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Season Extenders, Row Covers, Plant Protector, Garden Supplies

Season Extenders, Row Covers, Plant Protector, Garden Supplies

Shade Cover for Cold Frame - Gardener's Supply Company Start gardening earlier and extend the harvest in fall Woven poly insulating cover has vents and insect netting Shade cover protects plants from intense sun Ultimate Cold Frame includes frame and woven poly cover; frame and shade cover also sold individually For avid vegetable gardeners, winter lasts too long and fall frosts come too early. These new cold frame components let you stretch your growing season and harvest more healthy, home-grown produce. Designed to fit over our 71-1/2" L x 57-1/4" W Cedar Raised Bed with 27 square feet of growing space, the 3-season covers are supported by a sturdy 36-1/2" high enameled steel frame that fits right into the raised bed corners. In spring and fall, use the frame with the insulating greenhouse cover. During warm weather, replace the greenhouse cover with the optional woven polypropylene Shade Cover, sold separately.

Keep Your Garden Pest Free with These Natural Pesticides, Made with Ingredients Already in Your Pantry Some things you may have readily available... * Aluminum foil - lay it under your plants to control aphids. They like to hang out under the leaves, so by causing a reflection of light from below, they get confused and tend to go somewhere else. * Use items directly from the garden. I usually have some very hot peppers growing and almost nothing touches them. * The offending pests - I have heard that if you capture the offending pest and crush them up and add them to your spray that it will deter the same pest. What you probably won't have on hand... * Diatomaceous earth - completely organic and will kill any pest with an exoskeleton... * Lady bugs - natural predators of aphids.
