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The Best of TED for Teachers TED ( Technology, Entertainment, Design ) is one of the most popular video platforms online. Under the moniker ' ideas worth sharing ' TED talks went viral attracting millions of audience from all around the globe and giving them access to the world's most inspiring voices. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning has been posting a lot about TED to the point that we created a separate section devoted solely to everything that has to do with TED. Given this huge importance of TED as an educational resource we deemed it important to share with our fellow teachers and educators the best of TED . 1- Top 10 TED Talks from Inspiring Teachers 2- 4 TED Videos Teachers should Not Miss 3- 5 TED Talks about Creativity 4- Top 10 Ed Talks for Teachers 5- The 20 Most Popular TED Talks in 2012 6- 5 Must Watch TED Talks for Kids 7- Top 9 TED Talks on Information Overload 8- 6 TED Talks on The Pluses of Gaming 9- Great TED Talks for Graduated Students 10- Five Great Motivational Videos for Students
