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4 Ways To Amplify Your Creativity

4 Ways To Amplify Your Creativity
The holidays are over, the weather is lousy, and we’re sober again. We made all kinds of New Year’s promises, but the big one that will change our careers, if not our lives, is the promise to ourselves to become more creative. In my new book, Creative Intelligence, I show that creativity is learned behavior that gets better with training--like sports. You can make creativity routine and a regular part of your life. That’s true for big companies as well as small startups, corporate managers as well as entrepreneurs. Creativity is scalable. The huge national policy storm brewing over “dwindling innovation” and an “innovation shortfall” also gives creativity an even greater agency. So here are four specific ways to lead a more creative life and boost your creative capacities. 1. Nearly every creative entrepreneur, artist, musician, engineer, sports players, designer, and scientist works with one, two, or a handful of trusted people, often in a small space. 2. 3. Creativity is relational. Related:  Creativity

'How Creativity Works': It's All In Your Imagination What makes people creative? What gives some of us the ability to create work that captivates the eyes, minds and hearts of others? Lehrer defines creativity broadly, considering everything from the invention of masking tape to breakthroughs in mathematics; from memorable ad campaigns to Shakespearean tragedies. Lehrer joins NPR's Robert Siegel to talk about the creative process — where great ideas come from, how to foster them, and what to do when you inevitably get stuck. Interview Highlights On comparing Shakespeare with the inventor of masking tape "I think we absolutely can lump them all together. "... On how Steve Jobs redesigned Pixar studios to maximize collaboration and creativity "The original design for the Pixar studios consisted of three separate buildings, where they'd put the computer scientists in one building, and the animators in a second building and the third building would contain everybody else: the directors, the editors and so on. " ...

Irrelevant Ideas Lead To Breakthroughs At Reebok, the cushioning in a best-selling basketball shoe reflects technology borrowed from intravenous fluid bags. Semiconductor firm Qualcomm’s revolutionary color display technology is rooted in the microstructures of the Morpho butterfly’s wings. And at IDEO, developers designed a leak-proof water bottle using the technology from a shampoo bottle top. These examples show how so-called “peripheral” knowledge — that is, ideas from domains that are seemingly irrelevant to a given task — can influence breakthrough innovation. Haas and Wharton doctoral student Wendy Ham approached that problem by attempting to define the conditions under which peripheral knowledge is likely to influence breakthroughs. Haas and Ham began mulling this question while conducting research at global advertising firm Saatchi & Saatchi — a font of fresh ideas, Haas recalls. Stocks vs. To help break that down, the authors distinguish between what they call “knowledge stocks” and “knowledge flows.”

Métamoteur Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Construction d'un métamoteur Schéma général d'un métamoteur Un métamoteur (ou méta-moteur) ou un méta-chercheur est un moteur de recherche qui puise ses informations à travers plusieurs moteurs de recherche généralistes. Un métamoteur élimine les résultats similaires ; par exemple, si Google et Yahoo! Quelques métamoteurs[modifier | modifier le code] Notes et références[modifier | modifier le code] Portail de l’informatique What Is the Best Website Design Solution For Small Business? Thousands of small business owners across the United States often struggle with deciding how much of an internet presence they should have in order to successfully market services and products. While many of the media talking heads are quick enough to promote internet marketing as the best thing since sliced bread, the fact of the matter is that some businesses don’t need to market online or have an active presence. For many, pursuing avenues of opportunity online is a losing proposition, costing more money than such strategies will generate in income. For these businesses, a basic web presence is more than enough. This presence should take the form of a simple website which provides potential customers with all the information required, including where to contact people at the company for sales questions. There are inevitably those who will advise the business owner to rely upon the services of designers in order to produce a custom website.

How To Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon Wednesday, March 30th, 2011 Buy the book: Amazon | B&N | More… Here’s what a few folks have said about it: “Brilliant and real and true.” Read an excerpt below… Tags: steal like an artist Research--You're Doing It Wrong. How Uncovering The Unconscious Is Key To Creativity Businesses invest billions of dollars annually in market research studies developing and testing new ideas by asking consumers questions they simply can’t answer. Asking consumers what they want, or why they do what they do, is like asking the political affiliation of a tuna fish sandwich. That’s because neuroscience is now telling us that consumers, i.e., humans, make the vast majority of their decisions unconsciously. Steve Jobs didn’t believe in market research. Marketers are living a delusion that the conscious mind, the self-chatter in their heads and the so-called “verbatims” in surveys and focus groups, are the guiding forces of action. Einstein once said: “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. I know this firsthand because I have been “that guy.” I found it not in the research of marketers but in the research of cognitive authorities in evolutionary psychology, neurobiology, and behavioral economics.

Partenariat numérique entre Paris et San Francisco Main dans la main dans le développement économique par l’innovation, c’est l’objectif du rapprochement des écosystèmes numériques des deux villes que vient d’annoncer sur son site la Ville de Paris, par la voix de Jean-Louis Missika, adjoint chargé de l’innovation, de la recherche et des universités. Bertrand Delanoë a signé aujourd’hui avec Ed Lee, maire de San Francisco, une convention de coopération axée sur l’économie numérique et les villes intelligentes (smart cities). Les deux villes vont par exemple coopérer sur la création de solutions comme la gestion du trafic, l’énergie, la mobilité…L’INRIA ( Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Paris) et le CITRIS (Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society, UC Berkeley) ont lancé un programme commun. Réunion avec le maire de San Francisco et les acteurs de la Silicon Valley « Paris et San Francisco, digital sister cities »

Most Creative Resume Designs of All Times - A Creative Blog These days freelancing has become a major source of income for people all over the world. The designers are getting the most out of it due to their creativity and clever thinking. Its an age of competition and due to that reason it is very difficult for new designers to get freelance jobs. Now how your resumes should look like? Popular searches in Creative Blog: creative cvcreative resumescreative resumemost creative resumescreative resumes for interior designerscreative resumes creativebloqmost creative resume designbest cv design 2013most creative resumes 2013most innovative cv Researchers discover how and where imagination occurs in human brains Philosophers and scientists have long puzzled over where human imagination comes from. In other words, what makes humans able to create art, invent tools, think scientifically and perform other incredibly diverse behaviors? The answer, Dartmouth researchers conclude in a new study, lies in a widespread neural network—the brain's "mental workspace"—that consciously manipulates images, symbols, ideas and theories and gives humans the laser-like mental focus needed to solve complex problems and come up with new ideas. Their findings, titled "Network structure and dynamics of the mental workspace," appear the week of Sept. 16 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "Our findings move us closer to understanding how the organization of our brains sets us apart from other species and provides such a rich internal playground for us to think freely and creatively," says lead author Alex Schlegel , a graduate student in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences.

10 talks about the beauty — and difficulty — of being creative Radio host Julie Burstein has found the perfect analogy for creativity—raku pottery. A Japanese art form in which molded clay is heated for 15 minutes and then dropped in sawdust which bursts into flames, what makes this pottery so beautiful is its imperfections and cracks. Burstein interviewed hundred of artists, writers, musicians and filmmakers for her book, Spark: How Creativity Works, and heard many of them describe their process in similar terms — that the best parts of their work came from embracing challenges, misfortunes and the things they simply couldn’t control. In this talk, Burstein identifies four lessons that creative people should embrace: To hear how Burstein learned these lessons from filmmaker Mira Nair, writer Richard Ford, sculptor Richard Serra and photographer Joel Meyerowitz, listen to her wonderful talk. David Kelley: How to build your creative confidenceDavid Kelley of IDEO fully agrees with Elizabeth Gilbert.

The #1 Mistake Entrepreneurs Make Meet WunWun, A Personal Assistant App That's Actually Personal The electronics industry has long been obsessed with usurping the personal assistant, with attempts ranging from Siri back to the Palm Pilot. Generally speaking, most of those efforts have failed to achieve the adoption their creators once hoped for. According to Lee Hnetinka, the 25-year-old founder of a new iPhone app called WunWun, the very idea of replacing the personal assistant using the Internet is wrongheaded. WunWun, which stands for “what you need, when you need it,” does something very different. It gives iPhone users access to a network of live dispatchers and super-local “helpers” that can perform nearly any task imaginable (within legal bounds). “The state of the web right now is search-and-sift,” he tells me. WunWun offers a couple of different things. Once you make your request, a dispatcher assigns it to one of WunWun’s growing ranks of “helpers.” To test that claim, I set up WunWun on my phone. Check out WunWun for yourself here.

JENWZM 4 Steps To Breakthrough Ideas Gentile has since managed the R&D efforts of new technologies for toy products, theme parks, computer input devices, video games, 3-D web graphics technology, and virtual reality systems, along with their related consumer launch and marketing campaigns. These products have generated over $5.2 billion in retail sales. You have likely come across some of his work. If you ever tried the Nintendo Power Glove, rode Disney World’s DisneyQuest (the first immersive virtual reality theme park ride) or watched Cablevision’s VOOM (the first all-HDTV cable channel), you have been a beneficiary of his technical creativity. Beyond these, his boardroom walls are filled with figurines, toys, software boxes, and more of his inventions. So, when I got a chance to sit down with Gentile and pick his brain for a couple of hours, I felt like a young monk climbing the mountain to learn the secret. It started when his wife was pregnant. I’m surely oversimplifying a process that Gentile has honed over decades.

by praveenzamindarpjpenumathsa Jan 12
