organize your research: Make a notebook for every project (for example: “Civil War Thesis”). Web Clipping Scrolling through Web pages over and over to find the one paragraph or quote you want to reference is always excruciatingly time-consuming. Later, you can easily search through Evernote for this information, because you’ve already weeded out the part you’ll actually need. Collaboration in Evernote Search in Evernote

Fiche 5: Le Mind Mapping / carte mentale : savoir apprendre pour Pour décrire une idée, un concept, une information, on utilise le texte, ce qui nécessite parfois de longues pages d’écriture. Si cela peut contenter les personnes principalement auditives, il en va tout autrement des personnes qui intègrent l’information de façon visuelle ou voir Kinesthésique (voir les 7 profils d’apprentissage). D’où une perte de temps pour lire ou relire ce qui a été écrit avec à la clef une compréhension du contenu qui n’est pas toujours très satisfaisante. C’est d’autant plus vrai pour des élèves qui, à la veille des examens, vivent un véritable calvaire leur relecture de notes. Pour décrire une idée, un concept, une information, on utilise le texte, ce qui nécessite parfois de longues pages d’écriture. ;;;;;• Comment ça marche ? Comment s’utilise un « Mind Map » ? Il faut commencer par la question centrale : que faut-il pour mieux apprendre l’anglais ? ......- apprendre le vocabulaire......- pratiquer la langue......- travailler la grammaire 2.

What is Special Education and who can cope with the Challenge? The past decade has seen increased emphasis on what is special education, the diagnosis and techniques a special education teacher can use to improve the learning capacity of the learner. The term special education covers a broad range of different learning deficiencies, ranging from learning problems to physical control among more. Having worked in the sector for the past 5 years, I have come by many different situations that have placed me under pressure but working in collaboration with other experts in the field I have learned to make the right decision when confronted with a situation that is challenging. The points below are meant to provide awareness and solutions to the parents and teachers concerning some difficulties that they may be facing with children that require special education. Before taking up this profession consider the difficulties you may be facing in the near future.

Notebook As of July 2012, Google Notebook has shut down and all Notebook data should now be in Google Docs. As previously announced, in most cases we were able to automatically export the Notebook data, so please visit Google Docs. Also please update any bookmarks or links to Notebook so that they point to Docs instead. Here are answers to some questions about this transition. Where is my auto-exported notebooks data? For auto-exported documents, you should see a new document in Google Docs for each notebook you had in Google Notebook. If you are having trouble finding the new docs, search for “Imported from Google Notebook” in the doc list. What happened to public notebooks? All public notebooks were unshared. What happened to bookmarks stored in Bookmarks data is not affected; you will still be able to access your bookmarks at I’ve never used Google Docs. The Google Docs team has put together a getting started page here. Why did you make this transition?

Free web tools for classroom educators | Featured Conference News TCEA sessions touch on doing more with less By Laura Devaney, Managing Editor Read more by Laura Devaney Free web tools help engage students of all ages. Although the 2011 Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA) conference urges educators to explore how limitless technology can transform education, presenters and attendees also acknowledge the tough budget situation that schools across the nation are facing. Doing more with less has become a mantra among technology enthusiasts, and in turn, free resources are more popular than ever. On Feb. 10, technology integration specialists Jenni Keith and Sarah Daugherty from Coppell Independent School District in Coppell, Texas, presented a round-up of free web tools to a packed room. WebList is a tool that gathers different resources and aggregates them under one main URL. TypeWith.Me lets users collaborate in real time in a chat-like format.

Formerly Homeless Student Starts Nonprofit to Help His Peers Get to College Nineteen-year-old New York City student Orayne Williams knows a lot about how to avoid becoming a statistic. Last year Williams, who was abandoned by his family when he was 12 and spent his teen years living in homeless shelters, managed to graduate from high school with honors and enrolled at Manhattanville College on a full scholarship. His campus dormitory was his first non-shelter home in years. His achievements are so inspiring that the New York Daily News made him their success story of 2010 and their readers generously donated $15,000 to him. But Williams is determined to not be a happy exception. Last November, he founded a new nonprofit, the Progressive People Movement, Inc, which hopes to help at-risk "youth break free from the cycles of homelessness, incarceration, poverty and failure." Williams hopes to raise at least $30,000 to cover the cost of materials for tutoring and counseling. "If I can do it, they can do it," he says. photo via Progressive People Movement

@ Brest - Des Ressources éducatives libres : pour être plus efficace ? La notion de ressource éducative sur Internet s’entend au sens large, que ce soit un texte, un exercice, une image, une vidéo, une séquence complète … L’idée principale est d’utiliser une ressource pour enseigner ou apprendre… Il s’agit donc autant du matériel de base pour l’enseignant pour préparer ses interventions, que du matériel que l’apprenant va vouloir s’approprier, peut être en le modifiant, en le partageant avec d’autres, en l’incluant dans un projet. L’association Creative Commons a fait le choix depuis un an de promouvoir les Ressources Éducatives Libres (REL). Leur blog regorge donc d’informations intéressantes sur le sujet. Le choix des options de la licence Creative Commons est ainsi souligné au travers de la possibilité d’adaptation de la ressource et surtout de traduction. Ainsi, grâce à la licence adossée à l’article ci-dessous, comme le fait souvent Framablog, il est tout à fait normal que je vous en propose la traduction/adaptation. Recherche et découverte En résumé

Alternative white paper: it's your turn to ask the academics Over the weekend, Ed Miliband said that Labour would cap tuition fees at £6,000 instead of £9,000 – quite a turn-up for the books, since he opposed the hike in fees last year. "This is a step towards a graduate tax," a Labour source told the Guardian's Nicholas Watt. "We would like to go further, but we can only do what is affordable." "Affordable" is not a word you'll even find in a new document, an "alternative white paper", published today by academics in fierce opposition to government (and Labour) policy. The report, In Defence of Public Higher Education, written and endorsed by hundreds of academics, focuses not on fees and caps, but on the "public good" of higher education, what it gives to society as well as to individual students. The government's policies are based on ideology rather than financial necessity, they argue, and will make no lasting savings. They also say a new debate is urgent, following the August riots. Are the dons living in cloud cuckoo land?

50 Must-Have Educational Apps It’s time for holiday road trips and you know what that means: driving, flying, cranky kids, and… teaching opportunities! What’s that, you say? Well, there is so much downtime during the holidays where kids and adults spend hours just passing the time… why not try out some new apps on your phone? Many of these apps were found by The Teaching Palette, be sure to check out their fantastic site for more helpful resources! From learning the ABCs to doodling, there’s plenty of terrific apps out there that will pass the time but also educate. *Most of the links below are to the iTunes store which will open another window and/or iTunes. Great Apps For Kids (And Adults) Alphabet Animals Perfect for your talented toddler, this game is packed with colorful animations, animal sounds, and tons of tips for learning their letters. WordSearch Kids Kids search and highlight vocabulary words by tapping the first and last letters. Mad Libs Just as goofy and fun as your remember. SmackTalk Annoying?

Higher education white paper is provoking a winter of discontent Hundreds of academics have signed a document, published today, that warns of dire consequences should the government's white paper on higher education become law. The document, In Defence of Public Higher Education, endorsed by a wide range of prominent academics, including Stefan Collini, of Cambridge University, and Howard Hotson, of Oxford, offers an alternative to the government's vision for the sector in the form of nine propositions about higher education's value to society. Drawing on recent research, it also argues that the changes proposed are based on ideology rather than financial necessity, and will make no lasting savings. Campaigners hope it will lead to an autumn of debate and protest over the white paper's proposals, which are due to come into effect next year. It suggests that this focus on students as consumers attacks the very values the prime minister believes would reverse the "moral decline" blamed for the recent riots.

Applications portables & gratuites pour les élèves (et les profs...) Mettre à jour / rajouter / supprimer des logicielsUn point fort de cette clé, très facilement configurable, est la mise à jour automatique des logiciels en téléchargeant depuis Internet. Tout est automatiquement géré par le système de la clé. Vous avez une alerte (que vous pouvez désactiver) pour vous prévenir qu'une mise à jour est disponible. Le menu de ce système et chaque logiciel proposé se mettent à jour immédiatement, quasiment tous ceux-ci correspondent à des logiciels libres suffisamment simples pour des collégiens mais performants aussi. Et la Framakey ? Quelles différences ? Framakey est une très bonne compilation. Vous mettez ainsi ces logiciels sur votre ordinateur, et sur toutes les clés des élèves, puis les mises à jour sont uniformes sur tous les supports.
