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The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot as hypertext

The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot as hypertext

Generation of '27 The Generation of '27 (Spanish: Generación del 27) was an influential group of poets that arose in Spanish literary circles between 1923 and 1927, essentially out of a shared desire to experience and work with avant-garde forms of art and poetry. Their first formal meeting took place in Seville in 1927 to mark the 300th anniversary of the death of the baroque poet Luis de Góngora. Writers and intellectuals celebrated an homage in the Ateneo de Sevilla, which retrospectively became the foundational act of the movement. Terminology[edit] The name of "generation" has been discussed. Aesthetic style[edit] The Generation of '27 cannot be neatly categorized stylistically, due to the wide variety of genres and styles cultivated by its members. Members[edit] Finally, not all literary works were written in Spanish: Salvador Dalí and Óscar Domínguez also wrote in French. The Tendencies of '27[edit] The Spanish Civil War and its aftermaths[edit] List of members[edit] See also[edit] External links[edit]

The Algernon Charles Swinburne Project “For the matter of it—I consent to much—I regret much—I blame or reject nothing. I should as soon think of finding fault with you as with a thundercloud or a nightshade blossom. All I can say of you or them—is that God made you, and that you are very wonderful and beautiful.” —John Ruskin, from a letter to Swinburne, commenting on the poet’s Poems and Ballads. The Swinburne Project is a digital collection and scholarly project devoted to the life and work of Victorian poet Algernon Charles Swinburne and to digital encounters with Swinburne's works and related documents and information resources. News New Edition of The Algernon Charles Swinburne Project In March, 2012 a major new edition of The Algernon Charles Swinburne Project was published online. All six volumes of the collected Poems (London: Chatto and Windus, 1904). Supported Browsers The Swinburne Project uses current Web standards and technologies and requires a recent browser.
