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Ben Heine

Ben Heine

Os Gemeos This article was posted by Os Gemeos 1 Year, 9 months, 3 days, 18 hours, 46 minutes ago. “THE SHOW MUST GO ON"photo©: Renato Akerman photo©: Renato Akerman paint the pic… photo©: Renato Akerman Arnaldo / photo©: Renato Akerman Osgemeos, Arnaldo and Roger/photo©: Renato Akerman the pig goes to the public to be destroyed….photo©: Renato Akerman “everyone wants a piece” .... photo©: Renato Akerman everyone tries to take a piece home /photo©: Renato Akerman especially this guy!! /photo©: Renato Akerman what remains/photo©: Renato Akerman Arnaldo, Osgemeos,Roger, Renato Akerman and Mario Caldato /photo©: Renato Akerman This article was posted by Os Gemeos 1 Year, 9 months, 2 weeks, 1 Day, 21 hours, 8 minutes ago. photo©: Osgemeos Todd James, Xabu, Finok e Toes /photo©: Osgemeos detalhe, parte de Whole Car feito por Todd James, Xabu, Coyo, Remio e Oli, photo©: Osgemeos Todd James, detalhe do Whole Car…photo©: Osgemeos detalhe; Xabu, Oli, Coio….photo©: Osgemeos Nina /photo©: Osgemeos Dj Xabu /photo©: Osgemeos

Wrinkles in space-time and the shifting self Wrinkles in space-time and the shifting self Related Stimuli : Fluctuating kaleidoscopic views of identity, in each one lies the imprint of the Whole. External Stimuli : Laurence Demaison, A Wrinkle in Space-Time: Math Shows How Shockwaves Could Crinkle Space Themes : Photography Nodes : b&w, Laurence Demaison, psychedelic, surrealism

Quand la consommation devient un Art [youtube] le chaos et le vide sont une forme d'art, alors pourquoi pas la consommation ? C’est un peu ce qui trotte dans la tête de ces cinq artistes ayant porté la consommation au rang d’oeuvre d’art contemporaine éphémère. Pour seule trace de leur oeuvre ? Une épicerie vidée de ses stocks et un panneau » Sold Out « Le concept est surprenant et ne trouve pas vraiment d’explication ni logique ni artistique, il se révèle pourtant simple : acheter toutes les marchandises , stock compris , d’une épicerie et la vider totalement de ses biens. Cette fois c’est sur une épicerie de New York que l’art s’est exercé pour le plus grand bonheur d’ Hercules, le patron de la boutique. Au final, ce sont deux rouleaux complets de ticket de caisse qui annoncent la facture, et concernant les biens achetés, ils sont en exposition dans une galerie de Stanton Street.

SlashTHREE - International Art Collective INTERESNI KAZKI How Some Landscape Photos Are Actually Made EmailEmail What does spilled paprika powder and planet Mars have in common? To a New Jersey-based artist Matthew Albanese, the visually similar color and texture of the two lead to creating a meticulous diorama of Mars, and then photographing it in a way that you wouldn’t think it’s fake. Eventually this revelation resulted in the “Strange World” series, where the artist uses various condiments to make incredible miniature landscapes that look like photos. Matthew’s work starts by walking down the isles of the supermarkets, looking for material that he could possibly make use of. Website: behance | facebook 1. The scene was made of steel wool, cotton, ground parsley and moss. 2. This model is made out of faux fur(fields), cotton (clouds) and sifted tile grout (mountains). 3. This diorama was made using painted parchment paper, thread, hand dyed ostrich feathers, carved chocolate, wire, raffia, masking tape, coffee, synthetic potting moss and cotton. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

L.A. - Libre.Accès. FECAL FACE DOT COM Vida en equilibrio sobre la punta de una aguja (El buen pulso de Steven Gschmeissner) Estas dos imágenes han sido tomadas por el científico y fotógrafo Steven Gschmeissner con un microscopio electrónico. El único retoque de las fotografías es el color, añadido posteriormente para realzar las células. Las imágenes obtenidas con microscopios electrónicos se obtienen siempre en blanco y negro. Estas células tienen un tamaño aproximado de 0,005 milímetros de diámetro, similar al de la punta de las agujas que las sostienen. ¿Cómo colocará Steven Gschmeissner las células en tan precario equilibrio para realizar sus fotografías? Via: Expertos en: Estudios de Impacto Ambiental, Mediciones Acústicas, Mapas Acústicos, Topografía, Suelos, Eficiencia Energética, Estudios Hidrológicos, Residuos, Evaluación Ambiental, Medio Ambiente.
