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Technology Integration Research Review

Technology Integration Research Review
Editor's Note: This article was originally written by Vanessa Vega, with subsequent updates made by the Edutopia staff. Technology integration can be one of the most challenging topics to find quality research on. The term itself is a broad umbrella for numerous practices that may have little in common with each other. In addition, technology tools change rapidly, and outcomes can vary depending on implementation. Edutopia's tech integration review explores some of the vast body of research out there and helps you navigate useful results. What Is Successful Technology Integration? A key transition over the history of information technology has been in the shift from passive audiences to active users. Read our article about successful technology integration for more ideas on the many different ways teachers and schools are integrating technology today. Learning Outcomes Continue to the next section of the Tech Integration Research Review, Evidence-Based Programs by Subject. Related:  Technology Planning

EdofICTJSSALC - SAMR Examples The following examples are ways to examine the progress from S to R. ISTE NETS Essential Conditions National Center for Technology Planning John See Technology Integration Specialist Minnesota Department of Education [Originally appeared in The Computing Teacher, Vol. 19, Number 8, May 1992] Contact information for John See -- unavailable as of Feb 2012 Effective technology plans are short term, not long term. If you do develop a long-term plan, tie it to your district's budget cycle. Effective technology plans focus on applications, not technology. Many technology plans are based on numbers of machines - input. By taking this approach, you can also answer the debate over which brand names to purchase. Effective technology plans go beyond enhancing the curriculum. I agree that we need to teach keyboarding skills. Remember the real question, "what applications of technology are available that will help our students, staff, and administration work smarter, not harder?" Effective technology plans define technology as more than computers. Television production is much more than giving kids a camera and shooting pictures.

National Education Technology Plan | Office of Educational Technology About the National Educational Technology Plan The U.S. Department of Education released the 2024 National Educational Technology Plan (NETP): A Call to Action for Closing the Digital Access, Design and Use Divides. First released in fulfillment of Improving America’s Schools Act of 1994, NETP has been updated multiple times since its original release, most recently in 2016. While past NETPs have largely served as surveys of the state of the field, the Department of Education’s 2024 NETP frames three key divides limiting the transformational potential of educational technology to support teaching and learning, including: The Digital Use Divide, addressing opportunities to improve how students use technology to enhance their learning, including dynamic applications of technology to explore, create, and engage in critical analysis of academic content and knowledge;

6 elements of a successful iPad implementation By Samantha Messier and Stephanie Schroeder 11/17/2014 Topics: Mobile Learning, 1-to-1, Professional learning As more districts across the United States move to 1:1 initiatives, a common barrier is financial resources, and a common temptation is to regard these initiatives as technology enterprises rather than instructional transformations. In a three-year pilot project, the Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) addressed these challenges by implementing a creative approach designed to entice public funders by providing all students with equitable access to digital devices. A key feature of our model was synergy among multiple, interdependent program elements: Community engagement A strong instructional model Digital devices and apps for students Logistical support Guidance toward high-leverage resources Ongoing, embedded professional development None of these elements alone is sufficient. 1. We also made every effort to include one of the most important stakeholder groups: parents.

A Technology Integration Planning (TIP) Model For Teachers Teachers are the ones that decide on instructional strategies and how to carry them out. When teachers create an instructional design for technology integration, they need to consider the characteristics of their topic and the needs of their students and then decide on a course of action that will meet both needs within the constraints of their classroom environment. When deciding on teaching/learning methods the first distinction a teacher must make is whether or not to use directed strategies or constructive strategies. After determining whether integration strategies will be primarily directed or constructive, also consider content approach. Should the approach be single subject or interdisciplinary? A few other questions that a teacher will need to answer while developing instruction is: Should students work individually, in pairs, in small groups, or as a whole class? Remember as a teacher you never stop learning.

The Practical Effect of Twitter Chats + Pedagogy Wheel Many months ago I founded what would quickly become the largest Australian ‘ed-chat’ on twitter. The ‘#aussieED’ twitter chat runs on a Sunday at 8:30pm every Sunday night. Shortly after beginning, an awesome team began forming around me and together we have literally been able to reach tens of thousands of teachers across Australia using the twitter platform. The speed of the take up has been outstanding and it has highlighted the fact that there is a genuine desire from classroom teachers to control their professional development and tailor their learning to allow them to provide tangible changes and improvements to the activities that teachers provide students in their classrooms. The #aussieED mantra is CONNECTION, COLLABORATION and INSPIRATION. One of the greatest impacts of having teachers be in control of their own Profession Development is the ‘renaissance’ of teaching and learning that is occurring in classrooms, not only in Australia, but across the globe. Brett Salakas

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability - Learning continuum - The Australian Curriculum v8.1 Level 1 Typically by the end of Foundation Year, students: Recognise intellectual property recognise ownership over their own digital work Apply digital information security practices follow class rules about using digital information Apply personal security protocols follow class rules when sharing personal information with known audiences and demonstrate an awareness of applying social protocols when using ICT to communicate Identify the impacts of ICT in society identify how they use ICT in multiple ways on multiple devices Level 2 Typically by the end of Year 2, students: recognise ownership of digital products that others produce and that what they create or provide can be used or misused by others follow class rules about applying selected standard guidelines and techniques to secure digital information follow class guidelines when sharing personal information and apply basic social protocols when using ICT to communicate with known audiences identify how ICT is used at home and at school

Tell me more about Makewaves Makewaves is a safe social learning platform for schools. It offers schools a safe environment in which to publish blogs, videos, pictures, and audio online, where they can be shared with a like-minded network of schools around the world. Makewaves is free to join and every member school is given its own space within the community, where work can be safely published and shared. Teachers can choose their own security settings, giving them full control over who can view their school’s content. The platform is an ideal tool for developing digital literacy skills, learning about internet safety, and learning how to use social media responsibly. The history of Makewaves In 2003, brothers Mark and Tim Riches established the first incarnation of Makewaves (known then as Radiowaves) as a place for young people to publish internet radio and get their voices heard. The Makewaves Vision Tim and Mark’s vision was for every young person to be able to share their story with the world.

Twig - Blog: story Teachers are constantly pushed towards new pedagogies in order to improve student performance. For most teachers, who are already overburdened and overworked, manoeuvring the jungle of new buzzwords and learning theories can be an exhausting task. Integrating technology into your teaching, however, isn’t so hard. In fact, research shows that teachers who use ICT to deliver lessons in the classroom work up to 40 hours fewer than those who don’t. Here are 10 ways in which the best teachers use tech in the classroom: 1. Educational videos can be used to complement traditional teaching in the classroom or assigned as homework to reinforce classroom lessons. 2. If you’re nervous about teaching a class or just plain tired, try flipping the classroom. 3. Science teachers know only too well the complications of conducting science experiments. 4. Teachers can use video conferencing to teach distance learning programs. 5. 6. School budget cuts giving the class trip the axe again? 7. 8. 9. 10.

Forget digital natives. Here’s how kids are really using the Internet Doug Chayka The era of the digital native is over. If that declaration comes as a relief, you’re most likely either an older tech user who is tired of feeling irrelevant, or a millennial frustrated with being reduced to a headphone-wearing cliché. In 2001, education consultant Mark Prensky coined this term — along with calling the analog-raised generation “digital immigrants” — to alert teachers to the emerging wave of students who’d be arriving at schools with new ways of thinking and absorbing information after growing up with computers, videogames, digital music players, video cams, cell phones and other devices. But it’s time to retire the idea that tech aptitude and social outlook can be boiled down to whether someone is a digital native or not. Digital orphans have grown up with a great deal of tech access — but very little guidance. Digital exiles are at the opposite extreme — they’ve been raised with minimal technology.

Startups Kano and Cubetto sell coding toys that teach children to become computer engineers According to marathon-running mythology, Pheidippides, the ancient Greek athlete often named as history’s first endurance runner, dropped dead at the end of his run. Historians say this false dramatic detail springs more from poetry than traceable records, but the lie has likely endured because purposefully running 26.2 miles seems like a direct challenge to human limitations. The myth might be false—but it is plausible. Running an estimated 55,000 steps over the course of a few hours hours brings about risks that can prove fatal. Your urine turns tea-colored, your nipples bleed, and your toenails fall off On marathon day, all the risks that come with everyday running injuries—including shin splints, Patellofemoral pain syndrome (runner’s knee), hamstring damage, and plantar fasciitis (heel pain)—are still present. For instance, over-stressing muscles causes them to release a protein called myoglobin to your body’s mitochondria, which produces energy for your cells.
