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4 outils pour creer des nuages de mots pour la classe.

4 outils pour creer des nuages de mots pour la classe.

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How to create a camera in Adobe Illustrator - Adobe Illustrator Today we are going to learn how to raw this amazing compact camera with its accessories using basic shapes in Adobe Illustrator. 1.Prepare the document Step 1 Press Ctrl+N in order to create a new document. Set the Units to Pixels and make the artboard 800x600px.

A Great Google Drive Tool for Taking Notes While Watching Videos February, 2014 One of the things I always do before I read any book I have in my reading list is to Google its author and inspect a little bit about his/her online presence, social media profiles, other publications , journal articles...etc. The book I am reading this weekend is "Best Practices for Teaching with Emerging Technologies (Best Practices in Online Teaching and Learning)"for Michelle Packansky. As I Googled Michelle I found out this wonderful blog " Teaching Without Walls" that she runs. The blog is full of interesting posts and tips on using technology in class. I also came across this excellent video tutorial she made on VideoNotes which I am sharing with you below.

Outils des professeurs Outils des professeurs Création de diaporamas Powerpoint Power Point Gamify Your PD: Badges and Level Up If you are providing a professional development workshop you may want to consider trying to gamify the event. I have created a template using Google Sheets that allows you to create a list of activities the PD participants will engage in. Assign a difficulty level, XP points and a badge to each task.

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