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Comics in the Classroom: 100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Teachers - 2015's Top Teaching Degrees: Compare Programs by Cost, Location, Size

Comics in the Classroom: 100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Teachers - 2015's Top Teaching Degrees: Compare Programs by Cost, Location, Size
By Kelsey Allen Gone are the days of children sneaking comics past diligent parents and teachers watching out for sub-par literature. The comics of today not only have plenty to offer, they are gaining well-deserved recognition and awards. Take advantage of the natural affinity children have for comics and use them as a powerful teaching tool in your classroom. Understanding Benefits and Usage in the Classroom Understand how comics are beneficial in schools and ways they can be used. Eek! Resources for Using Comics in the Classroom These resources are all valuable sources of information, tools, community, and more to help you use comics in your classroom. Comics in the Classroom. Suggested Comics for the Classroom If you need a little help knowing what comics are both high-quality and age-appropriate, then check out these lists. Graphic Novels for (Really) Young Readers. Tools Whether you or your students will be making comics in the class, check out these tools to help you get creative.

Rubrica Para Evaluar Comics 26 Ways to Use Comics in the Classroom and 5 Free Tools for Creating Comics One of the most popular posts that I've published on Free Technology for Teachers is a list of ten free tools for creating comics online. I wrote that post three years ago. Since then some of the tools have gone offline or started charging users. So I think it's time to share a new list. Here are five free tools for creating comics online. Comic Master is a free tool designed for students to use to create comics in the "graphic novel style" that is popular with a lot of kids in the ten to fourteen years old age range. Make Beliefs is a free comic strip creation tool that provides students with a variety of templates, characters, and prompts for building their own comic strips. Chogger is a free comic strip creation tool that offers a good selection of editing tools. Marvel Kids invites kids to create their own super hero comic strips and comic books. Witty Comics provides a simple platform that students can use to create two character dialogues.

Avatars Teach Teens About Self-Image Eighth graders type furiously on the keyboards in a middle school computer lab. Their spirited online chat is all about appearances: Who looks gross? Who wants a makeover? One day in her class, five health students chatted about how they have manipulated their personal avatars -- online images that represent them -- to appear "more attractive." Girl 1: I made myself taller and thinner. Whiting uses all the digital tools at her disposal -- from movies to instant messaging to virtual environments -- to get students thinking more critically about body image. Instead of blaming the messenger for the daily onslaught of impossibly beautiful images, Whiting uses digital media as her ally for combating stereotypes. A New Conversation Whiting first introduced her students to Teen Second Life two years ago. A growing obsession with beauty challenges the physical, emotional, and economic health of American women of all ages, according to "Beauty at Any Cost," a 2008 report from the YWCA.

Fastest Way to Create Comic Strips and Cartoons - Toondoo What’s the Game? Avatars in the Classroom – TEACH Magazine What’s the Game? : Avatars in the Classroom By Lisa Tran Everyone likes to learn. Not everyone enjoys the classroom experience, however, even the likes of Sir Winston Churchill who once said, “I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.” The type of knowledge one gains from reading a textbook cover to cover is not the same as the knowledge acquired through experience. The success in computer games and simulation worlds, whether educational or entertainment, lies in the player’s level of engagement. A recent study by the PEW Internet and American Life Project, a project of the PEW Research Center, found that 97% of teens aged 12-17 played video games whether computer, web, portable, or console games. Many multimedia learning environments enter Canadian schools daily. A video made using CrazyTalk. Younger students will especially enjoy GoAnimate, a web-based platform that produces animated flash skits with cartoon characters.

Write Comics 8 ideas para usar el cómic en el aula y apps para crearlos en iPad y Android | Recursos TIC para profesores La semana pasada me afrontaba al reto de inventar, junto con mi hijo, una historia en donde él fuera el protagonista e ilustrar el relato con fotografías, enganchando la creación final en un álbum de papel. El proyecto presentaba la oportunidad de dejar volar la imaginación y por supuesto aprovechar algún recurso TIC. Nos decidimos a crear nuestro propio cómic en formato digital. Siempre asociamos el cómic como un medio de comunicación divertido y muy creativo y por tanto puede aprovecharse para que los alumnos de cualquier edad aprendan un tema a través de su explicación en viñetas. La elaboración de un cómic requiere no sólo del conocimiento de la historia que queremos transmitir, sino que además se han de trabajar otras interesantes destrezas: el razonamiento en forma de secuencia, la narrativa gráfica con concatenación de ilustraciones, el dominio de la informática, la comunicación escrita y el diseño artístico. Ideas para uso en el aula 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Comic Life ComicBook

Free tools to create comic strips Creating cartoons and comic strips for educational uses can be quite interesting task. It obviously pushes the reluctant students to participate more and rub the dust off their brains. Students love to work in groups and compete with each other especially when there are motivating incentives for them. One of these incentives is the integration of comic strips into parts of your lesson. Thanks to web 2.0 technologies , educators and teachers will never run short of new innovative ideas. 1- Witty Comics Witty Comics is a cool website. Pixton is a cartoon creation tool that allows its users to create awesome comics. 3- Make Belief Make Beliefs is another awesome comic strip creation tool. 4- Chogger Choggers has a good editing tool that allows users to create their own cartoons out of imported photos. 5- Cartoon for The Classroom Cartoon for the Classroom is a great resource of comic strips for educators and teachers. 6- Anmish Anmish is a fun web application.
