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Tinytags - make a little text tag graphic

Tinytags - make a little text tag graphic

Login Panel, connexion du plus bel effet| Webmaster - Ressources et outils gratuits pour votre site internet - Free Tools| Free Tools, Le meilleur des outils gratuits pour webmaster Gickr: Create animated GIFs online Gickr is a cool web app that lets you quickly created animated GIFs without leaving the comfort of your web browser. Gickr has two modes: The first mode lets you grab frames for your animation directly from Flickr. Just enter a Flickr username and/or tag and your pictures will pop up, then you can include the ones you want to include in the animation. Wheee! Tags: ajax, animated gif, AnimatedGif, creator, editor, gickr, gif, web 2.0, Web2.0, web20

35 Most Useful FREE Vectors to Kick Start 2009 Let’s kick start the New Year with a great compilation of the best free vectors online. You can find a great selection of vector icons, decorations, silhouettes to buttons… All these vectors are great items to add to your vector library. Hopefully this can ease up your load for new upcoming projects! So help spread this link to your friends! These vectors are from the 16th century and make excellent ornaments. 22 vectors with ecology in mind. Set of 8 classic banners. 77 buttons that will speed up your button making processon a tight deadline. 30 city skylines – from Sydney to New York. A pack of free vector glass buttons and bars for your webpage or blog. Great collection of silhouette birds in flight from Bittbox. . for free. About The Author: Tony Soh Hi.

Portable, Multiple-Layered Image Editor — Fotographix When Charnita wrote this piece on 8 Simple Free Photoshop Alternatives that are under 2 MB, I discovered Fotographix. And I was VERY impressed at how well it can do its job. This 348KB download is a ZIP file that extracts to 685KB. It is a totally portable application and is very powerful and familiar to users of Photoshop. People who have used graphics editors before will feel right at home. To create a new canvas, press Control+N or choose “New” from the file menu. Let’s try her out and see what she can do! You can see that the image I have just opened is a layer, that makes this a layered graphics program just like Photoshop or Gimp. Let’s select the fill bucket, like you see in the above picture. We can undo it by pressing Control+Z. Hit OK and you will see your text in a new layer: You can turn layers on and off by checking or unchecking the box next to the layers name on the right. Do you use Photographix or another lightweight graphics editor?

« Ruby on Rails : Vues & Contrôleur [Dandelion Mood] » Concentrons nos efforts d’aujourd’hui sur la bonne compréhension des mécanismes qui sont à la base du fonctionnement de Ruby On Rails, framework que je me suis proposé de présenter en plusieurs articles dans celui-ci, qui annonce le plan des festivités à venir. Si vous ne disposez pas encore d’un environnement dans lequel développer, n’hésitez pas à consulter mon précédent article, dans lequel je décris comment installer Rails sur votre machine sous Linux ou Windows et le déployer sur votre serveur grâce à Phusion Passenger ;) ! Un contrôleur ? Comme vous le savez peut-être, Rails repose comme la majeure partie des frameworks web (avec quelques variantes tout de même) sur le paradigme MVC : ces trois lettres sont _la_ clé, le moyen de concevoir et développer en équipe des applications que vous n’aurez aucun mal à faire évoluer par la suite. Le Modèle Le Contrôleur Si vous devez retenir quelque chose de tout cela, voyez le Contrôleur comme un Passeur . La Vue ... Assez de blabla !

Portable Image Editor Fotografix Webmasters and bloggers usually need at least basic image editing skills to work with images that they post on their websites. These image editors need to provide access to a basic set of features that include resizing images, highlighting parts of them, copying part of the image and saving the images in various image formats. Advanced image editing options that include working with layers, maskings, macros and the like are usually not needed. Enter Fotografix, a lightweight portable image editor, that might be suited for the needs of webmasters and bloggers who want a simple image editor that supports all the features that they need. The image editor opens images as fast, if not a tad faster, than the popular Paint .net image editor. Fotografix is an impressive (for that size) image editor that fits perfectly in every tools collection.

« Ruby on Rails : Filtres, Flashes, Partielles, Squelettes ... [Dandelion Mood] » Aujourd’hui, nous allons reprendre le cours de l’article précédent, qui posait les bases du fonctionnement de Ruby on Rails et approfondir un peu l’aspect technique des choses en ce qui concerne les Vues & Contrôleurs. Gestion de flux avec les Filtres Ruby on Rails intègre un mécanisme puissant qui lui permet d’exécuter certaines actions de votre contrôleur avant ou après traitement de la requête, ce grâce aux méthodes de classe before_filter et after_filter qui sont disponibles pour tout Contrôleur. Une des nombreuses utilisations de ce genre de mécanisme est, par exemple, un système de statistique qui vient se greffer très simplement à votre application. Pour cela, nous plaçons simplement une méthode privée dans notre Contrôleur Application (dans le fichier app/controllers/application.rb). Réutilisation de code Nous avons vu précédement le principe MVC qui régit la conception des applications Rails, aujourd’hui en voiçi un autre : DRY, ou Don’t Repeat Yourself. Vues partielles Et voilà !

Lightweight Image Editor Software: StylePix StylePix is a free image editing software, an alternative for Photoshop or Fireworks, with numerous advanced features. It has an intuitive user interface where all the controls can be selected easily. The software works with layers & offers multi-layer/group editing support. Some features of StylePix are: various selection types (auto-range, color-range & rectangular, circular, polygonal, lasso area selection) batch processing 30 different filters thumbnail, histogram & waveform view for current image & more.. StylePix works on Windows OS & consumes very few system resources, even the installer is ~800kb, which makes it an ideal solution for less-powerful computers or running from portable devices (a portable version exists).

20+ ways to create javascript modal windows and dialog boxes | Design Label Liked that login modal window on Digg ? Want to incorporate something like that in your next project ? Then this article will be helpful for you. Javascript modal dialog boxes/windows can be used in any type of project from your personal website to e-commerce website or to just spice up user interface of your web app. These can significantly improve user experience. Designers seem to like using modal windows more and more, as they provide a quick way to show data without reloading the entire page. The most common cases where these can be used are : (1) When you want to draw attention to important information. (2) When you want some action from user to continue (3) Showing warning signs (4) For extra options panel (like login/register panel) (1) Prototype Window This is a javascript class based on prototype framework. (2) Simple Modal Simple Modal is jQuery framework based plugin which can be used to create different types of modal dialog boxes. (10) Wingo A way to make dragable modal boxes.

16 Fresh Adobe AIR Applications For Designers & Developers With the ease of development & multi-platform support, Adobe AIR is a getting-popular choice for creating desktop applications. There are many beautiful applications built with it including the ones that are functional for the designer & developer community. Months ago, a post published at WRD was sharing 27 Adobe AIR Applications – Handy For Web Designers. Since then, there are various great applications created. And here they are, 16 Fresh Adobe AIR Applications For Designers & Developers: ImageSizer ImageSizer is a batch image processor tool which can resize, optimize and rename multiple JPG files. Once the images are processes, they can be exported as a single .zip file. JustResizeIt! A batch image resizer that works with drag'n drops. The application is great for anyone sending photos with e-mails, requires batch resizing & more. Xe-IMG Editor It supports multiple image types, image-from-URLs & SWF files as images to be edited. .merlin – Font Organizer Contrast-A Dot3D Fractal4D Random Pattern

13 Awesome Photoshop 3D Text Tutorials We all are very well aware with the role of Typography in any design and most of us don’t even think of an artwork without any text on it. There are number of amazing ways we are using typography in our designs and 3D Text is the one of the best option available which most of the designers are choosing in designs today. Today, we are here with some awesome 3D Text Tutorials based on Photoshop and Illustrator and doesn’t require any advanced 3D software as not all of us own these softwares, nor aware how to use them. So, here’s a list of 13 Awesome Photoshop 3D Text Tutorials. 1. 3D Text Tutorial which is an amazing combination of Illustrator’s 3D capabilities and Photoshop’s texturing. 2. 3D Toy Text Tutorial This one is new 3D text tutorial published in August 2009 and based on newer versions on Illustrator and Photoshop. 3. 3D Typography In Photoshop A nice output as you can see in the final result. 4. 5. 3D Transparent Glass Text Effect 6. 3D Text Scene Using Photoshop 7. 8. 11. 13.

12 Cool Word Cloud Generators Word cloud generators are popular online tools. They can map data, such as, words and tags in a visual and engaging way. They come with different features and fonts and with a variety of shape, layout and editing capabilities. These online tools have pros and cons and some work faster than others. You will even be able to find an awesome, free word cloud generator. A word cloud is a modern way to visualize the keywords or tags from any piece of writing e.g. blog posts or an educational text. You can use word Clouds in presentations, in eye-catching images on your website or maybe as your cover photo on a social media site. Below you will find a list of useful word cloud generators to help you find the right one for your needs. Advertisement Wordle Wordle is a popular word cloud generator and for a reason. Tagxedo Tagxedo is an awesome word cloud generator. tagCloud generator tagCloud is a online word cloud generator. ABCya Tagul toCloud ToCloud is a free word cloud generator. WordItOut

50+ High-Quality Sand Texture Collection Textures made of things created by nature, including sand textures, are popular and useful resources for graphic designers. They can be used to add a tactile feel and depth to the design and are available in many variations. Whether you need textures for e.g. creating web backgrounds, or as an overlay in photo manipulation, a sand texture can often be used in combination with other related textures. Meanwhile, if you are looking for a texture that you can use to add a grainy feel, or if you want to create a photo manipulation involving a beach, etc. you will find this sand texture collection useful. Author : Sonny Day Sonny M.
