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How to Help Students Use Social Media Effectively Today more than ever, people are capable of publishing their thoughts to a vast audience. Comments, tweets, and status updates are ubiquitous and constant. However, are we really focusing on the quality of the message we are putting out there? Are we really providing useful information or are we just adding to the noise? Simply giving students a blogger ID and a twitter username is not enough. Unless they are working to develop the skills necessary to effectively convey their message to a receptive audience, then the value of the message is diluted. Keep Standards High If we are going to enable our students to find and share their voice with the world, we need to equip them with a powerful skill that is timeless: writing effectively. Educators must model effective writing and editing as well. More Is Not Always Better The second frustrating element of social media is the perpetual sharing of watered-down guides e.g., "500 Tips for Google" or "100 Ways to Use YouTube in the Classroom."

Dumpr - Photo Fun Phixr - Online Photo Editor Créer une carte de vœux avec Photoshop Créer une carte de vœux avec Photoshop Avant de commencer téléchargez le pack suivant, puis ouvrez un nouveau document de 800x483 pixels résolution 72Dpi couleur RVB8bits Remplissez le fond avec la couleur suivante #741706 en utilisant l'outil pot de peinture (G) Dessinez un rond en utilisant l'outil ellipse (U) et la couleur #b22b0b Allez ensuite dans Menu > Filtre > Atténuation > Flou gaussien Importez la texture suivante dans votre document Changez son mode de fusion en Produit et réduisez son opacité à 29% Prenez l'outil rectangle (U) et dessinez un rectangle en bas comme ceci Réduisez son opacité à 36% Créez un nouveau calque (Ctrl+Shift+N), prenez l'outil pinceau (B) avec une forme rond, dureté 100%, couleur #f6e29b et dessinez plusieurs ronds en réduisant a chaque fois leur taille et leur opacité. Faite la même chose avec la couleur suivante #d86dbb Prenez l'outil forme personnalisée (U), sélectionnez la forme Hirondelle 2 et dessinez avec cette dernière une très grande forme comme ceci

How To Pick Glasses That Suit Your Face Shape Menu Search advertisement Get The Mag Search form Shopping & Style How To Pick Glasses That Suit Your Face Shape Kirsty Chan | 8/08/2014 PrevNext Find out how to pick frames that will flatter your face Nothing encompasses the idea of functional fashion better than a stylish pair of glasses, but with so many potential pitfalls choosing a new pair can be daunting. Brigitte Reymond-Peter, from Vancouver’s Eyes For You, has over 35 years of experience helping customers choose the perfect glasses and she passed on a few tips for picking the right frames for your face shape, hairstyle and colouring. Eyes for You: 2694 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC Tags Glasses, eye glasses Subscribe to the BCLiving newsletter! Related Articles Shopping & Style Eight Great Self-tanners for the Perfect Faux Tan Street Style at Squamish Valley Music Festival 2014 Summer Sandal Trends 2014 Categories Trending / Shopping & Style Health & Fitness 6 Ways to Stand-up Paddleboard in Vancouver Newsletter signup Travel Home Food & Drink Connect

8 Ways Technology Is Improving Education The Education Tech Series is supported by Dell The Power To Do More, where you'll find perspectives, trends and stories that inspire Dell to create technology solutions that work harder for its customers so they can do and achieve more. Don Knezek, the CEO of the International Society for Technology in Education, compares education without technology to the medical profession without technology. “If in 1970 you had knee surgery, you got a huge scar,” he says. “Now, if you have knee surgery you have two little dots.” Technology is helping teachers to expand beyond linear, text-based learning and to engage students who learn best in other ways. Despite these opportunities, adoption of technology by schools is still anything but ubiquitous. 1. While a tuning fork is a perfectly acceptable way to demonstrate how vibrations make sound, it’s harder to show students what evolution is, how molecules behave in different situations, or exactly why mixing two particular chemicals is dangerous. 2. 3.

Devolve me - Charles Darwin To view our site properly you'll need Flash Player 9 or above and Javascript enabled in your browser. Ready to journey back in time? Use our fun tool to see yourself as you would have looked as an early human. When you've finished, why not share the results with a friend? Upload your photo and see yourself travel back through the evolutionary timeline... it's not an exact science but it is a lot of fun! If you upload your photo in the Devolve Me tool or send the results to a friend, The Open University will not use these photos or email addresses for any other purpose. Australopithecus afarensis The most famous example of afarensis was the skeleton of 'Lucy' discovered in 1974 at Hadar in Ethiopia. Homo habilis Meaning 'handyman', Homo habilis was probably the first of our ancestors to use stone tools and thrived 2.2 - 1.6 million years ago. Homo erectus Homo heidelbergensis The heyday of this stout, thick-boned species was probably around 400,000 to 500,000 years ago. Homo sapien

Free One Click Photo Editing cookie barclose This website makes use of cookies to enhance browsing experience and provide additional functionality. None of this data can or will be used to identify or contact you. This website makes use of third party cookies, see the details in the privacy policy. This website makes use of tracking cookies, see the details in the privacy policy. To learn more about how this website uses cookies or localStorage, please read our PRIVACY POLICY. By clicking Allow cookies you give your permission to this website to store small bits of data as on your device. By clicking Disallow cookies, or by scrolling the page, you deny your consent to store any cookies and localStorage data for this website, eventually deleting already stored cookies (some parts of the site may stop working properly). To learn more about cookies and localStorage, visit Information Commissioner's Office. To disable all cookies through the browser, click on the corresponding icon and follow the instructions:

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Web Poster Wizard Home Web Worksheet Wizard and Project Poster have combined to make Web Poster Wizard. This FREE tool allows educators to create a lesson, worksheet, or class page and immediately publish it online. Teachers can also set up classes and assign projects to students. New teachers simply register to use this free tool. Users who were already registered in Web Worksheet Wizard or Project Poster will find that their accounts are still available and their information is still intact.

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