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Vos enfants aiment votre iPad ? Oui, mais vous devriez faire attention à ça…

Vos enfants aiment votre iPad ? Oui, mais vous devriez faire attention à ça…
C’est aujourd’hui un fait: l’Ipad est entré dans nos vies et dans celle de nos petits. De plus en plus de foyers s’équipent de tablettes numériques et l’Ipad est le support qui proposent le plus grand nombre d’applications destinées aux enfants. Pas étonnant alors que, selon une étude américaine récente, 57% des parents possesseurs de tablettes téléchargent des applications pour leurs enfants. Article invité par Odile, fondatrice de Ce site a pour objectif d’aider les parents dans leur choix d’applications pour enfants. Les éditeurs d’applications ont bien cerné ce profil de parents soucieux de l’éveil de leurs bambins. Ce tableau un peu cynique a pour but de vous mettre en garde chers parents : l’AppStore est aujourd’hui un immense bazar. Certains réflexes sont à adopter et certains points à retenir: Les applications gratuites sont pour la plupart truffées de pubs ou de liens vers un achat. Site de puzzle Hello Kitty gratuit. Vérifiez le site de l’éditeur

L'iPad à l'école, la nouvelle ''mine d'or'' d'Apple... | questions d'éducation | «L'éducation est ancrée dans notre ADN», a soutenu Phil Schiller, vice-président marketing d'Apple, lors d'une conférence, en janvier, au cours de laquelle la firme californienne présentait au monde sa vision de l'avenir de l'éducation. Pour eux, ça ne fait aucun doute, les iPad doivent devenir les nouveaux manuels scolaires. A qui profiterait une telle révolution? S'il doit y avoir un gagnant, c'est évidemment Apple.

Critiques du Ipad iPad en éducation - Belgique iPad en classe; prise 2 Nos 9 iPads sont en circulation dans l'école depuis 8 semaines. Nous pouvons maintenant parler un peu plus des avantages et des inconvénients ce nouvel outil. Certains avantages incontournables Sa grandeur et son poids ; très facile à manipuler et à déplacer. Plusieurs enseignants ont préféré réserver les iPads pour faire de la recherche que d'utiliser le chariot avec les ultraportables. Ils ont constaté que le iPad prenait moins d'espace sur le bureau et que pour naviguer, c'est très efficace. SonicPicsLite : Permets de choisir 3 photos et d'y ajouter de la narration.

Journal de Montréal – Actualités - Mieux équipés à l'école qu'à la maison cet article est réservé aux membres vip Pour poursuivre la lecture / mois * Taxes Incluses * Certaines conditions s'appliquent Contenu réservé VIP : Nouvelles exclusives Galeries photos Cartes interactives Vidéos exclusives Contenu des chroniqueurs Compléments d’information Vos privilèges VIP : Accès illimité à 100 % du contenu internet Application mobile pour appareils Android et iOS. Offre valide pour 6 mois, pour les nouveaux abonnés seulement.

Classroom iPad use encourages innovation, reading with ease (Nov. 15, 2011) Nov. 15, 2011 The iPad is catching on as a classroom tool at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Katy Culver, left, a faculty associate in journalism and mass communication, facilitates an editorial-planning discussion with journalism students in a magazine production class. The class, which uses a combination of iPad tablets, laptop computers and traditional desktop computers, produces Curb Magazine. Photo: Jeff Miller The touch-screen tablet has emerged as a way for students to explore new media and serves as an efficient way to do various reading assignments. Katy Culver, a faculty associate in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, uses the iPad in her magazine publishing class. “Students need to get their hands on a device to understand it and dream up new ways to use it,” Culver says. The iPad, provided through UW General Library System, has been integrated into her class as a tool to develop editorial and advertising content for the class publication, Curb Magazine.

Three Reasons Why the iPad WON'T Kill Amazon's Kindle It may be suddenly fashionable to say so, but the new Apple iPad tablet won’t kill the Kindle from Amazon. Here are three reasons. My colleague, Nick Bilton, has weighed in on this topic from the opposite side. The Kindle is for book lovers, and the iPad is not. Sure, the Kindle’s potential market may have shrunk today, since the two-books-a-year folks will now choose the more versatile iPad. But the Kindle (and other devices with E Ink screens) will continue to be the best device for lovers of long-form reading, period. Also, there’s the distraction factor. Amazon will continue to improve on the Kindle. A Kindle with color? The Kindle store will continue to thrive. Amazon smartly separated its Kindle hardware division from its Kindle e-book store and has since released or announced Kindle apps for the iPhone, PC, Mac and BlackBerry. Bottom line: books, music and movies — its worldwide media business — constitute half of’s overall revenue.

The Arrival of the iPad - The Top 10 Everything of 2010 In April, Steve Jobs launched his iPad. And it was good. The iPad was not the first eReader or Tablet on the market nor was it as multi-functional as the iPhone (you can't make phone calls with an iPad). But, as British actor and humorist Stephen Fry wrote in TIME's cover story about the device, Apple simply gets something fundamental about human habits better than any other tech company: "If you have an object in your pocket or hand for hours every day, then your relationship with it is profound, human and emotional. Next The Supreme Court Sides With Citizens United

The Challenge of iPad Pedagogy Staff training completed. Make no bones about it, the use of the word completed couldn’t be further from the truth. My advice to anyone else undertaking an iPad trial, be more than prepared. Imagine the most challenging class you have ever had to personalise learning for and double it. Don’t get me wrong, I am extremely grateful for the vigour with which the staff and students have approached the training at such a busy time. The challenge lies in the pedagogy. Exposure to app use, productivity and possible implications has opened up the proverbial can of worms, and it’s fantastic. Whether you subscribe to the device as a consumption, creation or discovery tool, the technology opens the eyes of educators when given time to investigate. Not that I didn’t have my own ideas! It just feels like the trial has a real chance of success and not because of the new technology. So what to do next? It’s a challenge and it’s not about the technology! Like this: Like Loading...

iPads in schools! They just play games! | IPAD 4 SCHOOLS 20th Century pedagogy + iPads = Gaming So, you’re in your classroom and annoyed that the kids are playing games on the iPads. You have devised a strategy and at random intervals, you ask them to double-click the ‘Home’ button to see the last apps used. writing their notes;Reading their e-textbook;completing their essay or‘Researching’ on the Internet. The only step forward you’ve really seen is the ability to use that Shakespeare app or Dissecting Frog app. The parents too, have complained that all they seem to see is game playing and maybe your school is considering limiting the apps allowed on the devices. Well done on introducing iPads. Now you have introduced a radically new and powerful learning device, you need to update your pedagogy to match it. Why are these issues the most important? Like the iPad, learning is personal As I have previously mentioned, you can’t encourage the idea that learning is a lifetime occupation, if you centre your education delivery around the teachers.

How the iPad Is Changing Education The iPad may only be two years old, but it's already begun to change many things. Reading is one of them. Work is another. It is selling like crazy, but it will be some time before most of the people you know own a tablet. The market for this type of device may only be in its infancy, but it's already becoming clear how it will revolutionize certain aspects our lives. Education is a huge one, as recent developments have demonstrated. In January, Apple made good on its late CEO's vision to enter the digital textbook market with the launch of iBooks 2 and the iBooks Author production tool for e-books. The iPad: An Obvious Use Case for Education In a way, Apple didn't enter the education market. Chicago's public school district was one of those early adopters, having brought iPads into a number of its classrooms and even allowing students to take them home. Does It Help Learning? The Value for Self Education

iPad Usage Survey Results
