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A Realist's Guide to Flipping the Classroom

A Realist's Guide to Flipping the Classroom

Volete capire meglio cosa fa in classe un docente capovolto? Vi proponiamo alcune attività esemplificative che possono dare un’idea del metodo a chi non lo ha mai usato ed un aiuto a chi lo sta già usando. 1) Lavorare sui video Se vogliamo che i nostri studenti apprendano efficacemente dai video che assegniamo come lavoro a casa, dobbiamo insegnare loro come si studia un video. Il primo esercizio potrebbe essere il seguente: Guàrdati un certo video almeno un paio di volte, dividilo in 3 brevissime puntate e scrivi quale titolo daresti a ciascuna puntata. Mettete i ragazzi a gruppi di 3 o 4 per fare questo lavoro e vedrete che consegneranno la prima volta lavori confusi e illogici. Qualsiasi video va bene. “La buona scuola” di Matteo Renzi proprio perché tratta argomenti di scottante attualità ci costringe anche ad essere distaccati e obiettivi. Passiamo alla valutazione dei lavori: dopo 20 minuti si ritirano tutti i fogli. Per ogni titolo si assegnano da 1 a 3 punti. 2) Il compito autentico (Inquiry-based learning) Carlo e Marco sono in moto.

cecchinato.pdf The 10 Best Web Tools For Flipped Classrooms While flipping the classroom is still one of the hottest trends in education, it’s got nothing on time-saving and downright useful apps and web tools. In an effort to provide a quick look at some of the best web tools for flipped classrooms, I thought it would be useful to poll the @Edudemic Twitter followers. Including the tweets, I also got at least 40 emails from friends, colleagues, and administrators from around the world. Below is a simple list designed to help get any educator, administrator, student, or parent a bit more familiar with some of the most popular web tools for flipped classrooms. Wikispaces About The Tool: Wikispaces is a free and useful web tool designed to give students (or ‘users’ of any kind, really) the ability to share their thoughts, reflect on the work of others, and edit a body of work together. Using In Flipped Classrooms: Many teachers who wrote into the ol’ Edudemic account say they use Wikispaces to power their classroom blog. Poll Everywhere Edmodo Celly

Flipped Classroom How flipping works for you Save time; stop repeating yourself Record re-usable video lessons, so you don't have to do it again next year. It's easy to make minor updates to perfect lessons over time once the initial recording is done. Let students take control of their learning Not all students learn at the same pace. Spend more time with students Build stronger student-teacher relationships, and promote higher level thinking. Other teachers are doing it, you can too Stacey Roshan found that the traditional classroom model wasn't cutting it for her AP students, so she flipped her class. Watch Stacey's Story Crystal Kirch started using videos as instructional tools in her class but soon realized the real value of flipping lectures was being able to spend more face-to-face time with students. Read Crystal's Story Tools You Can Use

Video Lesson Guidelines 6 Steps To A Flipped Classroom - by Josh Corbat, TeachThought Intern Students today are vastly different from when we were in their shoes. We were brought up on the age-old tradition of lecture, practice, and assessment. Lather, rinse, repeat. Think about it. Self-Directed Learning is the new learning. Students in the age of iPads and Google have been doing this since before they could walk. The Flipped Classroom model (or blended learning model, if that is your cup of tea) is based on very simple, logical principles. My advice to the teacher deciding whether or not to take the leap to the Flipped Classroom is just this: If you decide to go for it, there is no turning back. If you’ve made it this far, I’m guessing you’re truly interested in giving this a try. At any rate, here is one approach to flipping your classroom. Step 1: Decide which technology you will use. Low tech or high tech? The videos themselves are not meant to be worthy of the silver screen. There are so many ways you can flip your lectures.

4 Things To Consider Before You Flip Your Classroom The Flipped Classroom model is gaining momentum in classrooms around the world. Much has been said and written about the benefits and advantages of the Flipped Classroom throughout the year, so during the last three weeks of school I decided to experiment with this model of instruction and I flipped my math classroom. Using Explain Everything on my iPad, I created a series of videos that my students watched prior to coming to school. In the classroom I had the opportunity to take advantage of the extra instructional time, as well as their excitement about sharing the knowledge they gained by watching the videos I created, and tried to engage my students in high order mathematical tasks. Although the results were highly encouraging and made me a fervent proponent of the Flipped Classroom, there are four things that I think every classroom teacher should know before they start using the Flipped Classroom model. Some Students Will Take Longer To Adapt Than Others What about you?

The Flipped Class Manifest Photo: Document with Red Line by Dukeii (Editor's Note: The conversation and interest in the flipped class continues . . . From our very first post about this topic in January 2011 to date (3/30/13), The Daily Riff has received 250,000+ views to related posts which are linked below - extending to over 100 countries. "The Flipped Classroom is an intentional shift of content which in turn helps move students back to the center of learning rather than the products of schooling." The Flipped Class Manifest The "Flipped Classroom" is a term that has recently taken root in education. What Does "Flip" Imply? "Flip" is a verb. Secondly, we are flipping the instructional process and using technology to "time-shift" direct instruction where appropriate. For instance, suppose you are teaching a lesson where students at some point will need to use technology to use a linear regression on their data. What Do Classes Look Like? How Does a Flipped Classroom Fit into Instruction? Final Thoughts

Flipping the classroom | Giovanni Bonaiuti Da qualche tempo, in rete, si parla con insistenza di “flipped classroom model”. Il nome è intrigante ed ho pensato valesse la pena provare a capire meglio… Si tratta di una modalità di insegnamento (supportata da tecnologie) in cui si invertono i tempi e i modi di lavoro. Non è tanto la classe ad essere “capovolta” quanto il normale schema di lavoro in classe. Tipicamente, infatti, si ha un primo momento in cui l’insegnante spiega (fa “lezione”) seguito da un secondo momento in cui agli studenti sono assegnati problemi da risolvere tipicamente da svolgere a casa (i “compiti a casa”). Modello tradizionale Modello “flipped classroom” In altre parole l’insegnante si troverà ad investire il suo tempo nell’accompagnare allo sviluppo ed estensione delle conoscenze, alla loro trasformazione in capacità concrete. Nel video sotto “Why I Flipped My Classroom”, questa insegnante – Katie Gimbar – illustra i motivi per cui ha deciso di “ribaltare” l’insegnamento della matematica nella propria classe.

Flipped classroom - l'insegnamento capovolto All'estero se ne parla già da un po' di tempo, da noi invece decisamente da molto meno. Mi riferisco a Flipped classroom, letteralmente insegnamento capovolto, nel senso che si utilizzano le nuove tecnologie per capovolgere letteralmente i paradigmi dell'insegnamento. In pratica si realizza un trasferimento della responsabilità e della titolarità dell’apprendimento dal docente agli studenti. Sopra potete apprezzare la presentazione realizzata dalla collega Laura Antichi in cui viene illustrata in maniera dettagliata questa metodologia didattica. Articoli correlati
