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Bien plus qu'un wiki

Bien plus qu'un wiki

XWiki Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Fonctionnalités[modifier | modifier le code] Les fonctions de base des Wikis sont disponibles : La syntaxe Wiki (utilisant le moteur de rendu XWiki[1])Gestion de contenu (view/edit/preview/save)Gestion des versionsFichiers attachésGestion des droitsRecherche textuelle Fonctions avancées : Voir aussi[modifier | modifier le code] Liens externes[modifier | modifier le code] Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : XWiki, sur Wikimedia Commons Références[modifier | modifier le code] Piggydb - A knowledge creation system Blog en français Aujourd'hui, nous sommes heureux de pouvoir vous présenter cinq des meilleures fonctionnalités développées au cours du cycle 5.x de XWiki. Pour ce dernier, la mission que s'était fixée la communauté Open Source de XWiki était d'améliorer l'usage de XWiki tant pour les nouveaux utilisateurs que pour les utilisateurs réguliers, en travaillant notamment sur l'ergonomie et sur la rapidité d'utilisation. Pour la roadmap 5.X, il a été décidé de faire de XWiki un logiciel plus simple à utiliser (via l'interface utilisateur) et plus rapide du point de vue performance pure, d'où la thématique choisie pour celui-ci : « vitesse et simplicité ». Une composante importante du développement du cycle XWiki 5.x a été d'améliorer l'expérience de recherche. La nouvelle recherche renvoie des résultats beaucoup plus pertinents, et cela plus rapidement. Un deuxième objectif important était de rendre le processus de création de plusieurs wikis le plus simple possible.

Wikis for Everyone - Wikispaces Votre wiki d'entreprise en quelques minutes ! The awarded XWiki Open Source collaboration tool is available in the cloud. XWiki Cloud provides the best way to organize information. Small businesses and teams can use the hosted wiki to work better together at an affordable price. XWiki SAS is a strong believer in the "Open Cloud Manifesto". Therefor you are the owner of your data and may export it from the cloud wiki and use it at any time. Open Source and Cloud Computing Benefits With XWiki's affordable on demand offer, XWiki's features and applications, advanced macros and a customized skin are brought together in a close-knit package tailored for the enterprise use. Easy to Customize and Extend the Cloud Wiki After you create a cloud wiki you can easily customize its look and feel and extend it with macros and applications. The XWiki Cloud wiki comes with a simplified administration, so no special technical skills are required to create your own cloud wiki. Reliable and Secure Solution XWiki Cloud is a reliable solution.

ToraToraWiki Solutions construites par dessus XWiki XWiki gives you direct access to the most powerful professional collaboration features. Using XWiki, you can extend online collaboration in the most flexible way, through both on-demand and on-premise offerings. In addition XWiki allows the creation of online applications for your corporate critical information. Finding the right information at the right time can be a challenge for both your employees and customers. Learn more Collaboration lies at the heart of productivity and innovation. Learn more A documentation tool should provide the quickest and most cost effective way of documenting products or services, while offering a superior experience to the end user.XWiki Open Source allows you to create documentation that meets both your requirements, as well as the users' expectations. Learn more A support team aims to provide internal or external customers with fast and relevant assistance. Learn more Curriki is XWiki's solution for Education. Learn more Learn more Learn more Learn more

FrontPage - PukiWiki-official SAS Brief overview XWiki SAS is an innovative French company created in 2004 by Ludovic Dubost, visionary in the use of wikis. Structured as a Simplified joint-stock (SAS), the company totals 30 employees; it is located in Paris (France) and in Iasi (Romania). The company provides professional solutions that answer all collaboration needs of organizations and services (development, support, training, consulting and hosting). All our solutions are wiki-based, however wikis are not all we do. The domains of activity of the organizations we work for/with are various: education, media, distribution, industry... What we believe in The Open Source XWiki chose to follow an Open Source strategy for all its solutions. Liberty for our clients to take advantage of all the improved features of XWiki. Social responsibility and sustainable development Ethics, sustainable development and social openness are the components of a responsible management. XWiki business model XWiki SAS is a for profit organization.

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