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Entrez dans le monde fantastique d'Oz

Entrez dans le monde fantastique d'Oz

Designers checklist advices — Project by Adrien Heury 10/10Be proud of your work Anton RepponenCreative director • Fantasy interactive • NYC I know so many designers who aren't happy with their work at the end of a project. “It might have been so much cooler,” they say. ein neues Chrome-Experiment Dienstag, 5. Februar 2013 | 18:21 Ihr braucht keine magischen Kräfte, um eine Reise auf dem gelben Ziegelsteinweg zu unternehmen. Besucht einfach mit eurem Lieblingsbrowser unser neuestes Chrome-Experiment: "Der magische Weg nach Oz". Im Vorfeld des neuen Films "Die fantastische Welt von Oz" führt euch das Experiment, das zusammen mit Disney und UNIT9 entwickelt wurde, zunächst durch einen staubigen Zirkus in Kansas und auf die Spuren des Zauberers von Oz in ein pulsierendes Land hinein.

Tutoriel: developper une application facebook en 10 etapes [Ce tutoriel a été écrit par Julian Descottes, contributeur émérite au guide Facebook: On s'y retrouve ! Merci à toi Julian] Comment développer un application facebook en 10 étapes? Find Your Way to Oz Introduction “Find Your Way to Oz” is a new Google Chrome Experiment brought to the web by Disney. It allows you to take an interactive journey through a Kansas circus, which leads you to the land of Oz after you are swept up by a massive storm. Inspirational Quotes / Motivational Quotes / Quotes to live by This site is not suppose to look like this, it's suppose to be a little more fun. You are probably using an old browser like Internet Explorer (Shame on you). Use the latest versions of Firefox, Safari or Chrome instead. If you are using one of those browsers try to reload the page. Inspirational Quote 68 If you don't like how things are, change it!

WebGL WebGL steht für Web Graphics Library (englisch für Web-Grafik-Bibliothek) und ist ein Bestandteil von Webbrowsern, mit dessen Hilfe hardwarebeschleunigte 3D-Grafiken direkt im Browser – ohne zusätzliche Erweiterungen – dargestellt werden können.[1] Hintergrund und Geschichte[Bearbeiten] WebGL ist eine 3D-Grafik-Programmierschnittstelle für Webbrowser, auf der Basis von OpenGL ES (Version 2.0) im Zusammenspiel mit der Programmiersprache JavaScript, die von der Khronos Group und Mozilla als lizenzfreier Standard entwickelt wird. Die Arbeiten an dem Projekt wurden im April 2009 begonnen.[2] Im Mai 2010 wurde bekannt gegeben, dass die Firma Google den Standard ebenfalls unterstützen wird.[3]

Leçon 4: Créer un hook dans prestashop Je vais, dans ce tutoriel, vous expliquer comment créer un nouveau hook au sein de prestashop, ce qui vous permettra de placer vos modules dans des endroits différents que ceux que prestashop propose par défaut. Cette manipulation est plutôt simple et comporte trois étapes : - Insertion d’un nouveau hook dans la base de donnée - Introduction du hook dans le code - Affectation d’un module au nouveau hook 1 / Insertion d’un nouveau hook dans la base de donnée Future Bristol Low Carbon 2050 - Scenario X Travel is still popular, important and necessary, and a variety of options are available for people in the region, including an efficient integrated public transport network. Electric cars and their infrastructure are common. The port and airport are still very active. Read more... A variety of transport modes are in use.

Map your moves Data This map distills more than 4000 moves from over 1700 people, collected in an informal survey by WNYC, a New York based public radio station. For generating the geo–coordinates from the entered ZIP codes, I used the free bulk geocoder at I did not check every single data row in detail, so a few of the moves might be misrepresented. Mapping Chrome Experiments - Arcade Fire The Wilderness Downtown Choreographed windows, interactive flocking, custom rendered maps, real-time compositing, procedural drawing, 3D canvas rendering... this Chrome Experiment has them all. "The Wilderness Downtown" is an interactive interpretation of Arcade Fire's song "We Used To Wait" and was built entirely with the latest open web technologies, including HTML5 video, audio, and canvas. HTML5 Canvas 3D engine renders a flocking bird simulation that reacts to the music and mouse.

Ian James Cox (Above - Mockup of how my first web site looked) May 1999 and the Millennium Bug and Marilyn Manson were on the Daily Mail radar of fear, but for me more pressing concerns were whether The Rock would defeat Triple H at the WWF’s Backlash pay-per-view event. It was also approaching the end of the school year and exams were looming. It’s a time I should have spent stocking up on highlighter pens and notepads, but there was something else taking up my time. A new phenomena was giving young people an outlet for expressing themselves; the Internet. Graphical user interface User interface and interaction design[edit] The graphical user interface is presented (displayed) on the computer screen. It is the result of processed user input and usually the primary interface for human-machine interaction. The touch user interfaces popular on small mobile devices are an overlay of the visual output to the visual input. Designing the visual composition and temporal behavior of a GUI is an important part of software application programming in the area of human-computer interaction.

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