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10 tendances technologiques pour les 5 prochaines années en éducation Le Rapport Horizon NMC 2013 a été publié au printemps dernier par le New Media Consortium (NMC) aux États-Unis. Il met en évidence 10 technologies émergentes qui auront un impact sur ​​l’éducation au cours des cinq prochaines années. Dans l’édition K-12 (préscolaire, primaire et secondaire), les 6 tendances identifiées sont : l’infonuagique, l’apprentissage mobile, l’analyse de données pour personnaliser l’apprentissage, le contenu ouvert, l’impression 3D et les laboratoires virtuels à distance. L’édition s’intéressant plus particulièrement à l’enseignement supérieur reprend ces 6 et en ajoute 4, soit les tablettes, les MOOCs, la ludification et la technologie qu’on peut porter ! Alors que certaines tendances sont déjà implantées ou bien sont en bonne voie de l’être, d’autres sont prévues pour un horizon de quelques années. Sauriez-vous prédire quelle tendance arrivera plus vite que les autres, selon le Rapport Horizon NMC ? 1- Le cloud computing (infonuagique) 2- L’apprentissage mobile

Rapid Manufacture - 3D Printed Interior Design & Art In these modern times, to stand out from the crowd requires something special, something unique, and something no one else has. Traditional manufacturing techniques do not allow the creation of wild, out-of-this world ideas that today's designer visualise. Utilising the latest technologies, we are able to print a 3D design that matches those once impossible ideas: 3D Printed Lamp Shades 3D Printed Vases & Flower Pots 3D Printed Sculptures 3D Printed Furniture By combining a range of differnet materials, we can produce a product to match your dreams. Whether you need design consultancy or just a final product print, contact us to find out more.

Catalyst Bid L'innovation pédagogique en 10 points Depuis 2012, l'Open University britannique publie à l'automne un rapport sur les plus fortes tendances de l'innovation pédagogique repérées au cours de l'année. La publication est fort attendue, compte-tenu de l'autorité dont jouit l'Open U dans le domaine des technologies pour l'enseignement et l'apprentissage, et de son rôle dans de nombreux projets liés aux sciences de l'éducation. Le rapport dans sa version la plus récente consacre dix tendances et dispositifs éducatifs / d'apprentissage, à l'impact potentiel plus ou moins fort, à brève ou moyenne échéance. Les dix innovations pédagogiques de l'année 2013 1- Les MOOCs. 2- Les badges. 3- Les données d'apprentissage (Learning analytics). 4- L'apprentissage unifié (Seamless learning). 5- L'apprentissage par la foule (Crowd learning). 6- L'activité académique numérique (Digital scholarship). Les quatre tendances suivantes juissent d'un potentiel "disruptif" moins fort, ou à plus long terme : 8- Apprendre du jeu (Learning from gaming).

Transforming learning spaces with SMART’s interactive displays Innovative, technology-rich classrooms with multiple interactive displays are creating expanded opportunities for student collaboration and learning. We spoke with Dr. Elizabeth Charles, a faculty member at Dawson College and educational researcher associated with the consortium Supporting Active Learning and Technological Innovation in Science Education (SALTISE) and Chris Whittaker, Physics Professor and the Program Coordinator of The Science Program at Dawson College in Montreal Quebec, to learn more about how the implementation of multiple, student dedicated interactive displays is changing the way that they teach, increasing student engagement and improving learning outcomes. Students at Dawson College are collaborating in exciting and enriching ways in a n ew technology-rich classroom designed for student-centered engagement and collaborative learning. “The development of the technology-rich classroom was based on research in the field of the Learning Sciences.

13-1173-maturing-of-the-mooc.pdf Les meilleures pratiques de l'éducation 2.0 30 Photoshop secrets to improve your skills | Photoshop If you've decided to give your best pencils a little rest and jump into digital art, you'll more than likely need some photo editing software. Part of Adobe's Creative Cloud suite, Photoshop is used by thousands of designers worldwide on a daily basis. 5 best laptops for Photoshop It's such a flexible bit of kit that you could spend a week learning new features, doing Photoshop tutorials and experimenting with Photoshop brushes and still have only scratched the surface of what's possible. Once you've overcome the beginners' learning curve, however, there are some real gems hidden inside Photoshop that can help you speed up your work and get more out for less effort. 01. In the top right hand corner of every panel is a little icon that reveals a fly-out menu, giving additional options that you might not have seen before. 02. Paste in Place is one of those functions that you'll use all the time if you know about it, but if you don’t it will come as a revelation! 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09.

30 Truly Amazing Photo Effect Tutorials with Photoshop Adobe Photoshop have always been one of the most popular and versatile photo editing and graphics creation software of all time. Whether you are an amateur or a professional designer, Adobe Photoshop have always got the right tools for you to bring your imagination into existence. In this article, we are presenting some of the best photo effect tutorials in Photoshop which can be help you create some amazing effects and take your old, dull and flat photographs to a whole new level. These can also help you learn Photoshop in an intuitive and interesting way and slowly turn you into a better designer too. So it’s time for you to try out some of our incredible finds and fire up Photoshop. Add Reflections to Sunglasses in Photoshop Read the Tutorial Achieve Brilliant Lighting Effects in Photoshop Read the Tutorial Bourne Ultimatum Color and Motion Blur Effect Read the Tutorial Create a Beautiful and Dramatic Scene with Photo Manipulations Read the Tutorial Read the Tutorial Read the Tutorial

30 awesome tutorials for Photoshop Below given are 30 awesome Photoshop tutorials that will definitely help you to master your knowledge and skill for any of your photo editing task, graphics design, 3D modeling, animation or any illustration work. Get through these tutorials and be skilled! 1. The Blur Gallery tutorial teaches you the photo-realistic depth of field adjustments via an interface which allows you to place and manipulate controls directly on the image area. 2. James Paterson shows how to get to grips with one of the most powerful tools in your creative arsenal — the Brush tool. 3. This video tutorial introduces the Custom Shape Tool and teaches how to use various settings such as Fill, Stroke and more. 4. This video tutorial introduces the Color Replacement Tool, which lets you paint roughly over an area of an image. 5. This Photoshop video tutorial introduces the Burn tool. 6. Learn how to use CS5’s built-in filter effects to add a feeling of movement and power to your images in this tutorial. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Photoshop Tutorials ::
