Flipping the Classroom

4/27/2012 By: Teachers from around the world have adopted the flipped classroom model and are using it to teach a variety of courses to students of all ages. In the excerpt below from the book, Flip Your Classroom (©2012, ISTE® International Society for Technology in Education and ASCD), authors Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams outline reasons why educators should consider this model. Flipping speaks the language of today’s students. Flipping helps busy students. Flipping helps struggling students. Flipping helps students of all abilities to excel. Flipping allows students to pause and rewind their teacher. Flipping increases student–teacher interaction. Flipping changes classroom management. Flipping educates parents. Flipping makes your class transparent. Flipping is a great technique for absent teachers. Flipping can lead to the flipped-mastery program. VIDEO TIP: MAKING A ONE-TAKE VIDEO By Michael Gorman Assign the Groups In the spirit of PBL, students should be divided into groups.
To Flip Or Not Flip?
To flip or not to flip? That is not the essential question. In assessing the optimal classroom dynamics, I would argue that we need to take a good look at what our classrooms look like right now, what activities our students gain the most from, what we wished we had more time for, and what things about our class we wish we could eliminate. Do I flip: yes. Would I recommend it: enthusiastically. But let’s start by rewinding for a minute, to my 2009 AP Calculus class. Running Out Of Time Worst of all, I felt that I never got to hear from my students because they were trying their best to digest the newly presented material. So I asked myself the same questions that I posed at the beginning of this essay: what is working, what is not, and what do I wish I had more time for? Planning In math, we often have the preconceived notion of a boring, rigid learning environment where the teacher lectures and the students do endless practice problems until the skill is mastered.
Flipped Classroom - Savage Science
Who Said Lecture is Dead? Flipping the Traditional Classroom Model By Craig Savage I’ll let you in on a little secret: Teachers love to lecture. Okay, that’s probably not such a big secret. Just listen to one of my students: “Savage loves to hear himself talk. The fact is, lecture is a very efficient way for teachers to move through the material they think is important, in the order they think is important, at the pace they think is appropriate. However, in this time of educational reform (has there ever been a time when we weren’t reforming education?) But lecture isn’t dead. However, the larger question remains: Does lecture still belong in the classroom? For me personally the questions are: What is my value in the classroom? “The sage on the stage” model (a style in which I was able to thrive as a student and a style I believe I have mastered as a teacher) represents a one-way flow of information that fails to capitalize on the social opportunities of a classroom.
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The ‘Flipped Class’ Report
Ah the ‘Flipped’ Class. Yet another educational concept based on previous practice and rebranded to suit modern vernacular? ‘Can you get the lesson recorded a bit earlier sir so we can see it?’ (student A) ‘Not sure about that but it seems you are happier about this way of learning now’ (teacher) ‘It’s alright’ (student A) I think that’s progress and certainly a step ahead of where we were. Aaron Sams and Jon Bergmann coined ‘The Flipped Class’ and their video explanation was the starting point for my trial. Students refer to classroom time being ‘different’ and ‘strange’. The initial reaction to this process was one of horror and rejection. The period then begins with a ‘response to stimulus’ task and problems are given to groups that are varied to personalise learning and in particular stretch and challenge. It is easy to forget the speed at which an inquisitive mind will work. This model works best when the teacher, not a third party, delivers content. (I let him off that one) Like this:
Flip Your Classroom - Get Your Students to Do the Work
Recently I shared lunch with colleague and friend, Mike Gwaltney. He teaches in a variety of blending settings both in class and online. We got into an interesting discussion about ways to deliver instructional content and learning process both in and outside the classroom. The conversation quickly turned to the notion of "flipping the classroom." This is the idea that teachers shoot videos of their lessons, then make them available online for students to view at home. Watch this video to see flipping in action - cool graphics courtesy of Camtasia Studio. Both of us admired teachers (like these in the video) with the time, technology and talent to do video productions - but questioned how many teachers would be able to morph into video producers. Flip the delivery of the lesson to homework - it's like a TiVo time shift that can reshape your classroom. Ultimately, we saw flipping the class as a great opportunity to engage our students in taking more responsibility for their learning. 1.
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