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Play Framework - rails

Play Framework - rails

Stripes Introduction This guide is designed to get you up and running with Stripes as quickly as possible. It contains a section on configuring Stripes in a web application, and another on developing your first Stripes application. Requirements Stripes makes significant use of several features in Java 1.5 such as Annotations and Generics. It also relies heavily on several Servlet 2.4/JSP 2.0 features. It is also expected that the reader has some experience with JSP development, and understands that there exists an Expression Language, though not necessarily too much about it. Configuring Stripes Stripes is designed to require as little configuration as possible. <? Next you'll need to drop stripes.jar into your classpath, usually in your /WEB-INF/lib directory. The above libraries are all supplied in the Stripes distribution, and have been tested with Stripes. In addition, it's very helpful to be able to see the logging output of Stripes. My First Stripes Application The JSP The ActionBean Resources

Prism Lift Scalatra spray | HTTP and more for your Akka/Scala Actors Ninja Introduction We successfully developed and maintained applications with different frameworks. For our own businesses and for our customers. To make it clear: All these frameworks are awesome. But for our particular use cases those frameworks often did not feel right for many many reasons. Somewhere in 2012 we took a deep breath and began developing ideas about the web framework of our dreams. Key features we wanted to see After long hours of discussions and a lot of prototypes we came up with the following key features: Web friendly. And because we have many customers that run their applications on the Google App Engine (GAE) we needed to support the GAE, too. Back in 2012 there was not a single Java framework (!)

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Scalatra SBuild The magic-free yet powerful build tool. We are in the process of migrating content to the a new page: Please visit the new page and give feedback! SBuild is a very fast, powerful and flexible build tool. It can be used to build anything you want and does not force any style, but its main target are all Java VM targeted projects. With SBuild as the driving DSL, you have the full power of the Scala programming language to build your projects and artifacts. Features¶ Platform independence Fast and multihreaded Built-in multi project support with automatic cross-project dependency resolving Automatic up-to-date detection and avoidance of unnecessary work Flexible scheme handler mechanism, providing e.g. Download¶ Current version of SBuild is 0.7.1: Current version of SBuild Eclipse Plugin is 0.4.2: Other DownloadsRelease History Documentation¶ Development¶ You want to get part of SBuild development? Welcome! You can use the following resources to collaborate and contribute:
