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Welcome to the HiSoftware Cynthia Says Portal danah boyd Blether - web standards, accessibility, e-government & more Lisa’s Not that long ago, there were exciting new things to try in ed tech. It was easy to get enthusiastic about not only new products but the way the web was going, and to encourage faculty to jump in. But in the last few years, the web has gone stagnant. Certain models of development, and certain tools, have become dominant, and online teaching has become far less excitiing. 1. Education is seen as a market. Education, as Apple has known since 1981, is a market. 2. A couple of years ago, I got a note from an irate blogger because I was using her education blog to try out a feed aggregation plugin for WordPress. We have pulled people away from the idea of creating their own web spaces, because it’s so much more convenient to just use Facebook or Google. 3. When faculty were afraid to work with web 2.0 tools, we used to talk about the possible creativity. 4. This is true pedagogically and technologically. And the tools themselves just perpetuate the same ways of doing things. 5. 6. 7.

Create a New Site in Adobe GoLive GoLive does much more than just edit HTML files for you. You can use it to manage your entire Web site. But in order to do so, you need to create a new site in Adobe. Difficulty: Easy Time Required: 10 minutes Here's How: Open GoLive and click File > New Site. What You Need GoLive Dave's Educational Blog
