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Creating Comic strips from your photos

Creating Comic strips from your photos

Anmish Comiker, the comic maker - Newest Which font? Voice of Typography How this article started: Ross Henderson of McMurdo Multimedia, wrote in to praise our article on the "Basic Rules of Design & Layout" (September DT&G) and then followed with a question that got all of our attention. He wrote: Much more complex is typeface selection. The voice of typography "Which typeface should I use" is a very frequent question. For years I've made only two points about headline or display fonts in my Creative layout techniques workshops: 1) use typography voice, and 2) exploit typography message. For instance, what does the following line of type say to you: Let's take a look and see how to discover an 'easy' answer to the very difficult question of Which Typeface to Use Open your eyes and listen Of the hundreds of typography books I've read, I've gleaned hundreds of different opinions but no 'simple' solutions. This is the one, single suggestion that satisfies. All fonts carry two visual characteristics that give designers a free ride. How to listen... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Webspiration Create Your Own Comic | Marvel Super Hero Squad | The Official Web Site Comic Tools Foreword I like using comics in education. I use comic creation tools in a wide range of classes and year groups. Comic creator This is a comic creation tool hosted on the Read, Write & think website - a useful and simple tool for students to create their own comics Comiker A free site allows you to craete a comic with out registration. Pixton This is a good online comic development tool. Makebeliefscomix This is a great and easy to use flash based resource. Kerpoof Gnomz Not brilliant and a little daunting to start as its in french, but toggle the language switch and you are away ToonDoo They explain it all below.... useful resource: BitStrip This is a membership required comic creation tool. Chogger beta

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