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Frenzy Deel Google Reader artikelen met Friendfeed en LinkedIn | ANP - Een nieuwe mogelijkheid in Google Reader is om artikelen te delen met sociale netwerken. Wij geven je twee extra links om te delen die Google Reader nog niet heeft toegevoegd. Foto: Lifehacking Het ontwikkelteam van Google Reader heeft vannacht een aantal nieuwe features in hun product geïntroduceerd. Dat klinkt hetzelfde, maar toch is er een subtiel verschil. Simpel Feedreaders waren in den beginne eigenlijk hele simpele programma's: Ze pakten periodiek alle informatie uit een RSS-feed en laten deze op een standaard manier zien. Ook de feedreaders gaan mee met de ontwikkelingen op het Web en de meeste kregen ook de mogelijkheid om interessante artikelen zelf weer te delen met anderen. Makkelijker Het delen van artikelen wordt nu ineens een stuk makkelijker. Vul de volgende gegevens in: Name: LinkedIn URL: Icon URL: Voor Friendfeed vul je in Name: Friendfeed URL: Leesgedrag

You Publish Posting Delicious to Blogger via Feedburner Delicious has an experimental service that allows you to enter information about your blog, and have Delicious post a summary of your latest bookmarks to your blog. Assuming you are a Delicious member (free) you can get to the Blog Posting Interface via this URL: In the interface, the “out_url” section is where you put the so-called “XML-RPC” URL for your blog software. For Blogger, the XML-RPC URL is: You can get your Blogger ID by going to the Blogger web interface, making a new post, and hovering your mouse over the “Edit Posts” link. Posting Delicious to Blogger via Feedburner Here’s how to do it: Enter your Delicious RSS feed into Feedburner. Republish as a Feedburner feed, and adjust in Feedburner as you like, including publishing the feed via email on the Publicize tab. Subscribe to your Feedburner feed for your Delicious using your special post-to-Blogger email address.

Tumblr Socialstream Socialstream is the result of a Google-sponsored capstone project in the Master's program at Carnegie Mellon University's Human-Computer Interaction Institute. This project was guided by three goals that built upon each other: Initial Task: Rethink and reinvent online social networking Refined Focus: Discover the user needs related to social networking and explore how a unified social network service can enhance their experience. Prototype Goal: Create a system for users to seamlessly share, view, and respond to many types of social content across multiple networks. Directed to help improve the online community orkut, the project's scope was not to simply redesign the interface. Socialstream is our response to these needs; it is the result of a rigorous user-centered design process that involved formal research and evaluation with over 30 participants. To explore our final prototype, please visit the solution section. Continue to the Process Section Homepage - Inbox2 Manage my site We're sorry. Something is wrong. Please bear with us while we send the intern through the Jefferies tube.
